Monday, December 7, 2015

Fun, fun, fun & Urgh...

Good morning. Last week was a drama week, so many ups and downs omg.. Everything started out alright, and i reached my peak and all great things come to an end, all the disasters will come by too...

Mon: nothing special & i think i was just at home the whole day doing work and being excited over prom :)

Tues: more econs homework for the day & counting down to prom oh yay :-))

Wed: D-DAY PROM (read everything below for that unbelievable magical night) & i posted a candid photo of me during prom and that photo hit a new record for my highest likes... currently standing 202 likes now,, how even... (day 1 of alan texting me)

Thurs: because delphine tan cancelled her lesson the previous day, we only had one lesson & i was so thankful but i have no idea what was i thinking when i decided to wake up & attend lessons. Legs were still sore and i couldn't sleep becasue i was rolling on my bed, giggling and laughing non-stop. 
(day 2 of alan texting me)

Fri: early in the morning, diana threw a bomb in my face by telling me that my family colour is red and the name is zest. I just woke up and immediately when i saw that message, i rubbed my eyes so many times just to ensure i was looking at the right thing. Purple was given to family 5 and i was this close to fainting. I called chuken immediately and we got into the persuasion plan so efficiently and so effectively. We planned what we wanted to say and wrote a super long reasoning paragraph & urgh, that woman bluetick and i called her afterwards. Amidst of my panic mood and super frantic self, alan finally gave up and he commented on my ig photo and asked me to check insta direct lmao hahah. And when i finally saw, i then realised that he texted me for two days and i just didn't see it. We talked a bit and some of the stuff he said scare me so much that i threw my phone. Everytime, i prepared my heart for something unbelievable again, he will raised the bar again somewhere higher and allow me to fall even higher.... So while talking to him, i skyped chuken and PATIENTLY awaits diana replies. And when i called her, we finally explained the situation to her and OH MY GOD YES YES YES WE DID IT 
She approved of my family getting purple & 75% confirmed of Prometheus!!! I texted her again the next day to confirm for Prometheus and yes, she said okay; i immediately texted the family group and got everyone so excited about it woohoo !!!
And now, i present you FAMILY 2:
^ we lied a little for purple but that's okay because she didn't bother reading the rationale, what even urgh.

Sat: family day out and searching for essentials for aussie continues & evening, met up with Ming for dinner as she talked all about her great day6 concert. IT was a good meetup over food and yes i told her about alan too lmao. I showed her the convo and all her comments about alan were so relevant and funny and i couldn't stop laughing... guys, she said that in terms of first impression, alan > kaihon.. and urgh, in terms of height, alan > kaihon but i met kaihon first omg.. 
but omg, why did alan even see in me, i want to question that even more....
chuken called this the 'love triangle at first sight'........
^ such great friend i have here right :-)
Alan texted me again and this time, more questions came in and how can he even be so efficient with his replies omg.. i couldn't even finish answering him the front, and he started excitedly replying me again oh dear lord. And sigh, alan sounded really polite and courteous in the texts, to the point that i feel bad if i chose not to reply omg ): and yes friends, anyone could sense that he wanted to keep and sustain this convo from going on and he is so afraid that he might just say something wrong and everything come to a complete crash and stop. He was being really really careful with his words and chuken say he is testing the water to find the line that he can't cross.. quite true enough and yes, he said some things and when he think it's too much or inappropriate, he will step back and apologised. chuken said that there is genuinity and so we are keeping the convo continuing!! But, alan need to know that the convo won't happen unless he decide to ask me questions becasue i won't suddenly ask him anything or just start the convo like that oops...
Ming was so adorable btw!! It was a good catch up & when the both of us looked at each other when we were slurping the udon, we just laughed at each other and yes, it was at that moment that i know i truly enjoy her company a lot a lot :) 
I passed her the present too, what a last minute present omg... We went to milk & honey afterwards and other than the overflow of honey, everything was nice and sweet about it and it was good closure to the night :)

Sun: another family day out but this time, before we even have the chance to step out of the car, mama broke down from quarreling with papa and we spent a good whole 45mins-1hour in the car just waiting for mama to calm down. We didn't do much and we only ate some food because i dragged them all to the food hall and after eating, we all went home.. It was a super bad day and i was annoyed and vexed over it & nothing worked out though omg... I think mama came home for round 2 but idk because she refused to show it to us sigh... 
All in all, it was just plain urgh urgh urgh.... And most importantly, we are flying to aussie soon omg.. How are we able to enjoy the holiday like that omg....
Coutdown: 3 more days, 3 MORE DAYS and we still have such drama at home, idk man idk anything anymore 

'Cannot wait for everything to be over and i can finally see the rainbow again after all that downpour'


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