Friday, October 14, 2011

Great, Great, Great, How great can this day get...
Today got my results and seriously i can juz commit is so fucking bad! I could juz practically crush and dump it away..too bad i can't...Haiz... And can u believe i fail my eng compre and my geo and i can say i juz merely pass my chi compo today! How awesome can this day get?!?! I seriously can juz grab a knife and stabbed myself right in th heart..too bad i can't cus i did not wan to hurt my parents anymore..the results,i could say is worse that any tests or exams i have taken in my life... Seriously,can i juz transfer out and studied in normal academics? I dun tiny winy mind at all! Now i guess i juz regretted my mistakes..Haiz..actually i can't really blame anyone is partially my fault..i actually did not study as hard as first semester and put in the same or more effort..i think i can only blame myself i actually felt remorseful..and can i turn back my time? Mum has said she will cane me if i failed my overall..and she had ground ya..lets juz pray and hope the papers that we are checking on Mon will not disappoint me..i could not afford to suffer any more failures or depression... God,can u pls help me?

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