Sunday, January 1, 2012

Today is 1/1/12. A brand new year, a brand new day, a brand new story and I shall be a brand new girl(: LOL
Many happy, sad, boring, interesting, amazing, awesome, great, unbelievable things had happened(: I admit it was a year full of life and energy (plus loads of emotions)
This is the post in 2012. Not really ready for the new year and seriously super duper not ready for school yet .__. Totally still in the holiday mood and I am still not sure when I am able to be back to the school mood shall be a long long time...Gosh! :O
And my new year resolution this year is to be more cheerful and optimistic and also improve in my studies(:
Came back yesterday from Japan and I am still indulged in the weather, atmosphere, people and most importantly the courtesy that they had within them(: shall not elaborate much, cause it would be on the post abt my trip so shall not say much. Not to spoil the surprise! Shhh...
Anyway, I not sure if anyone had replaced you now cause you are drifting off my mind now(: I am just too glad^0^ sorry, I am just too evil :P
Gotta end here now(: I am losing myself X~X
Lastly, Happy New Year! Hope that everything will go smoothly for me and I can remain strong and healthy and seriously lose weight ><||| have a blessed year ahead and jiayou in my studies! Happy 2012 Year! \^0^/

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