Tuesday, May 8, 2012

being kind of high now cause MYE is ending soon (Y) YAY MAN! finally, a release from all the books and facts. :D heheheh; it will be history paper on today, and Maths Paper 1 and HCL LC tmr and finallly, Eng oral and Malay Paper 2&3. YAYMAN(Y) i am so looking forward to wed, cause it marks the end os my sec 2 Sa1 life! woohoo; hahahah;
shall share abt my paper last week; 
after lit paper on Mon, it was a public holiday, and let me say this, it was damn unproductive -__- i totally wasted one precious day just like that and i was damn pissed w/ myself, and i only did a few maths problem sums and head to bed; #FML but i must say, the next day, maths was like a breeze to me and i was able to do all questions, (though there were some questions which i 'huh' at them during the first time; hahahah; xD) YAY(Y) *maybe got luck can get an A xP* heheheh; 
and it was Geo and Bio the next day, and i swear i totally hate the teacher who put this 2 mad subject together; it was damn crappy and i even make a cup of tea for myself in order not to fall asleep. In the end, i studied till 4:30am but only sleep at nearly 6. WHAT IS THIS?! :O i was damn happy when i finished the stupid stuffs but the moment i lie on my bed, i have no idea why the facts started coming to me, and i was like rolling on my bed and the facts just rove around in my brain -______-lll seriously, damn annoying sia! .0. but in the end. i FINALLY could fall asleep; phew! During the paper, it was okay, but most of the stupid things i memorise didn't came out, instead they ask about the stupid water bottle, the heart-lung oxygenator and ask us to link to the stuff that we had learn; omg, what is so freaking wrong w/ the setter of the paper?! .____.lll are you trying to kill us all out? The stuffs that our teacher ask her to study didn't came out, but they ask things that are not related us yet; ARGH; but luckily, i was still be able to do them; #praiseme; hahahahahah; and i was the physics paper next; omg, my worse enemy ever, they are like already my enemy from the moment i was born, they hated me a lot and they are like forever out there killing me, making me fail. WTS; and i have a bad feeling abt the paper, i think i am really gonna fail, gosh! damn scared now! :O *P/S i am that lucky enough, getting the score of 50/100, i will be jumping and thanking God for all the mercy, i am serious! cause passing is alre one difficult task for me when it comes to physics.* 
And so, came to weekend, and i wasted one day when i went shopping w/ my parents; hahahahah; xD btw, talking abt it, shall tell you one more thing which i am damn pissed off abt. On sat, i went to the blogshop and ask abt my bag, you know that i have ordered, the owner of the blogshop told me that it was taken down and so she just  索性 didn't ordered for the customers, including me without even letting us know! God damn, what is this?! >:O too think i was damn excited and really anticipating a lot. i even got a lecture for it, feel that 'awesome' .0. seriously damn pissed, i felt cheated, really cheated and i swear i am not gonna buy anymore things through the internet, mum also said this is your first and last time doing this; zzzz.... -___- now thinking of it makes me damn xian now; #FML 
and again, i mug history for 2 days and now i am gonna take the paper like idk, in an hour or two, so wish me luck and all the best later on; i am fearing for it now. 
*fingers crossed* >.<

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