Friday, January 27, 2012

Leaving SG now for Malaysia... Spent the entire afternoon doing last minute preparation and actually planned to do homework; but sadly, NONE was completed@_@ cause tired-ness overwhelm me and it won, which results in sleeping from 5-6..2 FULL LONG HOURS X_X TRAGIC LUH!
Anyway, my parents went to watch the 清明上河图with my brother(without me) and one epic thing happen; yup, they met ONG LAI WEI!! My mum called out to het and she even started asking my mum; 婕爱在哪里?WTS; then my mum was like cause the school is bringing her go on tues, so why do she need to come? ._____.||| damn retarded! Btw; my mum said she came with some other people as well, but se said she can't recognize them, but then she think maybe there were there to collect the tickets for us...not sure at all.... But, to be frank, if I was there, I dun think I will call out to her xP (Sorry, but I really don't have the guts to acknowledge teachers outside school, it can totally freak me out!) hehe;
Anyway, super energetic now so apparently both eyes are like both damn big and practically can do anything, but sadly; NOTHING FOR ME TO DO T^T haiz; need to end now; until the next post which is gonna be full of pictures, shan't not blog. Buaibuai :D

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