Friday, January 20, 2012

Cchms celebrate Chinese New Year today; it can be considered as my first time celebrating with school, friends and teachers. It was a really fun and enjoyable day. One more day of wonderful and unforgettable memories of 2012(:
Well; let's get started^^
Arrived school and had FRC. Lion dance and the principal speech was next. Then; we had our very own class time aka class celebration^^ First, me and Jacq made a new year card for our dear geography teacher; Mrs Yang. It was not bad but well; from the one that was submitted, it was graded super average and plain(for me) But well; it was made with sincerity, so who cares? :P During the process of making, we had a mini party when we share food with one another and our dear FT; WangLaoShi also brought sth for us[but sadly; she was in-charge of the calligraphy competition so she was not with us throughout the whole celebration...): ]anyway, it was so fun cause everyone was like taking an exchanging food, adding on to all the laughter(: Then, we finally had our 鱼生( Y) this was my last time doing this beside home and it turn out that, it was actually more fun!^0^ no offense, but it was more jokes and laughter(: and KoYong take one chopstick of the 鱼生 and threw it in the mid-air! :O haha; of course, people scream :P then, we started feeding one another and it was funny when the boys feed each other cause the 'noodles' was kinda long and it was like touching their face or clothes(Y) hehe; den came the waterfight! ^~^ (Y) it was epic and they already started throwing water along the corridor and finally the fight continued at the sink near the gym. Before that, i was not ready yet and i ran away almost everytime i nearly splashed, but luck was not on my side all the time... When i was runnig towards the sink; i heard this; 诶,好像还有一个人还没有湿leh.. Gosh! I knew sth is going to happen and i was right! Before i could get away, water started splashed on me and i am officially in the battle now. Btw, the human who said that sentence is none other than TEO KO YONG Then; Limin and i got into a water splash and both of us is super duper wet! Haiz...but sadly, I forgotten to bring extra clothes so I was drenched and unable to changed @_@ then; class time ended..and we need to proceed to the Concourse..
At concourse, it was full of activities but I participated in none :P hehe; we spend the most of time in LT and ice-cream as well!^0^ Not long later we need to proceed to the Grand Audit again,when the principals did Yu-Sheng and also sang a few songs and finally; it was the presentation ceremony!^^ our class did us prudent by clinching the SECOND PRIZEin the making of CNY card competition! :D omg, i love you people! <3 finally; the celebration is officially ended(:
It was the best celebration I ever had for CNY and I enjoyed an moment of it. It was just too memorable and for the first time, I enjoyed CNY celebration! Now, I am looking forward to next year! :D hmmmm; how will the celebration be next year? I am looking forward! ^^
Below are some pics of our Yu-Sheng; LOL

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