Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Goin hols in 2 weeks time... Everyday is all abt preparing for the trip.. Nothing special.. Before i begin, shall break a good news^^ Me finally finished homework last week!:D truly amazing!^^ One thing down for her to nag at me(: Hehe.... Anyway, back to the main story; Your memories in my heart,my mind is fading(: i spent lesser time thinking of you and i guess we are not meant for each other(: we belong to two different world. We are forever apart(: i am glad things ended earlier i thought. I took two years to brain-wash my filthy mind,and also to filter things that does not really matter anymore,right?((: Well,this is my second time u appeared in my blog,my space. I dun know if this will be the last time, but i hope that if i can avoid,then avoid. I wanna drew clearly the lines between both of us. You and i the end. You are in the history. At here,i would like to write a sentence specially dedicate to you(: "i wish you happiness" Good bye(:

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