Monday, October 19, 2015

Today is a Bad Bad Bad day.....

Everything started on the wrong note since i decided to get out of bed this morning...
Should have just listened to jeevan & then escape school, maybe then it won't be so bad sigh...
Morning, during morning duty, the last morning duty for this month & probably the last one too for this year, jeevan told me 3 times that my hair was bad omg cries. for the first time ever he told me that omg urgh ): like he never said anything like this before which makes me rather sad though oh well ...... & today, they had A level exam briefing, and the both of us just stood at the side of the stage for i think, half an hour++?? omg, it has been a while i stood so long for morning duty, and jeevan even ended up sweating omg ): both of us were just very uncomfortable and i kind of admire his determination omg, like he didn't move much and maintain his poker face, hats of him, because his partner can't really stop fidgeting, yawning and switching hand movements and etc sigh... & sidenote: jeevan is texting like a me AND I CANNOT ADAPT LA. He is adding all the exclamations marks & extending his words with many many of the same alphabets, which he never does that before?? and when i ask him why is he texting like that, he just shuddered his shoulders and said, no reason why, which kind of leaves me like, ??????? but oh well, don't complain bc this new jeevan is at least a jeevan that is less distance & more fun HAHAH, not to forget how he is so against rongxuan & felicia now HAHAHA. He totally formed his own welfare comm la omg so funny please HAHAHA
After morning assembly, bonded with tingkai (a rather unexpected one) and he shared many many of his family stuff with me, which i didn't really expect that convo to go that way, but i am thankful because it is always nice to find out about the people that i used to work with, like find out more about them, plus we still have another year to work and hang out together, so i think it was a good 1.5 hour spent teehee :3
Btw, Ming broke the news to me she might not be able to make it on last fri, but i was so busy and so caught up, so i didn't open her text until sun morning sigh ): i totally regretted it urgh... i was at a loss of words and i didn't know what to reply or text sigh... and when she went on about unable to travel together two years' from now, broke my heart even more ): i wasn't ready for that news yet and it hit me really sudden, and tbh until now, i can't really comfort her because..... basically it wasn't something that i expected bc i geniuely had faith in her that she would be able to make it.. Ming may not be the brightest student around, but she worked and mugged harder than most of my close friends, so sigh, still at a loss of words, still breaking my heart a lot, a lot ):
If you happened to be reading this:
Ming, i really hope that you won't stop believing in yourself and never lose faith alright ): i am sad that you might not be able to make it, but i am more scared to see a Ming that loses all her sparks and confidence, and doesn't believe it hardwork brings in sweet results. My dear, you have always been one of the more hardworking ones among us, so i really believe a lot in you. Remb, i am always here if you ever need anything alright.
Weiran tell me to be honest to you and ask, if you are really suitable for jc.. but idk though.. you tell me you haven't been studying very hard, but weiran beg to differ. She felt that you have been a really diligent and consistent girl all this while and that you definitely worked really really really hard for all your exams.. and honestly, i can't really bring myself to tell you though.. i am not ready to question your ability bc i believe you have what it takes to become a much much more better person than i know.. & Ming, if you really feel that you haven't been studying hard and you wanna continue here in jc, yes you have my support. In fact, no matter where you are, you are still someone i really really treasure a lot, like a lot and i am constantly very very thankful for you, especially when i was having trouble with my clique last year, you stood by me and listened to all my stupid shit and taught me what and how to do. You constantly affirm me that i am really doing a lot a your friend and despite the little meetup & constant undying text we have, you never lose your heart and patience with me. And that, i cannot ask for anything more. So, i am going to stand by you too.  No matter what you do, if you have thought through all your decisions, i am going to put my faith in you becasue you ain't just another Tom, Dick or Henry on the street, you are someone that i truly cares and someone i am ready to be friends for the rest of my life. Ming, you are never alone alright.
& speaking of weiran, she was a bit annoyed with me too, because she told me she had something urgent and important that she wanted to tell me, but sigh something rather serious happened at the same time, so i told her i would talked to her later, but by the time i finsiehd, it was alre 2 in the monring, and thurs & fri came along, and every single day, i was just so drained out & then i couldn't think straight so yeah sigh.. and she was also in her slight pms mood.. i understand her bah, wr deadline is tmr, she has her own share of her problems and shit to settle... and this is partly my fault bc like she had my welfare at heart but i didn't get back to her..... sigh, but during the weekends, i told myself that it is time to make some time and plans for weiran, i hope we can go out soon & then set things straight and i really wanna know what she wanna tell em though.. & then, the main highlight of the day, WR IS A BITCH OMG he changed our title and we didn't know abt it so we had to reprint that documents, and then we had to travel all the way from school to century square, but when we reached there, we realised our page numbering was wrong omg, and we can't edit our shit or access internet, so we made a wasted trip all the way to century square. I bought a bottle of root beer, and when i opened that shit, the drink burst and half bottle was gone omg, urgh i was so taken aback and then it spilled all over my skirt, hand, wallet & floor omg, and then i had to wash  all those mentioned and not to forget, i constantly dropped something the whole trip from there to back, wallet, charger, phone and etc, basically almost everything sigh omg ): and then when i am back in school, i left my cue cards at the canteen counter, becasue i had to borrow apron and buy soya milk from the canteen auntie because i forgotten to bring mine sigh... everything didn't started out right la.. i had to run back from the other block to canteen block to have auntie stelling me that my friends had already took it for me, passed it to my friend at the other side of the block.. omg, all the running i did urgh omg i might just die from all of it omg.. when i am finally done, i went to sr4 and was annoyed, pissed off, drained and basically i just wanna walked out of school alre because i honestly had have enough of today omg sigh pie... presentation came along at 3 and thankfully, it was one of the smoothest presentation i had, and he commented that we were the best group so far since 8 among all the groups that he had accessed. < and yes, this is the ONE AND ONLY thing that is good about today sigh... after presentation, we continued to face problems with our wr. We are unable to burn one copy of our wr into the cd he gave it to us, we can't get the page numbering settled and the laptops continued to give us many many problems sigh.... and i was so annoyed and anxious that i accidentally insulted one of my classmate sigh ): i felt so guilty after that and urgh, wr was just driving us all up the wall. and when we finally got our wr settled, we wanted to go print and the stupid printing shop then decided to have their binding machine break down on them... immediately, i collapsed on the floor omg.. like why is all the bad things all happening in one day today omg... like urgh, we were so urgent, so anxious but life is not helping at all omg, it continues to throw unwanted and unready bomb at us.... we ended up traveling all three malls, went to popular, and started calling all ten thousand printing shops found around our areas, and only have them telling us that they don't offer binding services omg, like WHAT IS THIS LA OMG SHIT OMG we even don't mind traveling back to the printing shop outside school, but no shit THEY ALSO DON'T OFFER LA WTH so we only decdied that we will bind that stupid shit tmr morning and asked for a slight extension from mr h sigh. WHY IS EVERYTHING GOING SO SO WRONG OMG
& most importantly, i felt the worse to chuken. i was the one that suggested going home together & ended up, he waited for me since 3, went rounds and rounds, ups and downs, and watch us rage all about wr was supposed to be our bonding time and now look what happened to it.. but what touched me the most was, he first texted me telling me that everything is going to be alright when i felt bad towards him sigh.. but it is okay, i think i need to do sth for him, like buy food/drink so as to thank him for his patience and understanding the whole time sigh...
today, i couldn't wait for the day to end & and i just wanna get home asap. i definitely don't want to day to repeat anymore bc it is too much of a nightmare. like how is it possible that everything and anything can just go wrong like that omg, like does it even make sense omg sigh....
still hoping tmr will be a better day, and a less accident and drama day, please let everything fall in place and let me pass tmr with nothing happened sigh...

'everyday may not a good day, but there is something good in everyday...'


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