Sunday, December 13, 2015

day 3

DAY 3:
Woke up rather late today, compared to the day before and only set off around 10plus am in the day. Slept super late but thank god we didn't have to wake up so early omg.
Today, we went to the Queen Victoria Market, and we had our brunch today & took a good sightseeing around the market. We somewhat completed the market & i bought some food and clothes as well for souvenirs. Our brunch was rather alright but i am still having issues adapting to their super big portions and i genuinely feel it is too much for the body, especially for someone early in the day & first meal & someone who doesn't eat breakfast. But the apple juice is really fresh and nice and really original, considering it is pure 100% fresh fruit juices teehee :)
We walked from the seafood section, to the poultry and protein areas, and then towards the fruits and vegetables, and to the souvenirs areas, and to the pastries, confectioneries, cheese and dried products areas and then finally back to the seafood and proteins areas because afterwards in the noon, the owners wanna clear all their stocks and so they will start shouting the prices and reduce much much more than the normal ones. Papa wanna join in the fun lmao. We spent a good 2-3 hours at the market, and we only left the place around 2plus.
Here at aussie, due to the damn exchange rate of 1:1, everything is as pricey as everything else in sg and everything we buy we still need to consider a bit and we can't really afford buying many many things as once omg ):
A bit disappointed at the fruit and vegetables because they are not as fresh and pretty as thought, and there were many rotten and spoiled ones mixed together with the decent ones. I bought a box of blueberries and yes, it is sweet as hell because tingkai is a crazy friend i have that keep on telling me what is good and what do i have to do at melbourne hahah.

Market trip ended and we went on to the shopping streets of melbourne, something similar to the orchard road in sg. All damn shops lined beside one another, people walking up and down, buskers around, trams drove past the people and along the tracklines as well. Everything is together in one area. It was so crowded and so much life in one place. But i can't buy much because what kind of a sale when everything is priced at 50 bucks i don't even understand smh i cannot....
And i think before we went on to the shopping streets, we went to the state of library too!! AND YES THE RUNNINGMAN FILMING SITE HAHAH
Everything is so on point so pretty so unreal. The design of the building is so unqiue and structured and detailed. Each and every piece of furniture is wooden, which gives off the antic and rustic feel. The quietness and the silence created in the library is peaceful and comfortable. It was the dream library and literally a library goal. I love each and every piece of the library and i love how i am able to step into the filming site of runningman too which makes the trip to the library extra wonderful teehee :)

After the library and mini shopping trip, we went for dinner at a burger place. Took the tram down and we went to the restaurant. Ordered 3 burgers and 1 waffle stack in total. The burger is so good and so is the waffle stack. Waffle stack cannot be eaten as one because the super thick cream and sauce omg i can't even describe. But when shared, yes i assure you, it is so good hahahah. Burgers were on point, beef is juicy and sweet, combinations of the sauce and the vegetables were excellent hahahah.
After dinner, we went to the Parliament house down the street and at there, we are legit useless tourists because we tried taking photos, being try-hard vogue models, crazy shots and just being really a bunch of embarrassment. I was jumping up and down, shouting at the top of my voice and doing everything that throw all my faces away HAHAHAH
^ such embarrassment outside the Parliament house, we are definitely not normal oops

But we finally realized we are being way too much of a nuisance, we took the tram and continued down the journey to St.Kilda Beach. At there, we arrived early so we went to the Luna Park and took a scenic railway. Please, what scenic please, the rollar coaster was going up and down so fast and so steep and i can't even see what was in front of me and i was threw up and down, screaming my lungs out already please. But it was so so fun and exciting and thrilling hahah.
Btw friends, going to Luna Park and the ride ain't part of the trip AT ALL. it was just a sudden rush of excitement and craziness got into us and we decide to get into the ride.
Then after the ride, we walked along the beach to watch the sunset. As usual, step photos everywhere and we walked to the long jetty walkway and halfway through the journey, we were stopped and caught on by seagulls and we started feeding them with biscuits that we took from the plane. It was so entertaining watching them flocking really close to you becasue they want the food so much omg. They were flying really really close to us and it was honestly less than 50cm away from us. THEY WERE JUST RIGHT ABOVE OUR HEADS OMG. And the feeding session was the funniest because we were trolling the seagulls, by giving, not giving, giving, not giving, and then you watch the seagulls coming, going away, coming, going away. It was so entertaining watching them but me freak out so much becasue their faces literally enlarged so much in my face i can't hahahah.
We took many many sunset photos and we went to the end of the long walkway to wait for the return of penguins but we got tired of waiting so we gave up eventually.
On the way back, i slept through all the rides and was so tired from the entire day and i cannot wait to get onto my bed right now.

Third day today and my relatives are coming in tmr morning. Things are honestly going to get much much more chaotic. Many people = ten thousands more opinions. I am just hoping the trip will end on a nice note and everyone will be so happy after the trip :)
So happy for today becasue my family is really a family that we prefer going our own ways and packaged tour doesn't suit us especially when i have a dad that is way too adventurous smh.
This holiday is so everywhere and anywhere and i genuinely love how things are just going by, following our mood and such. It is so relaxing, and so comfortable. And yes, i call this A HOLIDAY PLEASE OMG
teehee :3

'follow the heart, it knows the best'

brunch today 

Queen Victoria Market

The KSA Burger

McDowell Burger 

Giant Waffle Stack 

Luna Park
Sunset at St.Kilda Beach 

Parliament House 


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