Friday, February 24, 2012

Had cross country today and it was quite a different one. This time, i am not running(Y),which is just awesome for a slacker like me xD hehe;
well, shall now^^
Meet QuanFang, LiWoon and ZiQi at Aljunied MRT Station before making our way to east coast Park, and all of us were so excited, starting talking all craps. hahah; anyway, when arrived, me was kinda lost and was going around looking for my friends and the main tentage; LOL but sadly, cannot find the tent, but luckily KoYong called out to me before i wandered off further...@_@ heheh; Then, later Jolene came as well and the both of us, together w/ KoYong, went to find our teacher-in-charge; Ms Tracy Chua and Ms Ong Lai Wei, but both of them haven't come yet T^T so the three of us went to the beach and watched the sunrise and wrote some words on the sand, LOL so random X_X heheh; and later when the day was brighter, found the cher and were getting ready for our job(Y) Oh yes! Did i mention that i was not running at all and was staying in the shade the whole time, having loads of energy at the end of the cross country? heheh; cause i was the announcer so i do not need to run but will be slacking the whole time. i know i am zai! (Y) -self-praise in action- hahah; xD 
Anyway, after FRC and some admin stuffs, me and Jolene started our role and we need to ask the levels to move to the starting point to get ready to run, reading out the names later on for the prize presentation etc. so, we started self-intro and asked the sec 4s to sec 1s accordingly to move to the starting point to start the race. it was kinda cool as everyone is looking and hearing you, so what do you say actually matters a lot :P heheh; after all the competitive runners had gone, it was the fun run time. Levels by levels, all of them were send off(wait, it sounds wrong, but idc d:).  It was FINALLY break time for us! YES! hahah; during the break, one teacher(forgotten his name; LOL) give me his HASHBROWN!! yesh; and i dhared it w/ Jolene. heheh; Thank you so much, teacher!^>^ later on, i took the U-weekly magazine that i and brought along to read; while reading half-way, our dear DM, MR CHUA CHOR LOON saw it and he actually took it from me and said that he wanted to read! OMG, i was truly taken aback! (btw,i was reading abt 凤飞飞 and said that he was her fans! i was like, are you serious?! Then, he went to on her music and he played it using the PA system! totally out of his mind and doesn't look like his character! :O actually, not only me, even the teachers that were there were shocked! heheh; oh, and he danced w/ the music as well (Y) i must say, 我对他真的是另眼相看!) heheh; 
Later on, the competitive runners were back and after like idling around for about another 30-45min, it was time for the prize presentation.  Once again, i freaked out and the damn nervous feeling came back! GAWL; but luckily, it subsides once i have read the names of the first badge winners (Y) Then, when i was reading out the names for sec 2 boys, i was truly anticipated and the bubbling emotions within me, just wanna burst out! But, well now you are the announcer, so well, yes 仪态. Our class boys; Ng Jun Wei and Edward Wee Hao Ze came in FIRST and SEVENTH position respectively. OMG, i am so proud of them! ^0^ hehe; love you, people! :D heheh; Also, our class also got FIRST for the team category, so in total, we have 3 prizes! YAY(Y) i know HARMONY IS AWESOME!! ^8^
After the prize presentation, it was the end of the cross country and so the day ended! :D
But it did not end for some the HM people! heheh; we went parkway for lunch and finally to sogurt for dessert (Y) heheh; it was great fun of bonding time though we did not really go as one big group, but in the end; ended up becoming 2 cliques; LOL but anyway, it was truly fun over all! (: heheh; 
<3 you, people! You people are always the one that make things/events more fun and memorable! Heart you guys a lot! Next year, though many of us will not be in the same class anymore, but the spirit that is within us will alwyas live w/ us no matter how far had we separated! HARMONY ROCKS FOREVER!!! <3

*there was a minor problem during the announcing prizes part, i was suppose to say once the chinese version of the position, but in the end,it become that each of us said once the entire list of names in english only. Though OLW said that it doesn't matter any longer, but i can feel that she was kinda pissed w/ us cause she felt all the training before that had gone down to drain. Though she said that it was not our fault but i still felt bad); 对不起,王老师! ): 我保证下次不会有再像今天这样的错误了!I felt that i had screwed up the whole entire presentation! )'; *

Btw, it was #nowplaying 那些年&燃点 while i was writing this post. heheh; paiseh! and 燃点is the latest song of 胡夏, i must say, it is not bad. (: But still, 那些年is Number 1 :D heheh; ^^

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