Monday, November 14, 2011

After so many days, i have finally completed HALF of my homework....
Dun say i am have been rotting at home without fail everyday!
At least i made myself useful and a meaningful day by completing SOME homework! :P
anyway, my brain is malfunctioning, my hands are numbing, eyes are going blind! All thanks to the computer right in front of me now! Thanks man!
well, tmr is WeiXiang concert, apparently i am NOT looking forward, cause firstly, i have no music genes,anytime i might just dozed off if i dun understand wht was playing or the atmosphere and the chair is too comfortable! xp cal me a sleeping beauty for that! i dun give a damn! i am unique! *smirk*
anyway, meeting Rach tmr first before having dinner and going for the concert. Mum said that dad is coming tmr to pick us home...oh, well, guess i can go home earlier^^
btw,i am having patrol outing next week! YAY(Y) FINALLY!!!~^0^
totally looking forward!!~
being bored so i ahve decided to blog....;p
anyway, i borrowed some drama novel and oh well, got a scolding for that and after reading i have decided to watch *MOMO LOVE* aka 桃花小妹...
so the movie review will be on the next post!
gtg now! buaibuai((:

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