Thursday, October 27, 2011

Seriously what is wrong with you?!?! Do you know tat all your actions have drive everyone crazy?! Walao~ seriously,dun you know that everyone also have their level of patience?! Doesn't mean you are the only one having them?! Seriously,feel like giving you two tight slap! Dun forget, you are not the only one living in this world?! Can you stop abusing your rights and authority?! So what out are my mother?! So what you taught us all the rules and moral values?! Did you set a good example and role model for us?! So what if you are in a bad mood?! Does that means you can vent your anger at us, thinking that it is okay?! OMG seriously, what is going on in your mind?! I really can't take it any longer! You told me that i can go whatever i want after exams and you will not atop me, look at what you are doing now! Forcing me to memorise compositions, studying things in sec 2, going for tuition..Wth...i really can't take it any longer! I really wanna burst out and just break down and forget everything! Argh! Now i hate you a lot, do you know that?! Damn it! Now i am on the verge of breaking down! Fuck you! Seriously,please fucked off now before my words get worse!!
>:O :'(
I hate you, sucker bitch!
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