Thursday, January 26, 2012

ALOHA! Back from my 5-day trip in Malaysia; sad to say; i ate like a glutton and feed myself with food without fail every single really need to go on a diet and 绝食! Shall eat as less as possible after this weekend! hm! btw; why is it this weekend? cause aunt getting married so got buffet; well, you know..cannot resist food de! SO BAD! TSKTSKTSK (btw, there is still no pics abt cny, cause i was just lazy to transfer them to my com.. wait; it is not my job anyway :P) HAHA; was quite a fun trip and all my cousins are growing years by years, be it the younger one or the older one...(of course, that includes me; HAHA; seriously xiao le lah! :P) anyway, angpao is lesser;WTS but none of them i could own it T^T LOL; seriously the emotions go up and down..really crazy liao! anyway, i finally found out one big major secret as well..shhhhh
OKAY! shall talk about the upcoming events; 
#coming sat-aunt getting married
#31/1-going to watch the 清明河上图with the entire bunch of sec 2s! OMG; i am really super duper excited!!! (Y) ^0^
and then Jan shall end.. up next will be the Feb aka THE LEAP YEAR;
btw,let me tell you sth noob abt me, i didn't know this year was the leap yerar until my gfirend told me! HAHA; i really totally crazy le! :P

  1. had art lesson today and we supposed to draw the AWESOME landscape of our lake and building; as usual, i know i will just screwed the entire drawing, but then later on; as i 'copied' Clara's drawing, i was surprised to see that i was able to copy her drawing and then continued it! By the time art lesson ended, i was nearly finishing the background drawing! omg! it was just truly amazing! i didn't know i could draw almost everything in just less than 1 hour! This is one great achievement! (Y) and also, THANK YOU CLARA! MY LIFE SAVIOR! ^0^ hehe; 
  2. In Malaysia, i ate non-stop and i literally just broke my record of beverage i drank every single day! and i SWEAR that i had gain weight! :P FOOD FTW (Y)
  3. I gamble a bit but i fail at it :P haha; and i learnt how to play poker and black jack (Y) call me zai :D
anyway, maybe all these could be as simple and stupid in different people's perspective, but all of them was just some true and new experience for me(: if you wanna call me lame, retarded or whatsoever; i dun give a damn! What matters most is i, me, myself's feelings. So i wont get mad for whatsoever you say, what i did was just PURELY sharing all my happy and exciting moments i had(: 

*the next post; it will be more photos and i swear that this time, i will post a pic on all my cute and little cousins* after you had seen it, you will love them just like me!^^ so look forward!(:*

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