Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Had maths and geography test the day before. Though I completed both papers before time but still, there is some questions that I don't know how to do and some answers are wrong. But well, all in all, I was glad that I had completed(; at least, I did try all the questions (: heheh;
Anyway, shall share something touching today before and after geography paper(: ;when we were asked to take our bags and put them outside the classroom, my stomach was like upside down and feeling upset, and feel like puking as well.kist say that, I was not feeling alright and don't feel like taking the paper. Then, when Joanne learnt abt it, she told the teacher aka invilgator aka Skong(this is wht the other class called her), she asked if I was alright but then she also encouraged to try to persevere and take the paper. Then, she GIVE ME A HUG! Omg, I was like feeling so touched! Then, I thought abt last night, mama also hugged me during my geography revision to give me some moral support(: The emotions was like coming back up to me again and I almost cried again. In the end, I held my back my tears and calm myself down, before taking the paper. Also, before the paper, I also prayed hard and told myself, some motivational wise languages(: I was feeling a by better later then(:
After the test, Skong came and ask me how was it and she told me that there was nothing to worry at all(: and she HIGGED ME AGAIN!! ^^ idk how to describe my feelings/emotions now.. but yeah, everyone understands(:
Heheh; I was feeling really awesome after that(: heheh;
And after school today, I went lunch w/ some of my awesome friends(: Joanne, Limin, Jacqueline, JunWei and Chloe(: we chatted abt many things and each of us bought 老伴 :D (so freaking elated when I am writing it^^) heheh; I bought 5! Hahah; cause I need them for my other revisions for the rest of the week! ;3 heheh; GAWL D; feel like taking one from my fridge now...NO CANNOT! #fat yeah; heheh; taking physics test in 8 hours or so and I have not completed y revisions yet! Gtg now; before i need to sacrifice my sleep tonight!
It had been really awesome today and I am hoping&wishing for the same thing tmr(: #hope [though it did not went well on mon, but I am glad it was do smooth-sailing today(: ] I really need to go now! :0

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