Friday, February 17, 2012

Think I had change a lot these few weeks. I am able to face everything with calm and undaunted; I am not afraid of anything anymore. Moreover, I wanted worse. Like today, during recess time, I ate in class and I was ask to throw away my food. Later, I was caught eating once again in class but I did not have a thread of fear and I was able to face it just like that, not worrying anything. Also, last week, the entire class was asked to stay back to do reflections and I actually hope that I was the part of the people that were in the wrong. I don't know what is wrong with me but I feel that I rather want something that others don't want... Haiz; I am not sure if this is good or bad, but one thing I am sure is, I had become more bold, more daring and with more guts...
Well, the 'weird change' of me had ended, shall elaborate a bit on my academics; seriously, I think that my standards had dropped a lot. I expected higher grades/results for every test for sad to say, all marks are just borderline pass and Chinese was also not up to standard): haiz; had to start mugging and mugging and mugging....NO MORE PLAYING AND DOING THINGS THAT ARE NOT RELATED TO STUDIES :O haiz; no reap,no sow... To achieve all of them, I will need to sacrifice some things as well. Seriously, no more just mere talking, actions must be taken!
Oh well; shan't not say much, sleeping soon. Mugging will start tmr!
为我加油吧! #jiayou (:

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