Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sorry! Blog had been dead since drama nite... I apologise, but it is not my fault.
Everyday was just another old boring lame retarded day...
I am repeating the same routine without fail...
Morning, when i have woken up, dressed up (to be frank,most of the time when i wake up, it is already noon xp) it is time for lunch. After lunch, time to go to the office when my torture start. I. am asked to memorise one composition. Then, i will need to my assessment...-.- feeling so dreadful! Argh! At night, i will need to help out at home like doing household chores...
And mum said that i am only allow to watch 1 hour everyday! Wth _l_ you said i can do whatever you want after exam, but you are restricting all my freedom and life!
Haiz... No point saying all this..everything will be back to square 1....
Gtg now. I will need to memorise my compo before i am able to read my novel that i have borrowed...haiz...命苦啊!!!

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