Saturday, November 7, 2015

Countdown to death

Yeap, like my title, i am counting to my death and my graveyard. I am left with two more days, before i know i am dead or survived. Mama said she is going to kill me so much if i can't make it and yes, i am scared to death now urgh. I thought today i was going to know if my chinese was able to make it or not but turn out, it was just a lesson and nothing else.

Mon: the very last op consult before the real day. omg, and we had a mini drama before our consult and meeting wtf. omg, i am so pissed off with raghul wtf urgh. So apparently, my group tied our props to the council window railings because this noob councillor can't open the door and we left it there since last wed. The bag was there until that morning, and when i wanted to take or actually just to make sure that it was still there. HOLY MOTHER GOD IT WENT GONE GUYS IT IS G O N E
And when i couldn't see it, i thought i was going to die and i genuinely hope my eyes were just playing tricks with me and that the bag was just placed somewhere inside the room because someone was just afriad that it will be gone easily. I have ten thousand thoughts running through my mind at that point of time and i was so scared that someone actually threw it away omg. I was so scared that it was actually gone last week when we were all not in school. I was so scared becasue if it was really gone, it will really be my fault becasue i didn't want to learn to open the door which resulted in us tying at the railings there. I would be responsible for 5 people op score. I was so so cared omg. I called so many people that day. I called jeevan, but i was so scared i will wake him up, when it is still in the morning. The first time i said after hi was 'omg i am so sorry for waking you up so early in the morning' and GUYS HIS REPLY: 'nvm , it is okay. i also just woke up.' and with the most soft volume and tune omg i was this close to crying i swear. And then i asked him for help and like the entire situation, and he patiently told me what to do omg T-T so so touched sigh ): and i called so many people that day, ran up and down the school too sigh... i was so scared urgh and the fear spread just like how an ink spread on a piece of paper, so rapid and efficient. Denise was so anxious and that she couldn't stop cursing urgh ): And then, yishan replied in the group and told me the bag is with raghul, and so bascially the situation was raghul was late for school and he don't have the time to go the council room to take his props so his group asked help from the other councillor, and yishan happened to be there so she went into the room and just grabbed something that looked like a prop bag, and yes you got it, she grabbed my bag. And when they realised it is the wrong one, they took theirs and had no time so they didn't return ours. And when they were having their op, guess who came back to school and went to check for the props bag. What makes me really annoyed and pissed off was raghul still claimed it wasn't his fault and he shouted out loud at the cafe 'eh it is not my fault!' EXCUSE ME HOW IS IT NOT YOUR FAULT you were late for school and you couldn't make it on time to collect your stuffs so you took a wrong one caused that group to panic for nothing and we thought we were going to die becasue we lost all our hardwork just one day before the real thing. Are you saying that it is nothing major and becasue it wasn't your group that is why you can't be bothered? Can you put yourself in other people's shoes and think for them as well? No wonder no one want to hang out with you and you question why you are unable to make friends in council. Please, GRC is in everyone's face but no man, you plain dumb shit don't even know the existence about it??!! Are you dumb or idiot urgh??? Omg, i am so angry urgh. If you actually bothered to explain the situation to me, i am more than willing to put everything aside and say 'yeah, it is okay, nevermind' BUT NO U DID NO SHIT. Now, i finally understand the meaning of 'even the existence disgust and annoy you so much' good job to yourself, you just made yourself an enemy and from today onwards, i am going to be really mean and maybe all my comments and actions are going to be personal attack to you. Don't worry, it may have a second meaning, but it will eventually come back to you. Good job raghul, i officially have issues against you now.
And yeah, when i finally got back my stuff, i quickly text jeevan and told him i found my stuff. Even though it wasn't any of his responsibility, he helped me and told me what to do. he also kept on checking on me to ask if i got my stuff back or not, and when i thanked him, he said it was nothing and urgh, i felt so warmed inside and so touched omg. I love jeevan so much guys, so thankful he is in welfare with me, so thankful he is the comm head, so thankful he is my ma partner too, becasue we actually gotten rather comfortable with each other through the amount of time we spent together omg. wtf both indians, two diverse SO DIVERSE personalities wtf. so done with one and so thankful for the other one.

Thurs: submitted I&R and GPP, and yes I HEREBY OFFICIALLY DECLARE AM SO DONE AND OVER WITH PROJECT WORK 2015 !!!!!!!!!!!! I am so thankful and happy omg, like finally, after a good eight months worth of hardship, it is all over & all we have to do now is to wait for the arrival of march 2016 and then we will know whether all the shit we went through were they worth it or not. Honestly, and i genuinely hope that tp119, everyone will get an A and then we can call each other a really great family in pw because i really feel all of us, all of us put in the same amount of hardwork and i can safely tell you that no one slack in this journey. Though it was a full girls team, it was a team that are so independent and worked so diligently and relentlessly. And i am so proud of each and everyone of them. :') when we signed our document, i couldn't be more thankful & i just can't believe that, AHAHAHA. I survived it so so well teehee :)
& yes, when pw is done, TIME TO PARTYYYYY \^O^/ clique outing finally happened, but only 5/7 of attendance smh. But it is okay, the people that didn't come happened to be the upcoming birthday stars so we ended up buying their presents instead yeap. And it was rather fun and i am glad that i decided to go instead :) it was a rather simple outing of eating, walking around and looking for gifts and looking at retarded stuffs and whatnot, but it was unexpectedly enjoyable :) bonus: bought new clothes too woohoo!! i guess, i really do need to make the efforts to step out of myself and just try to become one of them so that i will be able to improve and change for the better. I should be more courageous and actually just try to include myself more, glad i did that :)
(oh, and at fish & co, we paid 10 bucks worth of coins from hidayah wallet & also exchange some with the waiter hahaha)

Fri: lessons officially commence and today is day 1, chinese lesson. Went back to school for chi lesson and as usual, can't stay awake and slept through the second half of the lesson omg. ^ some things can't be helped right?? Afternoon, went to join chuken's clique for kbbq lunch. Lunch was rather alright and we went for bingsu too yay. Nunsarang is my fourth brand and yes, it is good omg. Okay, i still think ohma spoon and nunsaram are better but it is okay, this is near the school and bingsu craving can be satisfied even more now. smh i have all the bingsu shops near my areas but i am not eating them all?? Like i have two near my house, and one near my school and my bingsu experience is so slow fml. And yes, the highlight of the day (to me) OUR TIMES OMG ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 徐太宇 is so worth dying for teehee. Watched it the second time but it was beyond worth it omg??? Let me tell you why i love our times so much, yes it is better than na xie nian, like ten thousand times better?? Our times has a better story plot, and the flow of story is much much more smoother, and na xie nian just cut them all which makes it very abrupt. Transition of story and the scenes make more sense and logical compared to na xie nian and i genuinely appreciate how the director allow the story to process slowly and allow the audience to slowly get into the story and mood. Selection of characters are excellent especially for the grown up version and the teachers and friends as well. The grown up version matched the younger version character and personality and yes, i can then draw the links and it does not seemed awkward as well. But what i love love love most is the little details that the director and production team did not overlook and choose it to show them to their audience. All the little things yes, honestly we as audience can overlook, they told it all to us. The scene that he was beaten up just as to protect the standee and her touched me so much and when i was watching for the first time, i teared at that scene. And the scene when he turned away after pushing her to her admired guy, urgh i felt his sadness and yes, the production team can easily just choose to look away, they told us (: and all the little things of why he did it to her or for her, i can feel his little love and affection for her as well (: it was just a simple thing of waiting for her at the shops outside but they actually told us how he felt so i am like omg. To me, the main plot is important, but what drives people crazy are the little things. the little details that may seemed insignificant but when you add them all up, they create an impact that last forever. And because they are so little and small, they can be easily forgotten just as well. And o the flip coin, the characters will only remembered these little things just as well. And when all these little things came together, they form the amazing puzzle call 'memories/affections'. I am really fascinated by the details in this movie which makes me give so much love for it. And the ending was great as well :) Normally, especially this kind of movie the ending is very hard to put it together because you want to keep the sweet sweet thoughts of the memories but you can't really put the main characters together, or else it will lose the original feeling of it. But, our times :) they close the movie really well :) it was a very simple ending and that he promised to fulfill his promise to her. it was a perfect ending.
Our times is really a great movie and i genuinely recommend everyone to go watch it and feel the love for yourself. Bonus: the cinema reactions HAHAHA. I had so much fun hearing the reactions.



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