Saturday, November 28, 2015

Simple & Ordinary

Counting down: 1 week of holidays gone. Left: 5 more weeks to go
This week was a rather peaceful week. Nothing exciting happened but i have many many simple stories to share yay omg :3

Tues & Wed: stay-home weekdays and i tried to study a bit, but apparently failed super badly because i only studied less than a chapter of econs in a span of four days... productivity level is way below the sea bed.. BUTTTTT.... i got my australia ootd plan settled & visa done too !! & we are really less than two weeks before i am going to breathe another space of air !! omg, i am really excited now and i genuinely hope that the trip will be good because i have been looking forward to since the start of the year & the excitement just got stronger as the days went by, and during the promos period urgh, went through so much becasue i wanted to have so fun during this holiday, so yes if anything happened, i will murder the person alive and nope, i am not kidding :-)
^ like sucks for jieai becasue she can't get her priorities right smh...
did not understand anything for the last two econs lectures and her progress of catching up with the work is amazingly lacking at the back :) i am probably the best student already guys, the amount of shit i give to my studies guys....
Oh, and i started on another new drama omg... it is called oh my venus and it is about weight and health, rather demoralizing to watch because i am snacking while watching the drama.... (things i do friends) & i am going to also concurrently watch another nostalgic drama, reply 1988. And amidst all that drama love, i have my studies to catch up, orientation work to do, a daughter to serve the home and yes, a friend that i have to catch up with my old friends & a jieai to be at.
I am probably the best human to look at, and then she still has her personal life to manage and maintain lmao...
^ but, i can safely tell you by the end of the holiday, it will probably be one of the most fruitful holiday i ever had becasue i had fun and did my shit as well awww.... teehee :3

Thurs: official first family meeting & we had it at airport. thankful because most than half were there. though there were some absent, but it was a good meeting because we got everyone to open up and able to talk and share about themselves and etc :) it was rather awkward at the start, but eventually everyone got a chance to open up and speak. we self-intro, got them to put in some ideas for the family names, and played some games as well. they laughed and joked much more during the games. it was rather nice to see all of them willingly coming together and joining the fun. no one was excluded and everyone was really inclusive :) though the segregation of guys and girls are already there but oh well :) towards the end, we became rather noisy when they played heads'up and we started screaming really really loudly oh dear. thank god we were at the basement where they weren't many people or else... omg, public embarrassment please hahah
but thankful for these bunch of people and can't wait to start doing real shit with them yay for family 2 !! (purple hearts friends)
bonus: joel recognized me becasue both of us went for ltc, and i accidentally sat on his leg and kind of injured him... but the point is, this offender have no single bit piece of idea and memory that i ever met him before, let alone knowing that i injured him... he remembered me but i don't even know he went for ltc la... and then now, we are all in the same group smh.... i felt so bad towards him omg because i seriously have zero memories about him lah.. this is so so sad like omg.....
^ okay i am sorry, i promised to be a better family master so that i can actually repent my mistake towards him omg.. not only i injured him, i don't even know his existence i cry a pool of blood now please....
& in the night, we wrote the family name proposal out & yes, we got everything settled and pending for submission only.. it was rather funny because we wrote so mant stupid bullshit for the rationale & had fun reading up all about the greek gods and mythology lol... and we were rather efficient because we got the proposal written out rather quickly & yes, i finally caught up with my drama too oh yay man friends !!

Fri: another ordinary day, except for an emergency meeting that diana called for only last night. it was just mainly communications and when dissipating information in and out of council... nothing much actually but just doesn't like the fact that she held it against the exco, because i believe disappointing information ain't just the exco so why blame only them please urgh.. don't be rude okay, i tell you tsk.
moving on, i didn't do much during the afternoon too & fell asleep, woke up and stone more, and yes they gave us a new task. getting the songs that we want to perform for family walk-in & dance. deadline is this coming tues, aka 2dec.
it is papa birthday, prom day, DELPHINE TAN AND HER STUPID AND REDUNDANT ECONS LESSONS, econs homework due, mama award ceremony, my most favourite family- starship planet and now even the songs deadline... i mean why that date, and why is the love for that date omg....
^ everything is alrghit, because i can rush her homework just before that day, watch the replay of mama awards, listen to my new release of starship planet when i come home and submit the proposal before i sleep the night before.. but papa birthday la omg.. T^T this is the one that got me the most upsetting de ):
^ oh, and i still have to buy rongxuan birthday balloon & jeevan doesn't want to do that job :-)

Tmr is guitar restrung concert and a day closer to the australia. i really can't wait because i am really really excited of all the things that i really wanna do during the trip teehee ^O^
Countdown to Australia: less than two weeks, exactly 12 days left /scream happiness/

'everything happens for a reason, be it happy or sad, embrace them all. this is what life is all about' :)


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