Thursday, May 17, 2012

Heheheheh; had a real cool operation today :3 was supposed to rescue the people in earthquake Ayuda and also learn some science survival skills; LOL
started the science fest w/ physics aka falling egg. The egg must be thrown down from third floor and ensure that it is fully intacted, not even a scratch should be left on it. It must be fully perfect, like how it was when it was given to us. So, it is quite hard huh? My group which consists of me, LiMin, Jacq and CassKhoo were kinda like do what to make so we a bit blur but in th end, still came up w/ something but sadly, the egg still had a crack ): #sian but nvm, it is the learning experience, isn't it? (: Rating: 5/10
After that, we had biology aka DNA FingerPrinting. Was supposed to make some idk(?) liquids come out in order to trace the fingerprints out and finally identify the bodies. The process of coming out w/ the liquid was kinda cool and finally Jacq and Cass went to find the DNA and we finally accomplished the task! #yay :D Rating: 7/10
And lastly, it my favourite station of all. (: it is the place when we get to try out many different chemicals! (Y) hehehh; we have to try to get pure water fro the lake water in our school-,- and later, w/ different chemical, we get to see the different flame that it would create when the chemicals react w/ the flame. Damn cool! :D cause the color is damn nice! (^~^) hehehh; and finally, the last task which was chromatography! The colored ink that was dapped on the chalk ad when it spread, omg; I totally love it!! \^+^/ hehehh; it is real exciting :P Rating: 11/10 :D and lastly, the prize presentation and our class is the last third .__. Though sad but at least it the learning experience(: and it the end of the sec 2 science fest 2012. (:

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