Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lalala~ Today took HCL listening comprehension,acc and music exam...-.- listening was quite easy though...but acc was retarded as most of the question was taken from the revision paper-.-|||| seriously,why did I read the notes like siao yesterday -______- nvm....then took music, seriously will fail le..Cus got 2-3 mistakes liao....\: heheh; anyway tell you a funny thing that happened today in school....it turn out that the PA System was down we can't hear the national athem and school song,so mr Chua ask us to 清唱....-____- everyone was like,huh?! Wth?! U shld see it! So much of commontion and mr Chua was still there kinda making us laugh well so apparently, not many really sing, most of them was giggling and laughing...too bad i was laughing as well:p heheh;p anyway,it was quite epic and so I find it quite hilarious though..after so many months in CCHMS,sth like that happened....heheh; well,got to go and watch my sunny girl le!^0^ wish me good luck for chem spa tmr!(: cheers

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