Friday, February 24, 2012

#220212 marks the guides thinking day. It is my second year in guides to commemorate this day. Though it was not my first time, but the feeling was still extraordinary. (: This year, there was a slight different; i was wearing my full uniform; (Y) w/ my buret on and saluting my promise to the logo on top of my buret (Y) truly, the feeling was indescribable and words are not able to describe the feeling at that time. Standing in front of the whole school, seeing the flag broke and just by reciting the promise once again to re-enrol myself into the BIG family of guides; i truly felt really honored and the emotions were building up every step it moved on. Also, not only all these, wearing the full uniform the whole day and during guides activity, i am proud to say i am a guide! :D Everyone, looking with a different sight at you today, give me a sense of mission and pride. Now,i have the urge to strive better in guides and to give my fullest support to all activities organised. (: Guides, is the path of growing up for me. I had never regretted my choice of choosing guides as my first CCA. It had proved me lots of things; Girls can also do anything that a guy do! ^^ Guides: Bond as one BIG FAMILY :D
#iloveguides (:

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