Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Labour Day! :D
heheh; let me start the post w/ this greeting(those i doubt there is any link between the both of us XD) anyway,it had been  2 weeks since my last post; paiseh; it was the MYE and it was very important so i neglect the blog a bit; duibuqi >.< anyway; 言归正传. Today is the public holiday and so far; the language and 1 humanities paper is cleared *clap clap* i am quite pleased w/ my performance, except for the eng and chi paper 1; eng; i am able to see that i will be receiving a F while paper 1 have not much hope as i was able to sleep for half an hour -.- WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THIS?!?! I CAN NEVER COMPLETE COMPO WITHIN 2 HOURS BEFORE; THIS IS CRAZY .0. Whatever it is now, it is now over and i am just gonna forget abt it until debrief; hahah; lit today was super smooth, everything i read somewhat came out and i totally made use of all the time. i was still madly writing when i was like left w/ idk; 2mins(?) btw, whoever is gonna mark my paper, please forgo your 'strictness' and really try to read my 'awesome' handwriting; cause it was so 'cao' that some words, i also need quite some time to make it out; hahah;  xD whatever it is, i will pray hard for it. *nod nod* (: 
Kayyy; tmr will be maths paper 2; apparently there is nothing for me to study but just practice and practice and practice. so; yupyup :3 heheheh; but the day after maths paper will be horrifying and crazy and just one word; MAD *angry troll face* .O. cause it shall be both bio and geo all together; which both require mad memory work and especially geo, there is more application questions now; so DEAD; and somemore, i tried doing questions in my assessment, but i know; the questions will be like way up high in the sky while mine are like; idk tinneh winneh beans (?) not much use. but, better than nothing. 
So since today is an excellent day for me to study, i shan't not waste but make it super duper meaningful and productive. My goal; not only to like really do all the revision paper given, but also try out all the questions in my assessment, and maybe; start on dolphin; XP btw, my 'awesome' dolphin is damn new and i have not open and do anything yet. I can still take it back to popular and ask for refund; cause it is really freaking new! XD hahahah; me damn joke sia; :P hahahahah;  and also maybe read some bio and do pracitce questions and make some notes; of course. Then, i will be super proud of myself (Y) heheheh;
Shall end here now; there is tuition tmr. So needa to sleep early; so nights everyone! :D may the dreams be sweet and beautiful for each and everyone of u! *O* :D buaibuai (:

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