Wednesday, October 19, 2011

-.-lll not in school com lab doing some crap survey for good teachers..done le..and a bit bored,so decide 2 blog..(Y)
well, of course i put strongly agree for Ms Sarah and Ong Lai Wei, which is then of course, since the both of them deserve it..and i put some of the time and never for LanceLim, which is the obivous...(Y), but seriously, i find PE is stupid and there is nth for it to grade,so i was quite random with my choice..seriously,who give a damn?! -.-nvm..this is not i got more important thing 2 say..a bunch of moi human friends actually added him,which is like totally fine with me,since i cannot his life...but then wts,Step talked 2 him,as he also damn open! Wait,what does it got 2 do wif me like seriously?! it does not really bother me! i have not rights 2 interfere! nvm..froget abt him and everything! concentrate on your studies, JIe Ai! He has nth to do wif your life! Wake up, Jie Ai! -.- irritated! _l_ gtg to gho now! having a pest here trying 2 find out my blog name,which is totally not possible...heheh;
write again later in the day (if i have sth 2 say...) but for now, buaibuai((:

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