Monday, February 27, 2012

Motto for the week: NO MORE PLAYING OR JOKING!!~ START MUGGING AND MUGGING AND MUGGING!! (until the end of next week!) Goal: To not only pass every single subject,but also at least achieve GRATIFYING results for each one. Reading from the above, Yeap; common test is in like one week and i had planned my studying schedule. Though i believe there are still things un-taught in school, but i should really seriously start my revisions. I felt that i am really lagging a lot behind and my dear geography (which used to be one of my best subjects), now; i hardly understand anything that our geo teacher teach! Omg,i am really fearing for my geo! I am not only scared that i will fail my geo,but i really think there is too much to memorise! ): i am really having that damn feeling that i hate most right in my heart now!): i cannot afford to fail any subjects! Mum will kill me! It will be another tortuous year! Freak it! I wanna break down once again! )): Haish; after tmr, i really need to spend one whole afternoon to study and understand every shit and clarify all my doubts before next week... Before i start panic, before i go into the exam hall w/ a blank mind, before handing up a blank paper, before getting back the paper, before seeing that i had fail my geo, and finally a thunderstorm/tsunami awaits me at home.... Argh! I am really gonna go mad! Well, actually, to be frank, i have one person to blame; which is me. I don't seemed to be able to plan my time properly/wisely. I can never go according/fulfill my plans. In the end, it will be one big chunk of mess once again. Haish; no point grumbling and self-demolishing now. Since i still have the chance and time to sort things out once again, shall make full use of them and straight things out. >>>NOW OR NEVER<<< +not forgetting other subjects as well. Shall also really get everything into my big brain.... Okay,end of self-motivation/self-reprimand; shall talk abt a new Chinese teacher we had today, by the name of 尚楠楠. Today is his first lesson and he did self-intro abt himself and i swear i hate his voice. Not only is very feminine, but also really soft. The entire sentence; i could only hear parts of it. Full-stop. That's it. Omg, how am i gonna listen and understand his lesson?! Haish, nvm. Since he is new to us,shall be kinda lenient to him. Not so much of restrictions but also nicer in the form of attitude and gestures and words-wise..Hehe; well,look forward to his performance! More updates will be posted(: For now, be a good student and let him have good impression of me! :D Hehe; good night for now! Sweet dreams,people! :3

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