Saturday, November 21, 2015

And now, it is finally the start :)

And yes, it is here. It is finally here. Today marks the official beginning of Orientation 2016. 
So many many things happened, both happy and sad and anguish. And I had so many to say because I had the same amount of fun and shit. It was really a fruitful week J

Mon: went back to school for gp lesson which is honeslty rather redundant and boring because the teacher was being relaly annoying by constantly picking on people about them not copying their work and coming in late etc. She spent ¾ of the time going on and on about it and it is just plain urgh. And then we have another gp teacher coming and she just starts rattling on and on about whatever that was printed on the book given and quoted from han, ‘she was just plain excited that she got the mic and get to speak???’ Basically, a plain waste of 3 hours because everything is self-explanatory and you honestly do need much help omg. Oh, I fell asleep at the right timing because I gain some rest instead of listening to some rattling on and on about stuffs that it is already made known to us lmao.

Tues: econs lesson and as usual, delphine tan was being a bitch. It was to the point that being a bitch is something that she does everyday or else she might just die from it lmao. It was rather okay but when going through the exam papers was slightly bad when one teacher was taking her time. And the second half was agnes chan, which was just exicitedly talking about her family and her life stories lol. But okay, thank god it was all over because I was fighting so hard with the sleeping bugs omg.
And that night also marked the first night that chuken and I talked for really really long yay. It was the most random talk and we just said everything we had in mind, there wasn’t really a main topic but it was just small talks that we had & we continue to laugh at how ridiculous and retarded each other was. It was one of those nights that I genuinely cherish because I guess best friends are able to talk about anything and everything under the sky. And I guess that’s what that made my night too :’)
Oh, and here is my top 5 qualities of my ideal guy:
1.    Tall
2.    Smart idiot (or actually just be smarter than me can already)
3.    Financial stable
5.    Sense of security & I feel protected when I am with him

Wed: round two of econs lesson & geo lesson. Econs was just pure lame and that delphine tan asked for our golden book AND SHE PLANTED HER BIG SIGAUTRE ON MY NAME??????? like excuse you, did I ever ask for it?? And I didn’t work all that hardwork for you, you little piece of shit omg. It was so disturbing and gross that I wanted to tear apart my golden book omg. My hardwork for ¾ of a year omg, all ruined by her damn name smh.
And yeap, it was the last lesson for both mr yeo and ms wu. Sigh, I will really miss them though ): like both are really nice teachers and they don’t give up on me despite me falling sleep everywhere??? HAHA. I feel so thankful and apologetic towards them but haha, I tried so hard to stay awake but oh well, and they never work, like never.
dear mr yeo & ms wu, thanks for your guidance for a good half a year. it has really been wonderful being your students and both of you will be dearly missed yay J
AND YES! This marks the official end to all my lessons in 2015 woohoo!!
& our second skype talk. Initially, it was me worrying about my welfare comm and orientation but I don’t really know how the convo actually went, but it all ended up we created the ultimate burden chan lmao. HAHAHA. I was laughing so hard that I started hyperventilating & I could relate it so so well because it was exactly my situation and I couldn’t stress how relatable and relevant to me. chuken was ranting so much about the issue and we actually concluded that people that are single since birth are actually better omg. And we realise that some people are of the same kind and some stuff just can’t be helped. I couldn’t help but feel sad for them all, like omg there are actually things they need to learn if they really want to get into an r/s lmao. But sigh, it was so fun omg, like so so fun teehee :3
Oh, and Jeevan is really pissed off with Felicia though, like he lost his trust in her and he was raging so so much to so many people omg. But oh well, you can’t blame Jeevan for being so angry because it is rather irresponsible on Felicia’s part. There was a council meeting but Felicia didn’t turn up. So Jeevan tried reaching her but after calling for a few times, she kind of just rejected the call. And it was honestly rather late in the day then she replied, saying she overslept and phone spoiled and etc. It does sound a bit stupid so I kind of speak for her but Jeevan just somewhat shot everything down and yeah, he asked me to go and find out about that girl. Honestly, I heard so much about her already but oh well, we don’t know how true. Okay, for me. I honestly still have so many doubts towards everything though. But it is not possible that Joachim, Jeevan made up stories or the prom comm be lying because there is way too many instances already. Maybe, somehow from this orientation, I am able to see some things for myself. I don’t want to say much yet, because she is still my comm member oh well. I see how it goes oh well?? But I genuinely pray everything will turn out alright /pray pray pray/

Thurs: didn’t had to come in the morning but guess who had photoshoot in the afternoon. Basically it is a corporate photoshoot for the school branding and marketing purposes.
Okay, this may sound really vain but it was really unexpected when they picked me for the photoshoot because I wasn’t someone that is rather outstanding though haha. But, I was also happy because it was for once, I get to rep the school this way lmao. Like who would ever thought the really blur and lost jieai has a chance to look intellectual and be part of the school branding?? Haha, but I had fun because of the people there + make-up session. But sigh, photo-taking is rather tiring and time-consuming too omg. And guys, I am the proud photographer for a few shots omg, like guys I AM HELPING THE SCHOOL TO TAKE PHOTOS HAHA. Okay, I sound really retarded here but I am so happy I was both the model and the photographer woohoo \^O^/
After photoshoot, went back to council room & more bitching about queen b, aka Felicia hahah. But yay, highlight of the day: tampkangnied reunion woohoo !!! eighteen chef once again and we start our famous moment, bitching session and we decided to buy the identities for the council briefing the next day. We went to the swing and we were laughing and screaming our lungs away, okay throwing more image away. It was rather funny because dora was trying to go high but was unable to do so, so I gave a little push and then she started screaming because she said it was too high for her hahah. And we were also saying the different surnames that we are not going to get married to & family backgrounds and ancestors and etc. it was just pure lameness and retarded moments but I guess this is tampkangnied for you ;) We walked back to tmall and we couldn’t get bandanas because there isn’t many and they are way too ex too omg. So, we had to find substitutes. We found shoelaces in the end & yes, dora changed for me. I am now in purple house, changing from blue to purple because I am number 1 purple fan woohoo (inserts ten purple hearts please friends)
And we went h&m but dora dragged me to her fav crop sweater but she was worried because it was a crop top but when she tried it, it fits her perfectly and the length was just nice. Okay, it is no more a crop basically. Chuken and I were just at the side laughing so hard but we couldn’t really laugh out loud too. And after much debate, yes dora got it. It was slightly ex but we had a happy dora at the end of the day J
And yes, this marks the end of a long thurs!

Before I start, guys I am officially a family master. This also means I am incharge of one family, one legion and I have like 25 councillors, including myself in the group. This news came during the weekend so I didn’t had time to put it up.
I was declared as the aic for welfare comm on fri & family master the very next day, aka sat. it were two rewards given to me and i am just so so thankful and surprised :’)
Chuken even told me that the exco actually had so much confidence and trust in me which really touched me so so much because sigh, I found so so many comfort and warmth in council J council see so much potential in me and put me in so much responsibility and I know I don’t want to disappoint any people at all :’)

Fri: came to school today early in the morning to help chuken with admin. Then, went out with dora to get more shoelaces for the councillors, had some bonding time with that girl too teehee. Came back school for round two of photoshoot and today was much more efficient and effective compared to the day before. Partly was due to the time limit given and we are more familiarise with the things we had to do and portray. And of course, not forgetting the good photographer here. HAHAHA
After photoshoot, council briefing. It was the very first time that all ogls since recruitment and promos results gathered together. I am family master of family 2 and also the purple family master. That family master that loves purple with her life and is so excited because she got purple for her family hahah. Admin stuff at the start and then briefing starts. Icebreakers next & my family started to open up to one another and teehee, I could see by the end of the day, they were actually interacting with one another and having their small convos here and there J
It was honestly really heartwarming to see them all together & I am glad that we are able to start to have fun with each other already J
Homework was given and finally it was saying goodbye. But, this goodbye actually marks the very first family meeting that we are going to have that is upcoming soon. There are really many many things to be done, family name, cheer, banner design and walk-in. the deadlines are rather tight so I genuinely hope that I able to reach all of them and that everything will run out smoothly and yes, I am here sacrificing all my holidays for this orientation. Honestly, I don’t really know if I am able to study much though but I still have to try and make an effort right? Yeap, I can. Yes, I can. J
When everything was over, idk how it really happens as well. Nic, Jeevan, Sean and Joachim gathered together again. I wanted to pop in but I thought it was weird so I wanted to get lost but they opened up a space for me xD it was so funny because our dear Felicia broke down. She was being told off by dianna that prom briefing happened when there were things not finalised yet, oh well. I actually wanted to talk to her after the whole thing today but I saw her walking out so so sad, I felt bad so I think I would save it for another day sigh…
^ btw friends, she is in my family lmao.
And I think over these few days, I somehow was able to join the convo for that four dudes and hahah, I actually sat down with them today and we were all just talking about Felicia the whole time. And ‘don’t be rude’ is now my new phrase because it applies in all context and all situations, especially today I was saying it to all of them today so so much hahah. And yeap, they called me for dinner woohoo. And they also called a few more too. Dinner was okay, until I ordered the wrong food, killed myself with how spicy the soup was, got dizzy, and dropped my water bottle cover into the soup and got it splashed all over my bag, face turned so so red and was sneezing so hard as well. And worst of the worst, I dropped and broke my favourite body mist… yes friends, I dropped and broke it. The whole bottle spilled and all the liquid just came out just like that, and I lost ¾ of a bottle of my favourite body mist. I was so affected by it okay friends. It was so so depressing and everyone on the table was so afraid of me now. I needed an extra pair of eyes in all the things I do & yes, I am labelled as the ‘walking hazard’ once again. It was so stupid I cannot omg, what was I thinking urgh. And then when we were walking back, they were saying how I will keep on falling so I needed bodyguards to guide my way through. So I had like two of them walking in front of me and two at the back. And I guess I was too sad, I kept on tripping over myself and yes, I was going to fall again okay friends. We part ways, so Melissa, afrina and ms emma went another way, chuken and Joachim went opposite side and yes, me nic and jeevan went the mrt side. But it was only me and nic because jeevan went to the opposite of the mrt. And everyone, for the very first time, i went home with nic and it was just the two of us from tampines to paya. We sat at the corner seats because it was just a random statement I made and it was for the very first time I realised how close the seats were?? I couldn’t sit sideway because I would end up kicking him a lot but we wanted to talk so we kind of had to tilt our bodies a bit and we ended up sitting so up close to each other. Guys, it was so close that I actually got a shock omg. I kept on leaning back because we were sitting too close together already?? But don’t worry friends, I remembered what I said okay. I know where I stand okay.
^ but seriously, please give me an award now friends. Please give me an award because we went home together and we even sat together and talk about life hahah.
And nic is becoming so council please, like he is so much more positive than before and he is also much warmer than before alre. And omg jeevan also texted asking me, am I alright omg.. and Joachim was such a sweetheart because he said I did such a great job for farewell, so family master is nothing. And he even said I will definitely be one of the best and he was so sure about it omg. I was so touched that I told him we can do this together because we are not in this together and yes, he said we are now one big family!! we are now one ohana omg !!
It was such a random convo and then he started saying I am really nice omg!! Guys, this is the very first time Joachim ever said such nice things to me omg!! I think I am going to cry because I am so touched omg!! Omg, yay so much love for Joachim now woohoo!! Oh, and Brandon texted the family masters group too!! He said that one of my ogl told him that the councillors in family 2 were doing a great job in leading and getting them together!! omg, that is way too much of a compliment or affirmation to me because it was unexpected coming from my ogl and it was from Brandon as well!! Omg, why are everyone so sweet towards me omg!! And not forgetting chuken, all his real comforting words about my results and how much faith the exco had in me !! guys, thank you for telling me all these time I spent on my patience were more than worth it and thanks for telling me that I am capable of doing more things I can !! I couldn’t ask for anymore and I will do and give my very best to this orientation and make sure family 2 will shine so much like never before!!
Thank you all so so much!! (deep bow 90 degree)
Can’t wait to get into this and awaken the burst in me now !!

‘never underestimate yourself because you’re more capable than you know’


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