Tuesday, November 3, 2015

PW Status : 95% completed :')

Just like my title, pw is ending, &  yes, we are this close to the official closure and end of pw :")
Mixed feelings right now because i am not ready, and it doesn't feel real that it is all going to be over so so so soon oh dear. We are done with OP today, the other component that weighs 40% for the grade and honestly, i can say that my group did really & exceptionally well because we put in our heart and soul, know our lines so well that we actually got disgusted with it. Presentation and performances were great as well because we did just as practiced & we slayed it so so hard :') teehee. i can't put my feelings into words now because i am feeling so relieved and a sense of surreal and disbelief in me now. All the hours i spent on pw, all the brain juices i spent on pw, all the researching and typing i did for pw, all the interaction we as groupmates, all the love satisfaction and hatred i have for pw and him,urgh all these memories are running madly around my mind now. sigh, pw i hate and love you so much now ): you gave me so much trouble, disagreements, conflicts, and unwanted and unnecessary pain and discomfort, but i only learnt to look on the nice side of you when everything is going to an end. All these painstaking moments i went through, they have become something that i know i am going to remember and hold on for a very very long time :')
At the start, i couldn't even write or even craft a proper document, and actually have issues expressing myself and didn't really understand your instructions given. I even don't know how to do research. PI was beyond speechless. I am never going to deny the fact that it was utter rubbish and yes, if i am given one more chance, can i ask for a brand new submission?? (dream on, right?) & he even asked me if i was able to balance the workload of both a student and a councillor urgh, and i did a total of 7 drafts just for a PI, just for a 5% for pw.
GPP came along, and my poor group had so much trouble coming up with along ideas & our ideas were rejected three times, until he gave us a list of choices and asked us to take our pick. In the end, we settled with Qr Code Scanner, a fridge scan that are used to keep track of the freshness of the food in the refrigerator. Food wastage and foodborne illnesses that decided to come along, and this become our project aim. We wanted to hep our target group, the common household to come up with a solution to curb food wastage and foodborne illnesses with new food storage methods, and hence expiry dates came into the picture. All the research work started and the crafting our WR officially commence. Language was bad tragic and unable to comprehend. Content was vague and all over the place. Whatever written does not demonstrate any logic or any intelligence. It was just smoking my way through and nothing makes any sense. I suffered the same issue, week after week. Every week, it was the same painful process of editing and changing the content, improving the language etc. When GPP was finally done, Scandenza was created. Scandenza IS probably our group greatest creation :') something that we are so so proud of.
And then, it was EoM. A research paper that was done very last minute actually got accepted and approved by him, which threw me off guard so much. I worked hard for EoM but because of PI, I was so paranoid and had so much fear when it comes to individual component. Submitted first draft and the feedback was rather peaceful and encouraging. It was the very first time that i felt appreciated and relieved in pw. I was this close to break down when he told me it was definitely a much better piece of work compared to PI. I never felt so touched and happy for pw before. And this was the first, for pw. :') That was maybe my confidence boost for pw, and from then, i was able to write better english and actually seemed to understand and act accordingly for my other parts of pw. :) I forgotten when all the citations work came in, probably during EoM stage as well?? Whatever it is, citation was another painful process, because it was the begin of another round of research and finding webpage to certify and prove the content i am writing. Especially for my chapter, it was about the current measures and the limitations. I was researching so much about food wastage & expiry dates to the point that all my related searches and few top searches became all about them ._. and i did chapter 5 and bibliography. Rather proud of myself because all the pain i had for chapter 2, chapter 5 was more of a breeze and i understand his expectations better. teehee yay for jieai improvements guys woohoo.
And when he started commenting lesser and lesser on our WR and told us that 'we're okay', i guess it was the best compliment you can ever receive from him hahah. And by then, our WR was more or less done. YAY FOR WR (THEN)
Pw came to a halt during promos period and condensing for WR commence after that. This was known as stage 2 of WR. And because of the word limit, i had to remove 3/5 of what i have written for And when condensing was more or less done, it was OOOOPPPP
OOOOOPPPPPP started out fine??? Slides were put up for the first time, scripts were written as well. Of course, i went through rounds and rounds again of editing and perfecting my script. But it was alright, because at the end, whatever i presented today was the number 1 perfect one teehee :) Week after week, for a month and slightly a bit more, we were just editing slides, editing scripts, coming up with ideas to improve our performances, and here and there, making changes for our WR. At the, it wasn't that stressful or tiring for pw, or maybe for my group because what we had to do were mainly done and all we had to do was just to focus on op. Farewell came in as well so it was just pw and council that kept me busy. We went through rounds of op practice, and showcase to honestly many many people already. I genuinely believe many have seen us present and many have heard of the scandenza tablet and family tp119 hahah.
We were panicky when WR deadline was drawing close and just when we thought we are able to submit our WR already, no man we were through rounds of reediting, reprinting, and running up and down the school and the tampines area so much. It was so rushed and so anxious and urgh, that day was just a bad day as well. (not going to mention anymore about that day so stupid omg)
Props making were along the process of op practice and op preparation, and as the days went by, we came up with even more crazy ideas for our presentation and make the entire thing a greater part of our op. family tp119 was developed because we were focusing on the common household. each of us took up a role of this family and form the happiest family teehee. and finally today is the day. d-day. all the hardwork that we endured before is finally going to be over. today was crazy. watched all presentations and was dying for first two because dying of anxiety and nervousness. last group was still okay, got somewhat bored but still caught myself on and didn't died lmao. okay, not bragging or being biased here but family tp119 is the best out of all four groups presentation omg. we were honestly the most prepared out of all, and we are the group with the most creation becasue we had the best transition and we had the best package teehee :3 family tp119 pride yay and then we had our photoshoot, with him and without him. marina called him a burden and annoying hahah & with this, the day ended &  i finished my korean shows for the day teehee.
I&R is also fine and going to submit soon on this coming thursday, except for a small episode of him insulting my I&R when he asked me if the work was done by me myself because the language was too sophisticated for a jieai (wah rude kid seriously) and of course when he said that, it was obvious that this piece of individual work was the best out of all my 3 pieces of individual components yay. & this coming thurs will mark the official end to the entire journey of pw & official put a seal to this bittersweet journey. we faced many many like literally so many ups and downs, went on i-lost-counts times of rollar coaster, so many moments that we suffered internally, when he said he was disappointed with our work, and asked why was it incompleted and there is five of us, why the work like that; and celebrated the crazy and unbelievable moments, for example when he commented 'nice sketch' on your tablet sketch and really many many more. we didn't stay back until 7/8, but we had to sacrifice our weekends without fail for pw. we didn't had to rush through any components, but no one does pw as much as his class. maybe we didn't went through as much as others on the surface, but we actually had to communicate with him every single week without fail and he was someone that didn't accept any nonsense and each draft that was submitted had to show some improvements compared to the previous one. he didn't allow any late submissions and he outright critisise your work, and at times give really sarcastic remarks. anyone caught not following his instructions will be sen tout of class or he will ignored him/her and not entertain his/her work as well. but then, he remembered our simple requests, such as baking malay cookies for us when it was just out of random complains. he continued to try to be really patient with us. he continued to give us certain compliments as and when as well. friends, his remarks such as 'good job, i see an improvement. not bad, i like.' these are proably some of his greatest compliments he can showered on you, and when he gives you such comments, you can be happy for the rest of the day because he is genuinely pleased with your work :) he also used really friendly terms and called us 'aunty in our email when he replied us. he wore his baju to class during hari raya and we had so much fun laughing at him teehee. he talked about his son to us and friends, i might end up babysitting hi son this coming holidays, and i am going to get paid for it okay. (not confirmed though, but still it will happen omg)
hazrin & his family tp119 
I genuinely felt that i really went through a lot for pw & it has been a crazy journey with all my wonderful and amazing groupmates and him. everything has now become a part of my jc memories and i know i am going to hold on very closely and dearly to them :)  pw is painful, but i guess i learnt to toughen up during this process and i learnt that things generally don't go your way, but if work hard & you can definitely see the sun rising :)
food wasting is going to continue on my part because there are times when i just can't finish my food or i just don't feel like eating oops. but whatever it is, it is not about food wastage, i think the friendship i forged during the process & the lifelong skills that i picked up, such as writing documents & dealing with unexpected situations, there are going to be in me from now onwards :)

Thank you family tp119, it was more than just a journey together. it has become something that i don't want to exchange or trade it for. (: love you all so much
jessa (leader) - grandma
jieai - mum
denise - dad
charmaine - first daughter
marina - second daughter

 'family, means standing by with you no matter what happens in life'


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