Friday, March 2, 2012

Hey People (: Shall share one peice of interesting event just 2 days before(:
It was The Leap Year and i am prud to say that, i have enjoyed that day a lot(: It was filled w/ jiyu and laughter. I was glad that it ened that way(: celebvrating a day that could only be found in 4 years is truly special, from my heart. Now, shall share the event^^
In school, there was History Lesson and our awesome teacher came in to the class, dawned on one of his costume; The Singapore Volunteer Corps (SVC) [omg, to think i remebered wht he said! xP -self-praise in action- xD heheh; ] and here is a picture! :D 
So cool, right? :P
 Hahah; and he even allowed us to use phones just for this lesson, so these are where all the photos came about (: of course, by a little bit for editing :P (Y) and also, i have took some pics of him during lesson, when he was conducting lesson! 
Here it is (:
 I must say, he truly engaged all of us and his lesson was exceptionally smoothing at that point of time. He had really brought humor yet engaging us as the learning process. (: Good Job, Mr. Tan! :D

*lastly, this was a pic that was not supposed to be taken, but well...... xP
Camwhored in class *gasps* w/ Jolene and Limin (some self-editing as well^^)
hahah; and this, is my end of the post(: byebye^^~

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