Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 3 guides camp Woke up late in the morning :p but was not late(: we had the world flag aka colours and it was kinda cool,i feel it. Hope that i will have the chance to do the colours as well one day :D After tat, had one full hour of drilling which totally leave me half dead and breathless...@_@ finally, the moment i had been waiting for throughout the entire camp, Yup! Patrol lunch and patrol outing!! ^0^ we went pastamania for lunch and i had creamy chicken and i swear i will never eat that again,so freaking yucky! X.X then later decided to spilt and go different ways(: And i finally bought moi new sch shoes!^^ and moreover,it is shoe laced de!~:D moi ever first pair!!^8^ (northstar is the brand) so freaking excited!(: can't wait to wear when sch reopens!!^~^ Hehe..d: and shop for a while den go home le.... Reflection: After today, i realised that guides camp was quite okay and i did learn something and make new friends(: And i have also truly bonded with my patrol members as well(: especially in pastamania, truly had tighten our friendship(: Yay! :D
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