Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Merry Christmas ;

Today is Christmas Eve.
And tomorrow, it will be the 25th December 2015 :)
Christmas has always been my favourite season and i always love everything that comes along with christmas :)
And for the very first time, we are finally going to have brunch together as one whole family omg this is really making me very excited omg. Oh well, mama finally understands the greatness of brunch after melbourne and she finally wanna try those in singapore.
Reservations were super hard to make and i called so many different cafes and not one pick up omg. This five and dime was already on a give up mood and was all ready to hang up the call and then omg THE PERSON PICKED UP

And now, let's look back and updates from last sat since the day i was back.
Reached sg on sat midnight and reached home around 2:30pm and i unpacked and bathed and then i slept around 4-5.
The next day in the afternoon we had to get ready to attend my neighbour wedding lunch. Early in the morning they were playing super loudly all the game sand they were just playing outside our house and i was sleeping just right behind the wall, and on the other side of the wall, all damn screaming and shouting and laughing oh dear, i heard nothing at all. And slept like a pig..... Slept through the morning and got ready to attend the wedding lunch. Wedding lunch was rather good and i wanted to attend this erjie wedding because she was the one that i am closest to among all three and i love her the most out of all three so yes that's why i really wanna attend her wedding. Erjie was really pretty that day and when they were giving thanks to all their loved ones, it just shows me once again how amazing marriage is and when two people from two extreme world coming together to pledge their love for one another :') It was really a very touching moment and it was nothing else better than that
Then after wedding lunch, went home to rest and continue to tidy the house from the holiday and finally in the night, we traveled back up to kl and stayed at my uncle's house.

Sun morning, we met up with my uncle rodney and we went for breakfast and went for malaysia market. And then i started the comparison and just sighed at the large and extreme differences between aussie and malaysia market oh dear. Everything is just so different and the culture are both on extreme sides oh dear omg.. But still, with all the food close at heart and the rather familiar atmosphere and feeling, i guess it was still pretty alright overall.
Went back and slept through the remaining afternoon before getting ready for wedding dinner part 2.
Wedding dinner part 2 was unbeileable draning and tiring and BAD BAD BAD
Not only it started late, food was disgusting and the mcs and performance was plain bad. The emcees were so bad and awkward and can't speka for nuts. The food ain't fresh and most of them were plain gross and disgusting. AND WHAT GOT ME ANNOYED THE MOST WAS, 'dinner served at 7' and goddammit, it was already 8plus and there was still no sign of food serving AND I WAS MORE THAN HUNGRY OMG
And when food is finally served, it was more than a disappointment oh god please seriously. In the end, our table got so bored we started self-entertaining hahahah. It was super funny because we were critising the emcees, choice of songs, saying how bad the food was and booing everything that the emcees said. We were just going against with everything and anything and it was surprisingly very funny and we kind of entertained ourselves because we were all going to be bore to death if we didn't do that and thank god for excellent wifi at the hotel because if it doesn't, i will be cursing more at the hotel and banquet omg everything was just plain bad what even and thank god for my little cousin too because at least playing wiith her make time passed and it wasn't that bad after all.

Dinner ended around 11 and we reached home back in sg at 230 and then i remembered i haven't write weiran birthday letter so i stayed up and write and finished it around 4plus and i slept around 5plus lmao.
Was supposed to wake up around 8plus but overslept and only woke up around 945. LIMWEIRAN BIRTHDAY PROJECT SUCCESS
hahahah, my hint to her was very obvious because i commented on her ig, texted her in the morning and even asked her to push back her meeting time with rose lmao HAHAHAH
I met up with prithi, mona and yum and we went to get her eggless cake and originally balloons but the shop ain't open so we substitute with flowers at the end.
After that we travel to weiran house and thank god  we didn't get lost because we were all lost sheep in that area lmao. When reached, we knocked on the door and yuxuan opened the door. And then birthday girl came out. She wasn't shocked at all to see me but she was super shocked when she see the others because she geniuely didn't expect them all to appear. HAHAHAHAH
limweiran brought ming to school on my birthday and so i brought her classmates to school woohoo. We sang birthday song outside the house and once more when she cut the cake and then we just laze around the house while that girl opened her present hahahah. Took photos as well outside her house hahahah
I was so proud of myself of all the presents that i gave her hahahah.
Around 12plus, we finally left her house and oh well she was supposed to met up with rose hahahah. We were all late but oh well and i followed them for lunch and left afterwards.
Reached home and continued cleaning the house and i thought it was a good day finally but sigh mama spolit my night so it was disappointing and sigh mom didn't on a good note annoying..

Picnic with shitheads and we came to marina barrage and i finally told them about nalaaaaaaan lmao. They were laughing and teasing me the whole time but that's okay it is them oh well.
We ate yellow submarine, recommended by rose and we also exchanged gifts that we all brought when we were traveling teehee. We played monopoly deal and i didn't even realised i won the game lmao. It was a good catchup with those idiots and enjoying their company has always been great because it just brings back the whole time when we talked about the old memories back in sec school and as we continue to scold and insult one another hahahah
Company with them is very different compared to my current friends because we genuinely spent most of the time scolding at one another and we just laughed and insult one another so so much but oh well that's how we have been interacting with one another all these while since sec school days :')

Stayhome study day but couldn't even complete one mindmap what even omg. But finished this week's drama and variety shows...... Omg i seriously need to get myself together because i am really closer to orientation, school start and the new year omg. I need to start on the right note seriously what even oh god.
Btw, reply 1988 is really really very good and omg how i love that drama so much. Though it is 1.5 hour per ep but it is a true worthy 1.5h every single ep. The jokes were real and i genuinely love all their friendship, parent-child relationship, the love-hate relationship and everything basically. It is really a very simple drama that just talks about the simple everyday life and small yet detailed explanations of the various interactions found in between neigbours living in the same neighborhood. Reply 1997 is my number1, reply 1994 is alright too but yes, reply 1988 exceeded the second season but i am sorry, nothing beats the first season because i can honestly tell you, i can still watch it now and all damn feels can come back. They are all way too real feels please.

Thurs; christmas eve
Dad got into an accident but thankfully no one was injured but just the vehicles were crashed and we had to rush to make the accident report because everyone worked half day today and i was saying that 平安夜也不平安
And while they were settling that, i was finding brunch locations and making reservations lmao.
In the night, mama made a christmas eve feast for dinner and everything was so good and so great and yes nothing beats mama cooking teehee

Tomorrow is chirstmas and we are really left with just a few more days of 2015 before we are going to bid 2015 farewell and embrace 2016 all over again. Time are passing way too crazily fast, so fast that we all cannot catch up. 2016 will be another crazy year filled with many many crazy moments. It will be another year filled with many many new memories as well
Will dedicate one post for 2015 and 2016 upcoming soon, stay tune.
Merry Christmas Everyone, wishing you all the best and most blessed christmas! Remember to eat all the good food, receive many many presents and spend true quality time with all your loved ones :)

'This festive season, give thanks to all your loved ones & make sure you make great memories as well'


Saturday, December 19, 2015

day 9

DAY 9:
It was the last day of #AiloveAustralia
Everyone left except for us, and we are the last batch to leave.
Early in the morning, we went once again to the South Melbourne Market and ate oysters, prawns, lobsters and basically all the food we ate the first time we came.
I loved the tea mama bought at first so much so i went to order a second one, but omg i ordered something completely different and OMG IT IS ALSO SUPER NICE
I bought one box home btw HAHAHAH
And then mama was having so much with the owner and she bought more teapot and teabags and in the end, we got loads of free teabags and a free drink as well. It was so entertaining because papa couldn't understand why buying a tea and teapot need so much time but the thing was mama was having so much fun conversing and interacting with the shop owner and tasting, smelling the different teas.
We also bought many many last minute gifts before returning home.

After that, we took the tram and went back to city, and now we were split. Papa and bro stay outside and wait for us, me enter h&m once again because i am still buganxin i didn't get anything and mama went to get her skincare products so we planned to meet in 15mins, but the thing was there were ten thousand people in h&m so queuing took up a lot of time and the clothes i tried didn't fit me which makes me rather sad and a pity too oh well ):

Then we finally made our way to the airport, bid farewell to aunt, and do some very last duty free shopping and ate hungry jack, which is similar to our burger king and finally, took the flight home.

Melbourne trip 2015 was the best thing that ever happened to me & it was the perfect closure to 2015. I looked forward to this holiday since march, and everything i worked hard for, it was all for this trip. I didn't want to go on a holiday but knowing that i cannot enjoy myself fully because i know that i am unable to make it will constantly pull me back. Everything that i have wanted and everything that i was looking forward to was all given to me on this holiday. Everything was perfect, everything was on point, and everything was so fine. I am so so so thankful and grateful for this holiday and i am so glad i was able to enjoy the fruits of my hardwork after the entire year of 2015.
Thank you so much, aussie; thank you :)

'Holiday is the best therapy anyone can have after working hard for so long'


Friday, December 18, 2015

day 8

DAY 8:
Woke up early but today overslept a little so mama came and woke us up. Was quite disappointed on this part about me but that's okay, because i was still much earlier than most of us.
Took the tour bus again and today we were on a half day tour.

First stop:
Brighton Beach. There some wooden houses lined up along the shores, all different designs and colors and stuff and we went down to take photos of the beach and the houses. Nothing much but the weather was rather sunny and it was hot as well. We fed seagulls too and took ten thousand step photos as well.

Second stop:
Mount Dandenong. Mini hiking up the William Ricketts Sanctuary, and return back to nature and embrace the really nice, crisp and cooling air of the earth and nature. The sculptures were so well carved and defined and they looked so real too omg, scary shit.
Then, we went down to Eden, a cafe along the mountain and told by the boss, the cafe is already 100plus years old omg. The food was so good & it was really one of the best meal we ever had here at melbourne.  The service was also really nice and the boss was also polite and mannered. He was also very patient with us and took note of all our requests. When paying the bill, we wanted to ask him to keep the change & and he insisted that it was too much and returned us the money. Such a sweetheart omg sigh. The boss also carried a wombat out to show it to us and allow us to take photo and enjoy some time with that little thing teehee :) Oh, and we took a photo with the boss too teehee

Third stop:
Puffing Billy. Australia's oldest steam train. The train station was so adorable and well-maintained despite the long history and the little train was so well-keep by the people there. The special thing about puffing billy was we sit on the railings instead on the chairs of the train. During phototaking, the train was shaking so much that we were afraid we will fall due to the super heavy height, but no omg. The train was traveling so well during the entire trip and our legs were just dangling outside of the train while we admire the scenery along the train ride :) We crossed a bridge and it was scary because it was literally empty spaces below and our legs were just in the air so i was really scared for a moment during the trip. During the ride, while enjoying the trees and everything along the ride, i realised i love this holiday so much & this is probably the best trip i ever had for the past 17 years

And with this, we concluded our half day tour :)

Before going out again, supermarket round 5 and we bought some last minute food and also i bought pasta that cannot be found in sg too. And we returned home and we rest for a while and evening time, we set off for dinner. On our way to dinner, we also went passed the graffti street and take photos. The last dinner we had was thai food, and yes it was so so good and delicious as well. Then, we went to take a walk along the melbourne river and also admire the night scenes. We also waited and watched for a fire show outside the crown plaza casino. Papa was so excited and he even went to stand in front of the pillar, wanting to take one cool shot with the fire but no bitch, he stood at the wrong pillar, a faulty one lmao and we completely missed the other pillars that were blowing fire aggressively smh. After that, we went into the casino and all the adults were so excited about entering and the remaining people just stay put, sitting on the stairs while waiting for the adults. While waiting for them, the decorations outside casino started playing and singing and all the really beautiful lightnings gave us a wonderful time while waiting for them :)

And when they are finally out, we got a maxi cab home and we played our very last time together. We played the fire crackers and concluded the night with maggie and biding farewell to my second aunt and her family, including my baby cousin.

Tonight, is the last night here at melbourne. And the last night in the house and the last time on this bed now. So many reluctance and mixed feelings and will definitely 200% suffer from withdrawal syndrome.....
I don't want to go back to singapore, don't want to face reality, and don't want to do shit yet...
Okay, goodnight friends, will die from fatigue and sleepiness.

'Memories, they are the best thing in my life'
