Friday, October 21, 2011

Today can be considered as a crazy day. In the morning,went for some body image talk and was given a set of Dove, then later cross talk performance was quite epic and funny! Hehe..^^
Later,for the very first time, went lunch with them and somemore, it is out of school..had asked me for the very first time since the start of year((:
Went to police station,was given 3 notebooks,covering on clif! So freaking happy and lucky!^0^
Anyway,came home and update my Facebook,only to found out that all my photos and music are gone! Fuck _l_ everything was there yesterday! Moreover, I was listening to music! Wah! Kao..seriously what is wrong with this bloody shit phone! I didn't mistreated you right! How can u deleted all my precious memories! >:( OMG do you knw how long i took to have all of them! Damn it! Now on the verge of tearing! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Rotten luck did not end yet! I spilt almost one quarter of te detergent and i was needed to clean up! Kao Kao Kao
Wanna die liao! I dun knw go where to find back all my memories! Wtf
Can someone help me? I will truly appreciate your help and will always keep your help towards me in my heart and will never forsake your help anytime if you needed them! I swear!....////:

Think this is my longest post so far...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

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