Monday, March 5, 2012

Fml; fml; fml; i am like super irritated by w/ myself now. To think i DID NOT complete my chinese test paper! argh! OLW said it has a heavy weightage than any other paper and i was like omfg, then I confirmed fail liao lorh! argh! I did not complete 3 questions and it was a total of 12 marks! 12MARKS 12MARKS 12MARKS seriously, feel like grabbing a knife and stab right into my heart now! Damn! i had never in my life did not finish a test/exam paper! To think, i did not complete it and chinese is one of my best subjects! Argh! i really cannot stand myself! I have no one to blame except myself... Damn! i am gonna break down again. I cannot afford to fail any test, especially when it is common test... i don’t know how am i gonna survive the other paper. Today it is only the first test, but i had alre started it wrong... OLW some more say that anyone that did not pass the common test, parents will be notified and meeting of the teachers will be compulsory. Then, i just know that 我的死期到了haish; i am really sick and tired alre... I need to pull myself up once again to continue study the other subjects and move on w/ life, and forgetting about my chi paper. Plus, i don’t even have the guts to tell mama about not completing the paper. She will be screaming at me and i will gonna have a hard time at home now... haish; no more thinking all negative thoughts.. need to get away from the comp now... haiz; tonight, i will pray hard that i will not only COMPLETE both my maths and geog, but will also PASS w/ flying colours.

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