Thursday, December 3, 2015

Magical Night ; A Night to Remember

It was one amazing & magical night. I thought i might not survive through that night & i might die halfway but that is okay because i was able to see delphine annoying face & have the second fm. Legs are still soreing and still not back from everything that happened but oh well, you can't except me to come back so quickly yet, i mean i waited for one entire year for that one special day, one special moment. And i worked hard for that day so i guess i deserve my reward?? teehee :3
#2015themostperfectyear :)
Prom 2016 was a great success to me, okay to me it was more than a success because not only my drema come true & i made someone happy last night too, or i also made someone's dream come true teehee :)
^ feel so vain & arrogant to say this omg hahah

Sidetrack: when delphine cancelled her lesson, i spent a good 5mins rolling on my bed cheering because I get enough sleep for prom later on :) & i don't have to wake up early anymore nor rush up and down woohoo
Afternoon, got ready & mama wanted to go to suntec so i went along. Then, walked all the way to city hall mrt to meet up with chuken. Then, traveled together to orchard mrt. The reason why we met up so early was it was rongxuan birthday the next day (today) & i had to buy her balloon because jeevan doesn't want to do it -_-
So we got the balloon & i transferrred my money that i owed, and we left with a bit of time to loiter around omg. We went from ion to wisma to taka, back to wisma & ion again and finally met up with p&d and jeevan lmao
All of us then decided to went all the way to ion sky & holy god, i didn't really know that place exist and it was all the way up at 56th floor?? The place was so atas and the scene was so breathtaking. The view looking down is really pretty but i though ti t was too much for someone with a lot of height issues, yes that's right me :)
Finally, we decided to make our way there and good job to the weather because it decided to rain & urgh, Hilton was some walking distance away?? Stupid rain & stupid walking made my feet so wet and uncomfortable but that is okay, because WE FINALLY REACHED THAT PLACE
Briefing commenced & i was this close to falling asleep because all the sleepy bugs got on me and i was on the hotel so i was just like 'can i lie down this moment now'
Dinner & we complained that was no drinks so i had to drag kimchi with me but turned out zhonghng already went to get it so woohoo
Finally, event opened and it is the official start where we have to get the photobooth & stage set up, know your places, prepare mentally and physically & woohoo, PROM STARTS NOW
Seniors came rushing but me and joachim were in charge of the lobby but nope, we wen to the other side of the lobby and got ourselves the armchairs instead :-) we spent a good 15-20mins talking and my poor leg was starting to sore omg T.T
Finally, we got our shit together and decdie to welcome some seniors but i was called by shuihan to go up for my stage duty. So i went up and hosanna was guiding me the roles and such. mdm goh called me to the side and join by mr teo and sean, we were back to farewell omg.. You just can't get away with farewell omg.... sigh pie but that is okay, i love farewell enough to embrace all the shit by them yes :)
^ actually, the first thing i did when i came up was go to the reception counter and ask if he is here hahaha. And yes, YES YES YES chuken said yes to me and i just felt that everything is worth it already omg. I walked a few times around the outside of the lobby and yes, i saw him. I spotted him  :) omg, he was wearing this box tie that is so cute and though his suit is a bit big, but that is okay because he looks handsome and dashing and good enough for me awwww.....
^ my prom king guys 
Moving on, prom finally commence and seniors start streaming in & programme also started. As expected, i know his group of friends and nope, it was all expected that he will sit with that group of his friends instead of his class hahah. And because i am doing stage duty, i was standing at the side of the stage and his table was diagonal to the stage and yes in other words, i have the best angle of the night friends :) it was such a perfect angle that yes you can stand there for the rest of the night omg but no i was running up and down because of my duty and i was also going in and out of the ballroom too because my legs are really sore and i can't confirm standing for too long oh well. 
And when i was so excited outside, i told chuken to help me be on guard and when he is outside/going to the toilet or whatever, just let me know and i will come dashing out of the ballroom to meet him omg.
5mins before my duty, chuken called at the wrong time omg.... I was going to be up on stage and chuken called me and said, 'this is your cue now' and i was just like wait what?? NOW??? NO I CANNOT 
But i guess last night, it was kaihon > everything and anything.
I called claudia with me so i was outside walking up and down the whole time, heart beating so so fast ever since promos & pw and my face was so red urgh and i was just repeating 'i can do this, i can do this' the whole time omg. AND YES THE MOMENT OF TRUTH 
I thought i was going to die but yes, i told myself it was now or never. The chance doesn't come by anymore. So yes, i followed what weiran taught me and yes, i did it friends. I went up to him and asked for a photo, he was rather reluctant and sounded awkward but he was nice to say okay. And yes, chuken and claudia were snapping the photos away. zhonghng suddenly appear out of nowhere and started snapping at the side & he took such a nice photo omg, SCREAM HAPPINESS THIS RIGHT MOMENT NOW
When it was all over, i said thank you and wished him a good night and yes, i dragged claudia and walked super fast away because my face was burning so so much and it was so so red and it was just so so hot omg. But, guys it was really too much for the heart and i thought i was going to die omg friends. But most importantly, i did something that i wanted since the start of the year, or to be exact since day 2 of orientation, please go and count how long is that already friends. Everything was so unbelievable and everything happened just so quickly and my brain wasn't really working or cooperating with me and i was just still in the state of shock and disbelief. This is probably how fans feel when their oppas are close and near to them oh well sigh... 
What a crazy yet thrilling and sweet sweet night...
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And then after that, everything just put a smile on the face the whole night and everything just look super pretty to me teehee :) 
I was on stage smiling, walking and jumping around, and just went really really crazy the whole time woohoo.
Prom duty continued on and i went up and down doing my work and shit but i had a lot of fun too teehee :3
And then finally, it was the end of prom already :) 
We had lucky draw, performances, prom king and queen nominee and finally the announcement of king and queen.
Prom king & queen are weiyew and pearlyn, which is yes, my preferred combi that night because she was really pretty and he was really handsome. 
And then, it was finally the end, councillors were stuffing themselves with the food after the event omg, but it was quite a nice sight seeing all of us just crowed together and busying feeding one another with the food and it was just a sweet scene seeing how comfortable we are with one another teehee :)
And yes, another highlight of the night, something that made the night extra magical teehee :3
When i was busying stuffing myself with the food, someone, a senior, male senior, someone that i have never seen before in my entire life came forward and tapped on me, 'jieai can i take a photo with you' 
Friends, my mouth was full & i was more than unprepared and i took the photo omg urgh wth what the heck. But, i was so lost so i am just like oh okay and i just took the photo with him lmao. He sounded nervous and uncertain as well too. 
But later, i felt bad because i feel that i probably looked really bad in that photo so i came back and requested if we want to retake the photo or not :-)
Everyone was going crazy over that and melissa and claudia were saying how he was trying to approach me the whole night, and i was like wait what, so someone was like a me the whole night towards kaihon woohoo ^0^
We took a second round of photo together & this time, he put his hand around me so i did the same thing oops. 
^ okay, this sound rather stupid and super retarded and basically immature and nope i didn't say this to anyone becasue i feel genuinely embarrassed, but when he put his hand around me, i was like wait what, so he is rather more confident now HAHAH 
but okay, this time the second round i think the photos are better becasue it definitely looks less awkward now teehee. Okay, it was all honestly i felt that i understand his situation more than anyone and hello, that requires how much efforts from the person asking the photo so i want to at least leave him a really nice memory :)
We might not cross path anymore but that's okay because in his jc prom, he did muster up his courage and did something that he know if he didn't do it, he probably will regret much later on :)
^ clap for him okay friends, and yes clap for me too teehee
Oh, and i did it, please give a round of applause of my stalking skills please. i found him hahah. Alan Ang from 14S13 
And the whole time, council was just going crazy over it la wth but that is okay, i love them enough to look by all these oh wells :-)
And yes, sang birthday song for rongxuan and telepathic trio took photos too, and yes our very last photo with mr choon before he is gone and away from welfare T/T

yay for telepathic trio woohoo 

farewell my beloved mr choon 
It was one magical and more than amazing night. All of you were all stars to me & all of you shine really brightly together as one. I am so proud of you all councillors & i am so thankful for all the j2s that came & i was thankful for that one senior that made me pretty that night & most importantly, i am so so so proud of you, my dear jieai for everything you did.
Not only you picked up the courage and achieve something that you have always wanted but you shinned so brightly just as well :)
Thank you all, for that wonderful night. I will never ever ever forget :)

zhonghng's masterpiece

'Stars, they use all their strength to shine brightly together. That's why, no one is left behind and given a chance to be themselves'

A Night To Remember 


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