Saturday, October 29, 2011

Exam results are out. I have improved from SA1.
The results was quite rewarding. That shows that all my hard work did not gone to waste. I am able to promote to sec 2. Everything is over and i have done well too. I have gotten fifth in my class and 66 in my level. All these is way higher than my expections. I was only expecting myself to only get into top 10 and top 50. Sadly,i have only met one of my targets, that is get into top 10,but it is okay as i did not expect to get into top 5...((:
She, well top in our class again...well,can't say anything but can only congratulate her... Need to try harder again next year, cause next year is streaming year and also getting ready for the preparation for o level..ya.. Will be another stressful year again..haiz... Well, currently doing the holiday homework assigned by the school.. So xian~ Dec hols still got homework...crazy!
Well,all in all, was quiet satisfied with my results(:
Continue to keep it up with this standards, and hopefully i can ace my o level and get into the JC i want...((:
Pray hard!((:
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Seriously what is wrong with you?!?! Do you know tat all your actions have drive everyone crazy?! Walao~ seriously,dun you know that everyone also have their level of patience?! Doesn't mean you are the only one having them?! Seriously,feel like giving you two tight slap! Dun forget, you are not the only one living in this world?! Can you stop abusing your rights and authority?! So what out are my mother?! So what you taught us all the rules and moral values?! Did you set a good example and role model for us?! So what if you are in a bad mood?! Does that means you can vent your anger at us, thinking that it is okay?! OMG seriously, what is going on in your mind?! I really can't take it any longer! You told me that i can go whatever i want after exams and you will not atop me, look at what you are doing now! Forcing me to memorise compositions, studying things in sec 2, going for tuition..Wth...i really can't take it any longer! I really wanna burst out and just break down and forget everything! Argh! Now i hate you a lot, do you know that?! Damn it! Now i am on the verge of breaking down! Fuck you! Seriously,please fucked off now before my words get worse!!
>:O :'(
I hate you, sucker bitch!
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I think you are lacking of security and warmth from your frenz and clique which explain your actions this few days... Actually,you do not have to worry so much! We are always there for you and will never neglect or abandon you! Some things we decide not to tell you not because we are hiding from you,but we do not wan you to be mistaken! That is it! We have no intention or motive at all! So, stop letting your imagination run wild! Dun forget,we are your friends, your companions,your clique,your sisters! You can always rely on us! Next time,dun let your mind think too much, we are always there!
This post is dedicated to someone who is so close to us,yet maybe she dun felt security or warmth from us,Haiz...
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Have been a bit dead this few days.. Sorry! Didn't have anything special to post...
Anyway, something happened yesterday and today that near caused my friendship that i have built up for a few months.. It was really interesting... It takes a long time to know you,understand you, hang out with you, get together with you.. But then, it took juz 1 min for all this to break,to end..Haiz...i hate it! It is utterly not fair! Nvm...i had finally resolved it in the end,which is quite relieving... Well,i should not talk abt it here i wanna forget abt it asap! This is really getting annoying.. Anyway, now is no more a secret so i shall juz let it come to the light...if you wanna go around telling people abt it,It is okay..cus this thing has alre end! Now,i think i am getting paranoid...(?) what the hell... Nid 2 stop all this at once...bye...
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Feeling retarded now...WeiXiang is having his concert on 15/11, and he is persuading me and Rachel to go..seriously, i dun not have any music genes in me! Why the shit did i go?! Maybe i won't understand your music later on..
-.-lll nvm..was having a conference call tis morning, and decided to go, but then later,in the afternoon, Rachel said her mother dun let her go! Wth, making me dun wanna go liao...! Actually, i go cause i knw that i am going to hv a i thought at least i won't be so lonely! But then,now it is like damn stupid! Haiz..
Juz ended another conference cal, still cannot come to a conclusion,will be having another one tonight.. Seriously,i am getting sick and tired of this! Kao...
And because of this retarded thing, mum make full use of it,which give her all the reasons to nag at me! Wtf...damn it! Seriously,hope that i can solve this stupid problem asap,throwing this bloody burden asap! Argh! _l_
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Friday, October 21, 2011

Today can be considered as a crazy day. In the morning,went for some body image talk and was given a set of Dove, then later cross talk performance was quite epic and funny! Hehe..^^
Later,for the very first time, went lunch with them and somemore, it is out of school..had asked me for the very first time since the start of year((:
Went to police station,was given 3 notebooks,covering on clif! So freaking happy and lucky!^0^
Anyway,came home and update my Facebook,only to found out that all my photos and music are gone! Fuck _l_ everything was there yesterday! Moreover, I was listening to music! Wah! Kao..seriously what is wrong with this bloody shit phone! I didn't mistreated you right! How can u deleted all my precious memories! >:( OMG do you knw how long i took to have all of them! Damn it! Now on the verge of tearing! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Rotten luck did not end yet! I spilt almost one quarter of te detergent and i was needed to clean up! Kao Kao Kao
Wanna die liao! I dun knw go where to find back all my memories! Wtf
Can someone help me? I will truly appreciate your help and will always keep your help towards me in my heart and will never forsake your help anytime if you needed them! I swear!....////:

Think this is my longest post so far...
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

U knw wht? Counting this year, it will be my third year.. Time really flies.. Memories are hard to forget.. And it is perfectly true.. Though i have adapted to my new school, new teachers, new friends and new system of schooling.. But i just can't put away all the things you have given me..all the joys, all the laughter, all the virtues but most importantly, all the memories.. They were really unforgettable and each of them was really touching and i truly felt warmth for the first were the first one who did these to me... All of them were just like i think gems to me, so precious, so important,well you can say, they have become part of my life...
I knw you will never get to read this or know this,so that is why i am able to spill it all out...((:
Maybe you have forgotten abt me and you have also regard me as one of your normal Facebook friend,but i will not mind..i will never intend to let you knw abt my feelings towards you.. Every now and then,you will popped into my mind.. Refreshing all memories you have given me,and then i will start giggling again all by myself because of you.. I tried for the upteenth times,telling myself to forget you and concentrate on my studies,but it just gotten worst! Nvm..u have conquered my brain,so just let it be..i will not mind((:
Now all of friends know abt u,u are somehow famous in my class, and i have been hearing your name every now and then..nvm.. Just let them be..someday it will subsided..i always truly believe that...((:
Sec 1 is ending soon,next year i will be one year older once more.. I am not sure when will this end,but i hope i can hide my feelings right at the bottom of my heart..
Thanking for stepping into my life,my heart, my brain..i will always treasure them..
3 years le..can't take it any longer,will just voice it out now..
______ i like you! <3
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

-.-lll not in school com lab doing some crap survey for good teachers..done le..and a bit bored,so decide 2 blog..(Y)
well, of course i put strongly agree for Ms Sarah and Ong Lai Wei, which is then of course, since the both of them deserve it..and i put some of the time and never for LanceLim, which is the obivous...(Y), but seriously, i find PE is stupid and there is nth for it to grade,so i was quite random with my choice..seriously,who give a damn?! -.-nvm..this is not i got more important thing 2 say..a bunch of moi human friends actually added him,which is like totally fine with me,since i cannot his life...but then wts,Step talked 2 him,as he also damn open! Wait,what does it got 2 do wif me like seriously?! it does not really bother me! i have not rights 2 interfere! nvm..froget abt him and everything! concentrate on your studies, JIe Ai! He has nth to do wif your life! Wake up, Jie Ai! -.- irritated! _l_ gtg to gho now! having a pest here trying 2 find out my blog name,which is totally not possible...heheh;
write again later in the day (if i have sth 2 say...) but for now, buaibuai((:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

LOL today I got to see all my subjects SA2 results...I passed all 10 subjects, which that includes geo(Y) which actually is a miracle,which te score of 50...heheh; anyway,all subjects passed can le... dun really expect much :p oh, and I pass the SA2 overall as well! Isn't this awesome?! Ikr... I am damn happy! least I am not so sad an down now(Y) well,have the practice of Chinese drama but was actually slacking the entire day! Paiseh! Heheh; didn't do anything ya...well, thurs is my cooking competition,well the real reason i join was there will be addition of CCA points which come in really handy during O level,so I guess you knw what I am trying 2 say...xp well, we actuality haven't decided on our recipe, but I have alre posted all y research on te wall on Facebook so better dun say I didn't contribute! Thurs is my crazy day,pls wish me well and was able 2 be in the top three,cause the first prize was $ I think you know what I am trying to imply on.... :3 well,got 2 go now! I am taking my 5-point test tmr _l_ nid 2 revise le...buaibuai((:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Debrief ended today...all my results are out...well,so far I failed geo-.- and passed the others :D heheh; though I pass everything and mum is not so angry,but I did not did exceptionally well,but it is not far from failing, so I can consider myself lucky....well,I think I shall not relaxed and be contented,cause I knw actually I cn do to really work hard during hols and study like shit...well,oh and mum was kinda good mold today..maybe I tel her that everything passed so she was not so angry like that day..oh and so far I got 2 A1,which is Chinese, which mum was quite shocked and home enconmics,which 我至少没有对不起自已,Cus when I didn't got even A2 for Chinese in mye,I was quite depressed but eoy I got A1 so ya..quite satisfied and home encs was my favourite subject and my target was to get A1 for home encs and I did it! So...heheh; oh and I got 3 A2,they are chemistry,art and maths and I got 3 Cs which is geo,eng and eng lit-.-wth| damn annoying,so during hols nid 2 practise more on this 3 topics...oh and today I have alre receive my hols homework for next year...I dun evn knw if I am to promote to sec 2 and so early gv me hols homework..wts...bleach-.-||| nvm...the book costs $15,xiao! Nvm...I juz knw that this is stupid! Got 2 go now! Nid 2 read my juz borrowed novel!^0^ bye!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Great, Great, Great, How great can this day get...
Today got my results and seriously i can juz commit is so fucking bad! I could juz practically crush and dump it away..too bad i can't...Haiz... And can u believe i fail my eng compre and my geo and i can say i juz merely pass my chi compo today! How awesome can this day get?!?! I seriously can juz grab a knife and stabbed myself right in th heart..too bad i can't cus i did not wan to hurt my parents anymore..the results,i could say is worse that any tests or exams i have taken in my life... Seriously,can i juz transfer out and studied in normal academics? I dun tiny winy mind at all! Now i guess i juz regretted my mistakes..Haiz..actually i can't really blame anyone is partially my fault..i actually did not study as hard as first semester and put in the same or more effort..i think i can only blame myself i actually felt remorseful..and can i turn back my time? Mum has said she will cane me if i failed my overall..and she had ground ya..lets juz pray and hope the papers that we are checking on Mon will not disappoint me..i could not afford to suffer any more failures or depression... God,can u pls help me?

Thursday, October 13, 2011 wake up @ 5:30am...wth-.- because of the bloddy passport,and I also forgot my wallet,so it damn stupid anyway...-___- anyway,the bloody commission only opens @ 7:30am...WTS deb seriously why wake up so early_|_ nvm...the photo taking was quite okay and overall was quite smooth-sailing though...hmmm...den went 2 sch and was late half an hour!:O for some crap stupid drama practise..but sadly the teacher juz rant on and on and we only settled on the script which is done befforehand by him and I am given 2 roles..wth-.- both of the roles was kenna sabo by moi frenz...-.-|||| nvm...they also found out who I like and added him as frenz....and can u believe it?!?! He accepte is damn kao! Den comehome slp like a pig! Too bad I didnt snore!XP heheh; and afternoon go n collect passport, quite pleased with the result,Cus of the photo^^ den when ica,gt the chop thingy...and finally the renewal passport is done!~YAY (Y) tonight nid 2 补眠le...gtg now! I am talking 2 him on fb and dun wan 2 waste any precious sec!^0^ tmr is my debrief,pls seriously pray for me!!><|||

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

i got one excellent news!~^O^
you know wht?!
HEHE....paiseh..too high le....:P
anyway, today chem spa was quite okay until the last part when i cannot answer the question-.- then in the end i think i wrong le...-_____- nvm....i got another good news....
ms sarah say that our class, 1HM got the highest score of MCQ for chem exam in the whole sec 1 cohort!!~ happy ^^O^^ cus this means that maybe my chem will do well....:P heheh; paiseh,paiseh too high le...Lalala~
oh ya one more thing,mum is so damn fucking kind today!~ she let me watch sunny girl since 2pm, but then she say have to stop le cus scared computer burnt... .____. so ya..nid 2 shut down le..or else i later die le!
anyway,i watch from ep5-ep11,so that is 6episode!~ OMG WOAH!~ happy today...
well,conclusion let me count how many good things that is today...well, first, exam is over, second the chem exam result(Y) and third which i am the more happy de,watch sunny girl!~^_^ mum is so awesome today!~ i love you,mummy! XP well,got to go now! tmr is marking day but then still have 2 wake up early in the morning to make passport-.-lll so ya...oh and still hv 2 go sch tmr for drama nite preparation..wth,marking day还不要放过我们....well,tel you the details tmr... gtg! buaibuai!(((:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lalala~ Today took HCL listening comprehension,acc and music exam...-.- listening was quite easy though...but acc was retarded as most of the question was taken from the revision paper-.-|||| seriously,why did I read the notes like siao yesterday -______- nvm....then took music, seriously will fail le..Cus got 2-3 mistakes liao....\: heheh; anyway tell you a funny thing that happened today in turn out that the PA System was down we can't hear the national athem and school song,so mr Chua ask us to 清唱....-____- everyone was like,huh?! Wth?! U shld see it! So much of commontion and mr Chua was still there kinda making us laugh well so apparently, not many really sing, most of them was giggling and laughing...too bad i was laughing as well:p heheh;p anyway,it was quite epic and so I find it quite hilarious though..after so many months in CCHMS,sth like that happened....heheh; well,got to go and watch my sunny girl le!^0^ wish me good luck for chem spa tmr!(: cheers

Monday, October 10, 2011

well,well,well. how precious! Today was Maths paper 1 and Malay..guess i screwed Malay-.- but, maths paper was quite okay though.../: maybe will pass(: heheh;p today was stupid though.. something happened though..and i dun feel like saying..asshole freak you! bloody ass!~
gtg now! nid 2 study for acc and music for tmr..=.= buaibuai:D

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hehe...quite happy! Got a few A's for my CA2s...well I got history,geography,maths A1 and and a few A2....hehe...:p not bad though...the results for the second half the year....hehe...((:
YAY(Y)^~^ exams has passed for a week and most of the main subjects are also over...feeling a bit relaxed now....xp well,let me give you a report of the exams so far.....:D
English compo-it was quite okay...and I am glad I know what to write....(:
English compre- I think I screwed it >_<|||
Chinese compo- well,not bad...almost didn't finish both paper:p
Chinese main paper-lala~ it was damn quite okay...and I finish the paper with 5min left on the clock.....XD
Chemistry-it was exceptionally awesome!!~^<^
Geography-think I screwed it too...haiz...>~<|||
History- well,surprisingly everything I studied came out!!!^.^
Biology- well screw a bit and did well a bit...dun knw how leh.....
Literature- well,was quite retarded though....xp
Maths paper 2- well,got 1 question wrong liao....but nvm,overall,I felt so happy!!~^,^
Malay LC- stupid paper-.-

Ta-da!~ My report!~((: