Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sorry>< have not been posting for a few days! Seriously, dun know what to write also....
Anyway, tmr is my drama nite and I am holding one big role, which is the MC, which i am that I am able 2 get the role^~^ heheh;
Tmr is my big day cause I am acting and also holding the, people, wish me good luck and all the best! Fingers crossed that everything will went smoothly tmr and there will be no major problems!>~<
Oh,btw, I am also have 2 roles in my acting scene and there will be quite rush during that period.... xp
...............(dun know what 2 write).................
I think this isy shortest post...gtg now! Bye!
Will wite abt my awesome drama nite tmr! ^0^

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