Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gosh! Totally hook on this song and must listen to it like more than 10 times a day @_@ aiyo; it is so addictive that it had also become part of my compo today! omg, die liao! seriously lah, this song is super addictive and i am like WTS; 一天不听,就会全身不舒服; LOL
anyway, today there is a talk abt news reporter, then there is one slide that says 人生就是不停的摄影 but then i like more is from this show de; 人生就是不停的战斗 (Y):P hehe; just wanna promote this song; LOL
Also, this song had truly brought back many memories, be it bad or good, everything just came flowing back(: Though it is not really considered a love song, but this is the first song that not only show me the innocence of teenage puppy love, but also the great memories in sec school(:
So; i shall also create and keep many many more of precious and awesome memories in sec sch :D #

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