Tuesday, December 15, 2015

day 6

DAY 6:
Today, i woke up later than expected but was still earlier than most of the people lmao. Got ready but because some stupid things happened, was feeling slightly annoyed and sian oh well.. Actually today the entire day, i was generally sian and have no mood or do not feel excited for most of the things today. There are many things that happened that caused me to be this way but sigh oh well.
Thankful today is short and we are already back home and now is already 9plus.

First stop:
Cherryhill Orchards
Drove all the ways to the suburbs today and further down to the Yarra Valley. It was about 1hour plus ride. And we picked cherries, ate cherries and experiencing farmer life. Rather sunny today and the cherries were big and juicy. Some were sweet while some were sour. We picked 1.5kg in the end and ate cherry ice cream too.

Second stop:
Stop halfway for a simple meal, and we ate at deli and cafe. Food was good and everything was in super big portions again teehee. Was so happy because we are finally visiting a cafe in aussie because that was what i wanted to do the whole time here at aussie omg yay :)

Third stop:
Winery was next and we saw some of the manufacturing processes and tasted some of the wines as well. Saw a hot angmoh there and omg he can speak chinese and he is really handsome omg teehee
The place was another really pretty place for all damn step photos and enjoy the fresh air and relax the mind :)

Fourth stop:
Went once more to St.Kilda because they wanted a round two of feeding the seagulls and this time, we bought one whole big pack of bread and drove 2hours plus back to the city. It was fun because you get to throw up high and watch the seagulls catching the food in one catch and you just have this sense of achievement because it was a good aim and great catch :)

Last stop:
Stop by another supermarket and i finally cleared the list of people and food that i need to give and buy oh yes friends !!
Look forward to all your presents because i specially hand picked for all of you omg yay

Tonight, we had enough of the outside food and we decided to cook our own dinner, all the way here at aussie teehee
Menu is really good and i cannot wait for the meal later :)

Tmr is my aunt graduation ceremony, is the finally the main purpose why we are all the way here at melbourne lmao. Everyone forgotten about the main objective already hahahah
Tonight will need to sleep early because tmr will be really another extra early day.
Goodnight all.

'i want to be where i want to be the most, free from all the negativity'


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