Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Yesterday afternoon was super crazy; everything i did was all in a rush; competing with the time...
haiz; because of that, i tragically did not enjoy and appreciate the 清明上河图 properly..haiz; wasted manxcs ): but nvm, looking on the bright side, i did had a chance to step in there and move along with the grand master piece as for the very first time, enjoyed one most famous drawing in the history of china :)
shall talk about it a little! :D
the trip there was quite smoothing and i cant believe, we actually took a 'public bus' there instead of a coach @_@ to be frank, i was shocked.... but lucky, it did not spoil the trip much and i enjoyed the trip there as we started munching on food :P hehe; upon arrival, we were given some intro and briefing and FINALLY, the moment that all of us longed for..YESH, to step into the great big hall and move along with the past(Y) but the worksheet that was given by the teachers, seriously TOTALLY spoil the whole trip as we not only need to fill in all the blanks, we also were left with less than an hour to admire the masterpiece! WTS (to think that the guide that was given to us, saying that 3/4 of the time will be dedicated to the masterpiece) there is no difference between watching or not...-.-fail time management and organisation skills, teachers...haiz; truly pathetic...along the way while finding answers, saw many other schools and we exchanged answers as well (NOT from them but our very own chung cheng students(Y) :P)
Later on, as we move into the protagonist-------清明上河图, i am not exaggerating, but i was truly amazed by not only the drawing, but the animation that the company that put in! TRULY AMAZING! It was really breath-taking and i specially listen attentively to the audio guide that was given to us during the trip. Words can never describe my feeling when i was there but i was SUPER DUPER SAD, cause i left the place without listening to all the explanation! TT^TT i was super pissed cause the time was super short as well... but luckily, there was still some description at the end of the animation so, it helps a bit in my reflection :) and not long later, we left the place filled with pity and disappointment but fortunately, i was given a notebook as a souvenir so as the saying goes 遗憾中带点小满足....
Reflection: it was really a rewarding experience and i truly enjoyed every moment, every part of the masterpiece.(: it not only etched deeply both in my heart and mind, it had also shown me the spirit of the Chinese people(:
#jiayou :D

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