Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Right Here, Right Now

Officially left with few hours left, I think i am die from all the excitement that is building up in me but yes, after all the torturous and really really painstaking wait and counting down, everything is finally here. Everything is finally right here, in my face..
It is still so hard to believe it omg, like all the crying, all the anguish, all the ranting and spazzing, and omg, wait i feel like i going to start crying or giggling or start rolling on the damn bed hahahah.
I couldn't even sleep last night because i have all the excitements and crazy thoughts in me...
Packing is 95% done & i got more or less all my stuff down... Cold war is still going on, today day 2 already... And we are flying tmr morning alre.....
^ this is way to annoying urgh, quote from chuken, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER DAMN HUMANS
But anyway, moving on
Won't be blogging or up here for a week plus, considering i cannot update much too...
So i will just talk about these 3 days :)

Mon: meetup with weiran and collected my stuff plus final catchup with her before my flight. It was rather nice because i missed that bitch when she was in taiwan & it was really nice and fun to watch her embarrassing act and allow myself to enjoy her company and just be around together :)
Updated her about nalaaaaaan & also my life and i tried blackball for the first time in life. Yes, it is time for a return trip woohoo :) Little Einstein the whole time and she got really excited with the song and started singing non-stop hahah.
Goodbye weiran, see you in one week plus and look forward to your birthday present ;)
Update of nalaaaaan: he texted me again and he started telling me about his current location and his internship. He is currently at tekong?? i mean the photo show he was at a bed bunk, rather similar to what i have seen on ah boys to men and he also showed me his identity card so yeap, and the stuff that he mentioned me was about mindef and internship and scholarship stuff too... sigh, this is moving way towards zhengwei and my convo. Sigh, i can't really remb have i ever mentioned i geniuely hate anyone that talks to me regarding academics now sigh..... Like i am not saying it is a bad topic ofr convo considering our status now, but i think whenever someone talked to me about me and my studies and future i will be like errr... can we talk about something else instead omg... And obviously i can't say that to nalaaaaan yet duh.... I mean yes maybe he was just trying to find a convo to start or he is just considerate about me or whatever but sigh..... anything like anything elso omg.. so sick and tired about studies convo alre and i mean we can talk about every other thing lmao......

Tues: ordinary day and i was spent studying but as usual, didn't study much too but that is okay, going to continue more later (will do my best) and nothing much too...
But these few days, i was catching up on my drama and i am finishing catching up already so idk?? Is it a good job?? But i feel so good because i genuinely like reply 1988 and i think it is really a nice drama and i think it is better than reply 1994, but i will review again when the drama ended and compare it to reply 1997 :)
Update about nalaaaan: i couldn't take it any longer and i couldn't hold it anymore so i texted claudia and she directed me to zac, and zac shared with me the registration list and when he asked me why, i just said i needed to check something so yeap, i freaked out la wth. So when i opened the doc, i don't even need to look anywhere further nor i need to make the effort to search because his name was right smack on the second row, right smack on my face so yeah
I felt all my blood drained because i was circulating the whole time kaihon table, circulating that area which happens to be nalaaaaan table too.... nalaaaaaaannn and kaihon tables were just diagonally beside each other so yeap, when i was staring at one individual, another individual was probably looking at me the whole night smh.....

Wed: stayed home the whole day to do final cleanup and packing for the trip. Was running up and down the house the whole time and was also rather panicky because of family meeting too.. Mama grounded me somemore plus i know, she will desperately need me a lot so yeap, i didn't attend family meeting but i put chuken in charge and yeap, they are doing family cheer and banner design!! chuken told me everything is alright and he will help me write the proposal !! so yeap thanks so much my dear!!
Packing is done and yes, we are so so so close to be on the plane alre!!
Okay!! I want to continue my drama and my homework already :)
I cannot believe it, yes i cannot.
Will be back on the 18dec, so wait for me by then!

'dreams do come true, just have faith'


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