Sunday, January 15, 2012

So sorry, after so many days, I finally could post about my camp...actually, the post was ready to upload, but thanks to him _l_ nah..shan't not talk about him anymore which totally spoil my feelings and mood now.. Damn you, sucker! :O
Day 1; before even reaching school, sth crazy happened on the day.. Before that, we had a conversation saying if Jacq or Limin want to take my car. In the end, they decided not to so the matter was rest down. But then, the next morning, I received a call, and Limin was screaming at me saying that they were at the Aljunied station waiting for me. I was like OMG, are you serious? Then, in the end, they ended up in the car(plus QuanFang&all of their big bags which totally fill up the entire back) and arrived school. After flag-rising, the teachers took like years to complete all their admin stuffs but it was a great bonding time with friends as well, LOL (I did not surrender my phone! :P hehe;) anyway, we finally board the bus and move to our destination-HomeTeam NS Adventure(: The place looks weird and I swear I hate the place. We need actually around 5-6 mins walk from the basketball court to our tent site, crazy right? After gathering everyone, we pitched our tents and my tent-mates were Nelyn, Claria, ShuFang, Jolene and WanXin(: After pitching our tent, we began our very first activity- hiking trip @ Bukit Timah Hill. I swear I hate it most as it was not only tiring but also retarded! It was freaking steep and we tried cheering and singing on the way but it did not last long...but there was still some bonding as well(: hehe; when coming the slope, it was worse. I grabbed Limin's hand so tightly that my palms were sweaty.. Sorry, Limin!
>< finally, we came down and went for our kampong trail. Omg, another stupid and waste-energy trip! The instructors said that there would be animals here and there, but the whole trip, not only I see NOTHING but I could not even hear anything! How worse can this get! :O then, while waiting for the bus to arrive, we played bonding games. When we were back, had dinner. And well..shan't not talk abt it... Blind-fold was the second activity and again, it was crappy and I totally feel like a retard walking up and down :X then, finally it was bathing time, debrief& supper and sleeping time! :D (the moment that I longed for! :P)-day 1 end-
Day 2; had challenging rope course as our first event for the day and it was scary yet I overcome my fear^^ As all my friends pushed me to the first, I did not really bother abt it until I was up on the log, standing... Omg! The feeling was incredible! My legs were trembling and I was screaming "I don't dare! I don't dare! I don't dare" I was almost on the verge of giving up until my friends(even teacher) started cheering on for me and adding to the motivations that I gave myself "okay, look straight now and move step by step. Don't look down! Never look down! You can do it!" These were the words I told myself and the results were..yupyup, I crossed it!^0^ omg, it was a great achievement to me and I overcome my great fear of heights by 30% :D i hugged Joanne as well when i was down(: Then, I tried another one but this time, I told myself that no more screaming or trembling, and I did it as well(: woohoo!~ hehe;P had some simple team-building games as well(: Lunch was up next and it was the best meal among all of them! (Y) After lunch, we had abseiling and flying fox. Abseiling first and after trying it, I learnt one great lesson, which is I would never commit suicide. When i was like coming down, I was not really afraid but I was actually taking my time to stop a bit, slide a bit before reaching the ground. I think the instructor was maybe thinking that, I was too slow, so he told me to just let go of the rope and slide down, LOL The funny part about abseiling was when the instructor asked me to lean back, I was like, are you serious? I totally freaked out! :P but I guess, I was not facing the down so it greatly reduced the fear of it(: up next was the flying fox, which was the highlight of the high element (Y) Due to the reason for fear of heights, when the instructor asked me to sit on the edge and lean forward, I totally freak out once more and look down and nearly fainted..(another modification for committing suicide) When I was like just coming down, I was so scared that I strained my neck a little but after which, I enjoyed the second part of it and was cheering on as well^#^ it was seriously the most rewarding experience :D Later on, we bathed and I swear it was the shortest time ever I had used. I took about 2 mins and was out when my hair was like, still in a mess(?) it was super duper fast and me,myself could not believe it either! :O hehe; then, dinner was like hours later and after dinner, we started the main event for the camp. Yes, the campfire!^@^ As our dear principal light up the fire, we cheered on, which actually lighten up my spirit, which high me up. The whole entire night, Limin and I was like super duper high as we sing and cheer along with the MCs and I swear they were the best MCs ever! They were super funny which 'hold' the entire place (Y) Then, class's by classes performed. Our class, 2 Harmony: we did our cheer and danced ShowLuo's Cheng Yao and it was really great fun, doing with your classmates and receiving great applause as well :P btw, this is our cheer;
WE ARE HERE, STAY CLEAR, YOU BETTER BE IN FEAR, CAUSE WE ARE THE HM(woohoo~) THE HM(woohoo~) HAR(clap-clap clap-clap) MO(clap-clap clap-clap) NY(clap-clap clap-clap) HARMONY YAY (Y)
Then, we asked our teachers, instructors and EVEN the principals to danced as well, guess we were just too demanding :P and it ended well(:
P.S. During the entire campfire, I finish KoYong's entire 1.5litre of water >< sorry! hehe; den debrief and supper and sleeping time, but I was too high so me and LiMin went tent-visiting and we even went to the boys side and disturb them :P hehe; but we were asked to return our tents do we did not really have much fun but all in all, we did joke around a bit with them :P Also, LiMin changed tents with Jolene and in the end, she was beside me, sleeping with me while Jolene took  her place in the another tent :P we planned to have this little chat, but well, ya toot tired le, so SLEEP :X-day 2 ended-
Day 3; it was the last day of the camp so we took the time in the morning to pack our stuffs up,but it was freaking rushing>< damn the instructors! ): Finally, the last activity of the camp, yes, water activities! Aka the kayaking and dragon boating!^~^ we had kayaking first and my partner was Claria and I swear she was the expert in kayaking. The whole time she was the one teaching me how to kayak and we were the among the few fast ones as we were able to catch up with the instructors in no time! Hehe; we were the best pair for kayaking! :P and during kayaking, something great happened! JunWei and ChongYu CAPSIZED together! Yup, their boat capsized and JunWei donated his specs and water bottle to the Bedok Reservoir. Haha; it was so epic and everything happened in spilt second so I did not really get a great view of it.. Wasted manxcs! Hehe; den dragon boating. We did not really started well cause the back and the front people did not really communicate well and there was also a small disturbance at the back but in the end, everything was solved(: we even won the competition and after which, I finally fully understand the meaning of drenched. Yup, I was drenched from head to toes. But it was a fun and cool experience and I really enjoyed it^8^ As we returned to the campsite, we had lunch and changed to our dry clothes and I broke my record totally, I worn 5 tee in just 3 days! How cool is that! Then, it was area cleaning and I was guilty to say that, we didn't do anything except for the boys who ACTUALLY volunteer themselves to clean the toilets! Guys, I salute you! You had my respect! :P then, finally it was time to break camp and go home. Omg, though I was complaining abt going home everyday, but when it was real now, I suddenly have the urge that I do not want to part with the place anymore); so we did one last time our class cheer before heading up the bus and return to our school and HOME SWEET HOME <3
Reflection: Well, this camp had really taught and give me a lot, not only I had learnt many different kinds of life skills but the friendship between me and my friends had grew and we are now more closer!^+^ the time we spent together were really priceless and looking back at them make me feel that it was really awesome to have you guys there(: thank you, my friends! For supporting me all the way!^>^ love you girls! <3
Thank you for bringing me great memories!^0^
Btw, below is a picture of our two awesome and responsible and really really really nice and friendly instructors named Joyce and Freddy (:

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