Wednesday, December 16, 2015

day 7

DAY 7:
Woke up extra early this morning because we are finally attending the most important event of this trip; Graduation Ceremony.
Woke up around 6plus and got ready to travel to our destination. Traffic jam and ten thousands traffic lights omg and took even longer than we expected to reach. Thankful we reached on time. Aunt went to retrieve her gown and we took photos. Papa bought her a flower and uncle bought her a teddy bear too.

We didn't attend the ceremony because there were limited seats so we ended up to go around and find food instead. Ended up at a cafe named 57. Ordered another table worth of food and everything was so good especially my Belgium waffle omg
The waffle was so soft and chewy, the berries were warmed and sweet, and the sauce & jam were perfectly matched with the waffle sigh.
After the meal, we went for supermarket round 4 and bought some simple snacks, like honeycomb ice-cream. It was nice but too sweet and i am way too full already. We loitered outside the supermarket before returning back. At that point, i swear we looked at homeless people omg i cannot hahahah.

After a while, we finally decide to return back but lmao, we all fell asleep during the trip back so we ended up sleeping on the car instead of going down to meetup with the rest lmao hahahah
And the little ones were being really noisy at the back so we said to play the game called, sitting down quietly and don't move & close your eyes lmao. It was so funny and we actually got them to listen to us and well... it only lasted for a good 30seconds only so nothing works i guess??

Finally, when everything is over, they were famished and wanted lunch, but the people that went for meal were so full to the point that we all wanted to puke lmao.
We went back to the city area and went to emporium for shopping and lunch. Lunch was a simple meal and we walked around the mall and i didn't get to buy anything because there was nothing that suits me and everything was too ex omg rn. Then, later they had a dispute over the card case that grandpa wants and finally we got it settled & we went back to the korean shop that they were talking about for a round 2 of looking through and it all ended up with mama buying coats instead.
A bit of pity i didn't get to buy any clothes though this trip ):

When shopping was done, it was already 8 but we completely forgotten because the sun ain't setting yet so we also didn't realised the time as well oh wells...
And we actually planned for a simple meal nearby our living area but we happened to drive past queen victoria market again, and OMG THEY WERE HAVING THEIR NIGHT MARKET
We were so lucky omg because the night market only happened every week once, on the wednesdays as well. We then decided to stop down from here and spent the night here as well.
The amount of shops selling both edible and non-edible goods omg. We got our dinner settled and we also bought more souvenirs too. Food was generally alright but everything is still pricey af oh god
We only ended our today at 10plus today and finally concluded the day :)

Tmr will be another exciting day because we will be floating midair on a train and i think the schedule will be slightly better also :)
Quite excited about the train tmr teehee :3

'blessing in disguise, everything happened at the most unexpected corner, just don't lose hope'


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