Sunday, May 13, 2012

Was marking day yesterday and i should say, it was one awesome day! :D (Y) heheheh; though maybe it will not kinda like productive, but to me, it was really fun and i wanna forever remembered this day; \^~^/ 
heheheh; actually, i was supposed to be sleeping early cause i was real tired, then mum started watching Forensics Heroes 3 ; which was the show i wanted to watch since last year, everyone was like; 'omg, it is the best i have so far! :O' so, i finally could watched, but mum had alre watched until l ep15 -,- i have no choice but to continue watched, but i was lucky enough, cause i started watching not long ago, they had a new case! (Y) #yayme :P hahah; we watched til 4+; mum said was late, so we off it and went to dreamland (: 
The next day, i woke up @ 1pm sharp and after lunch, i immediately grabbed my phone and went fangirl-ing K-POP; Boyfriend. :D *seriously, this is so not me and i use to dislike K-POP=,= #FML* 
I finally finished watching their variety show; Boyfriend W Academy; which was not only fun(i laughed since the first ep to the last ep.)but you could really see a totally different side of each member; the mature one, the smart-alex, the joker, the cute-cute one ~>*^0^*<~ and of course, the look of perseverance, teamwork and the mindset of really going forward towards their goal; in 2012, Becoming a World Star. Quoting a chinese phrase; 他们最真诚的一面 (: 
I really like them not only just purely of their songs and looks, but really, they doing their best and only giving us the best of the best in whatever they do. They are always putting their 200% heart and soul into completing it; though they are grumbles, but in the end, they will show you who they really are. So, i am saying, they are more than what we have seen their through TV. I really, from the bottom of my heart; giving them my utmost support and encouragement, as a simple fans (: 
P/S above all are just my personal opinions, i have no any ulterior motive, so anyone read please don't be mistaken. Also, not doing any promotional; Tyvm
Below is a short passage from the youtube; i really love what was written; (: 
Boyfriend为韩国Starship Entertainment于2011年推出的6人男子组合,于5月26日携带同名单曲《Boyfriend》通过M!Countdown正式出道。一出道便获得了极高的­­人气,深受大家喜爱。6个拥有各自不同魅力的大男孩:金东炫、沈贤星、李政敏、赵英敏、赵光敏、 卢珉宇他们怀揣着梦想,在舞台上挥洒汗水,绽放光彩。
2012年Boyfriend即将展开海外活动,针对海外活动进行的各种训练而拍摄的《Boyfriend's W士官学校》将会给大家带来不一样的Boyfriend,各种萌点笑点一应俱全,也让大家看了非常努力的他们。

and also found out that one of the mission that they need to complete was to coming to SG and have a fan-meeting w/ the SG fans, as i was only obsesses abt them a few days ago before MYE so i was unable to attend the fan-meeting ): *aiya, even i am a fans alre, i also cannot go de lah! )":* but thanks to the power of Internet and youtube, i was able to sit at my desk and watched every single part of it, not missing anything. (: *though it is really one great big difference, but better than nothing,right? (: Looking at the bright side, you are able to get to watch the fan-meeting without squeezing w/ anyone, right? So, don't be sad anymore, kay girl? (: giving them more moral support and stalk more of them on Twitter and Facebook and i'm sure, you will be also to contribute a bit more (:*-self-comfort; paiseh so i was damn high yesterday and finally do some decent stuff like doing housework and tidying up my place etc and not forgetting FH3; #yay; heheheh; and at night, i was watching Boyfriend and FH3 until 3+ again; heheheh; and so, it is sat and woke up 11+ and got ready to go T1 to see off my relatives cause they are going hols. And i was back, staring at the TV once again and finally finish watching FH3; (Y) hahahah; after watching, i can't believe it was alre 9+ so i had my dinner; i mean supper and bathed(: and watched Boyfriend Self-Camera again and was laughing like mad again xP heheheh; 
oh; and btw, bought it 2 weeks ago and hang it on my bag; really really really loving it a lot; <3 //was even looking at it before oral to calm my nerve even and omg, the eyes just somehow electrify me and i was really calm ; paiseh; sounds too fake alre, but it was true! :O me not lying at all!!//
hehehe; shall end here now(: i really need to do my DNT liao; buaibuai(: Gomawo; ppyong~ :D

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