Tuesday, February 14, 2012

#14022012; Valentine Day was today. Everywhere is roses, chocolates, sweets, cards etc. Totally could feel the atmosphere and indulged in it as well(: This year is my first year celebrating it. It had never been on my mind until this morning. Not even once as before it was just an ordinary Tuesday to me. It was meaningless but after today,Valentine is no more one simple event any longer. From today onwards, it shall be a day when i show all my love to everyone i know^0^

Kayyy; shall talk about the main events now :D

Early this morning, i went to buy 1 pack of cards from school workshop. My Valentine gift for everyone was; i am gonna write Valentine card for every single one in my class! :D

Hehe; it may sounds wild but i indeed complete all cards before geo lesson,which was the last lesson as well. To be frank, the entire day,i learnt nothing as most of the time i was busy scribbling away my Valentine card! Hehe; though i really wrote for the class and tragically miss like one day,but looking at everyone holding on to the card that i made, i truly was so ecstatic and the joy within me was indescribable!^_^ Hehe; next year, i will also do the same thing as well! I wanna make everyone to be part of this important day as well!^~^

Hehe; don't worry, i gave 38cards out, but i also got some back!^^ Jacq, Jolene, Nelyn and Stephanie gave me cards as well but i left them under my table in school as part of a decoration and to show the friendship that we between all of us^^ Hehe; Jolene even made me one rose! And i swear it was just so nice and sweet of her! I love all of you who give me cards!! Also,i ate like a glutton again. I took food from JiaWei and Jolene and from sticky to ferrco rocher, everything! (sorry,if i had ate too much food from your><) Hehe; one perfect memory!^^

And our dear Chinese teacher, Ms OngLaiWei also crack jokes with us about love and confessions, stuff like that; and i swear it was super fun and adorable! She so fun-loving! :D Hehe; this year, i had a wonderful and memorable Valentine Day. It had shower me with lots of joy,laughter and most importantly, <3 Love

Thank you my friends, you had shown me that Valentine day is not only about loved ones, but also about you guys as well.

#iloveyou(: It is still not 12 yet, so i got the chance; so wishing everyone the last time; Happy Valentine Day! :D

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