Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hehe...I know I just blog like 2 hours ago, but I wanna write everything down since they are now fresh on my mind :D
Just watched Alvin and the chipmunk ^0^ it was truly extraordinary amazing awesome!!! :D especially when they wee singing the famous song like bad romance, fireworks, party rock anthem etc, truly feel the heat within them :P and when they were stranded on island, all the survival tips and the jokes they cracked really touched y heart and felt the friendship that was holding them together, so strongly(: I know this sounds sentimental, but these were all what I have found out as I watch the movie^^ it was totally worth it! :P hehe...anyway, I really recommend people to watch it and share the joy and laughter and the uniqueness between friends especially now it both involves boys and girls :P YAY (Y) well, watch it and you will love it, just like me!^^ shall end the review here, don't link so much story out! ;p
Tmr will be my leaving day, I will maye write one post at the airport before my flight(: so remb to catch it LOL hehe.. :P so for now, buaibuai(:

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