Sunday, December 18, 2011

Went out with my family today(: Bought something that i really want ed a long long time ago! Yup! A new earpiece and only with the price of $5! :O OMG so cheap!! perseverance paid off! Well, i guess patience really does help us at times :D hehe..oh, and i finally got the chance of entering Mos Burger and had a try of the burger!^^ Results-so delicious!(: will go back for more^^ hehe..anyway, was a bit wasted i didn't bought that tee): Now regretted)): nvm..(: i am sure that is more even nicer de!(: 
And i shall now update my upcoming events now^^
Guides Camp 19/12-21/12->Appointment w/ NSC aka National Skin Centre 22/12->JAPAN TRIP 24/12-31/12^0^->Adventure Camp 4/1-6/1 :D yup! Busy week! oh, and i also need ot make a trip to NTUC to grab some veggie for the outdoor cooking on the second day of guides camp, so maybe i dun think i will have the time to blog until 2-3 weeks later! But, there is always exceptional for everything, so maybe i do have some little time to rush out another one! :D *finger crossed there was(:* 
AC is coming right up the very next week after my holidays so i can say that i have totally zero time for time to pack so maybe i can considering start my packing now..(got a long list to buy, OMG @_@) but luckily, i am ready for my trip so yup, i think i have adequate time to have my stuff ready before i fly off^^  Proud of myself! :P
Anyway, shall write a bit about you now :P
Though i have said that i am erased memories of you in my mind, but i think i do not want to be so   cruel, maybe i shall just keep this beautiful memory of you and me right under the bottom of my heart(: and named it the sentimental, a simple yet full of sweet-ness memory hid it deep down there(: Our lives is different, we have now become 2 parallel lines, so i think it is truly the time for me to let go and move on with my life. i shan't hold you back anymore, we are now both friends and strangers now. So,yup! Good bye for now! i hope in the next coming years, we are able to meet once more and it will just be another simple wave and smile(: i think i have make myself clear enough now, so i will wish you well and stay happy forever!(: Jiayou!(:

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