Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Learning Journey today ---- Historical Tour of Bukit Chandu Museum and Labrador Park   
Was a trip filled w/ both happy, sad, boring, retarded and disturbing stuffs; but overall; i must say; many things were taught and i enjoyed myself a lot. (: 
went to the park first and realised i was not there the first time and finally, being able to see all the weapons and coastal defences that were being taught and tested in school. Mr Tan also did explanations really well though of his accent that he used :P heheheh; and btw, there were some senior guides that were our tour guide that day and i must say, i was bored at first but at the end, we had become friends and they were real cool cause they really know their facts well and they were able to answer all our questions. So, i must say, you guys are pro *clap clap* (Y) btw, mine were the blue ones (what they called themselves) and the names are JiaYi and Abigail #yay :D heheheh; 
After the park ,we went to the museum and i swear the museum was awesome! :3 and though the video was somewhat creepy; cause of the atmosphere that it created and maybe the sounds/voices but all in all, it was cool and Jacqueline also grabbed me cause she was scared. We held hands throughout the entire thingy and i was glad i was able to give someone i know a support and comfort (: #YAYME :D After the show, we went around the museum and the senior give us real explanations and descriptions of WW1 and i am not trying to against anyone but seriously i feel that, because of all the evil things that were done onto the others, the descendants of Japan are paying their debts for the ancestors. That explain the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear blast that happened one after another, causing many deaths. I guess, you reap what you sow and karma will take place when you committed wrongdoings, huh? anyway, learnt a lot abt the Malay Regiment during the war and me shall quote a phrase that was in the video; "because of them fighting gallantly and fearless during the war, we are able to enjoy the peace that we have now" Later, we had to look around on the bottom floor and finally, it was time to return school! :D #YAY and after another half an hour of waitng and went for some dumb art appreciation which i had not been listening from the start to the end. hehehehe; xP and finally, home sweet home! ^~^ heheheh; blog post end here now (: Tmr will be an operation. I hope that i am able to update; till then; Ppyong!~ xD

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