Friday, November 18, 2011

Not very sure of what to do now...
Should i watch momo love or iron clothes?
have been troubling over some minor stuffs this few days.....
think i am too free so i got some much time and brain space to think of them.... .____.
Facebook and Twitter is getting boring... practically nothing special to do......
gonna die of bored-ness........
the trip to Japan was confirmed so meanwhile, kinda getting ready for the trip((;
quite excited about it, after all, it is my first time going to somewhere snowing and celebrating WHITE CHRISTMAS at the same time((:
so ya...
this will be my weird-est post ever...
after 2011, i have found 5 friends that i can truly,
exchange hearts and say my problems and well, you knw...
one of them is not really a friend that i can talk to..
but since he has given me memories,so i will just put him in((:
not gonna reveal,of course,,,,,=p
anyway, have been going out with primary sch friends than secondary friends...
there was more outings though...X_X
gonna have my very first one with Limin and Jacq!(Y)
next year will be another stressful year,cause of streaming....
just by thinking of that already send a shiver down my spine.....
anyway, i just hope that i am able to cope though.....
gtg now! mum is calling! buaibuai!((:


  1. Who are the five friends?O.O
    hehe i noe the "him" is who!:d dont look forward to go out with me? >:(

  2.,whatever :p I won't care who u think the person is :p
    Aiyo, who say de?! You can u wanna be zai nu and now say I dun wan go out wIf u-.- Aiya,we will confirm find time to go out together one day de^^

  3. I didnt say i wanna be zai nv loh~
    i meant being zai nv is good cuz got many many many~ xiao shuo mah.But a person need friends more than books rite?
