Thursday, October 13, 2011 wake up @ 5:30am...wth-.- because of the bloddy passport,and I also forgot my wallet,so it damn stupid anyway...-___- anyway,the bloody commission only opens @ 7:30am...WTS deb seriously why wake up so early_|_ nvm...the photo taking was quite okay and overall was quite smooth-sailing though...hmmm...den went 2 sch and was late half an hour!:O for some crap stupid drama practise..but sadly the teacher juz rant on and on and we only settled on the script which is done befforehand by him and I am given 2 roles..wth-.- both of the roles was kenna sabo by moi frenz...-.-|||| nvm...they also found out who I like and added him as frenz....and can u believe it?!?! He accepte is damn kao! Den comehome slp like a pig! Too bad I didnt snore!XP heheh; and afternoon go n collect passport, quite pleased with the result,Cus of the photo^^ den when ica,gt the chop thingy...and finally the renewal passport is done!~YAY (Y) tonight nid 2 补眠le...gtg now! I am talking 2 him on fb and dun wan 2 waste any precious sec!^0^ tmr is my debrief,pls seriously pray for me!!><|||

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