Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Weekends Fun & Hello Dec :)

This is a random post but i just want to talk about my unbelievable weekends.
Okay, it wasn't nothing much but it was probably one of the weekends that i had really much fun & spent really a lot of time together with my family :)

Sidetrack: nicholas birthday was last sat and when i wished him happy birthday, but that stupid idiot first sentence was 'bet you forgotten' & i was like omg, rude kid but oh well, it was nothing much because it was just a simple happy birthday well wishes so nothing much :) it was a good and very simple birthday wish.
I spent a good whole two days shopping and went to a few malls because everyone except me are still lacking for clothes and stuffs for our aussie trip.
Sat, went out to vivo because papa still haven't found his shoes. We could't find any so we called it a day and we decided to go for round 2 of shopping in the night. I rushed off to restrung but i met up early with hidayah and we spent some time loitering at tamp mall. Then, we went to school for the concert but we reached early & so we went to look around a bit. Weiran came and i spent most of the concert time talking and laughing with her lmao. We didn't watch much but it was alright, i had a good bonding time with her :') because i haven't been seeing her a lot so yes :)
And omg, sufenia came to watch restrung too & she didn't tell me because she completely forgotten that i was from tpjc oh lord. But, it was okay because we took a photo during the concert halfway because i was rushing and mama was calling me smh sigh... And i took photos with weiran and zhonghng
**zhonghng asked for a photo guys!! he initiated the photo!! ^00^ and we took it omg, and yes he did a dedication for me too omg !!
And i genuinely spent more time walking in and out, talking to people than watching the performance.
BUTTTTT, i saw jessa and jayce & yes, they are BEYOND AMAZING OMGGGGGG
like jayce harmonising was so so peaceful and jessa is just a singing machine herself and when she lead the christmas medley and when she did her high note, it was just ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
It was so good and yes, they are just great and amazingly great :)
And then, i rushed to suntec to meet mama and papa and we had dinner at 8plus because we spent a good period of time at esprit buying clothes for mama and bro & yes, mama called me especially because i told her that i am looking for shorts and i really need a few now omg. And then we had dumplings and noodles because me was craving for it so much omg.
^ btw friends, i cabbed to suntec from tpjc and it was a good 20 bucks omg....... & yes, i was carrying 3 pairs of shoes because, hidayah brought her shoes for me for prom, cheryl returned me my court shoes and i was wearing one. i was also changing my shoes during the concert & i was texting people, and basically not watching the concert
Oh, and they sang you raised me up which has become a very special song and a song that has a special meaning and keep in a special place already :) it was a very heartwarming song and it was also very well presented so yeap :')

AND YES HIGHLIGHT FRIENDS, my face was on tpjc net and i genuinely questioned why. And i still have beloved friends, eg weiran and chuken. And so i clicked their face 10 times each and yes, i send them up on the tpjc net. And when that happened, exco went viral and went clicking on everyone's face and by the time, other than me and shuihan, all 8 excos made it up on tpjc net. I have no idea why they were doing and this whole thing actually started because of me oops. But hey they have to thank me, they had fun and they are popular now :)
I am going to take credit for that ^
And okay friends, i am going to admit and acknowledge that yes, i am popular in school. i was just outside talking to weiran and zhonghng, when izza just came up to me and ask me for help to take a photo when it was the very first sentence we ever had. oh well, people do know and recognise me in school and this is rather scary becasue i genuinely believe i didn't do anything oh well, my face appeared every morning during assembly, which i believe is more than enough already.
^ very vain but yes, lets admit about it

Moving on friends,
Sun: round 3 of shopping and we went to the city hall area, from raffles place, to capitol plazza, and pennisular plaza and shopping center & papa brought his shoes and clothes so he was very very relieved already. Mama also brought her dream and childhood shoes, dr martens, something that she wanted since young, and it was her dream and when she was able to finally have her dreams, she was genuinely happy, like so so happy :)
We spent a lot of time together as one family and we almost bought the yellow boots, the classic and iconic pair of timberland but urgh, they say it is not practical so no :(
But it was really a very good day together and i loved how we just hang out and enjoy each other company so so much :)
It was just a very heartwarming day because not only we wanted to get, what i think most important was it has honestly been a while we spent the entire day together, without any worries.
And spending more time like this kind of reminds me of my childhood, when life wasn't as busy and much easier, i still remembered how when i was young, we will go out the entire day too, during the weekends and just spent so much time together. we will eat, walk around, eat, talk and goes on and on about the things we want and we like. Mama will go against my kind of clothes, papa will be tired of walking the whole day, nodding and shaking his head to show his approval and disapproval, and bro just sit down or walk around and be in his own world the whole time (:
Back then, life wasn't so good because we are not as financial stable as now, but i genuinely treasure the times when we are able to go out together and shop and walk around the entire day.
I am thankful for aussie, because we are brought together once again
Counting down to aussie: exactly 10 more days left & i really can't wait anymore. i am finally able to enjoy something that i have been looking forward to since the start of the year :)
It is really here, and really close.

'Anticipation, that is what keeps me excited about tomorrow'


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