Saturday, November 28, 2015

Simple & Ordinary

Counting down: 1 week of holidays gone. Left: 5 more weeks to go
This week was a rather peaceful week. Nothing exciting happened but i have many many simple stories to share yay omg :3

Tues & Wed: stay-home weekdays and i tried to study a bit, but apparently failed super badly because i only studied less than a chapter of econs in a span of four days... productivity level is way below the sea bed.. BUTTTTT.... i got my australia ootd plan settled & visa done too !! & we are really less than two weeks before i am going to breathe another space of air !! omg, i am really excited now and i genuinely hope that the trip will be good because i have been looking forward to since the start of the year & the excitement just got stronger as the days went by, and during the promos period urgh, went through so much becasue i wanted to have so fun during this holiday, so yes if anything happened, i will murder the person alive and nope, i am not kidding :-)
^ like sucks for jieai becasue she can't get her priorities right smh...
did not understand anything for the last two econs lectures and her progress of catching up with the work is amazingly lacking at the back :) i am probably the best student already guys, the amount of shit i give to my studies guys....
Oh, and i started on another new drama omg... it is called oh my venus and it is about weight and health, rather demoralizing to watch because i am snacking while watching the drama.... (things i do friends) & i am going to also concurrently watch another nostalgic drama, reply 1988. And amidst all that drama love, i have my studies to catch up, orientation work to do, a daughter to serve the home and yes, a friend that i have to catch up with my old friends & a jieai to be at.
I am probably the best human to look at, and then she still has her personal life to manage and maintain lmao...
^ but, i can safely tell you by the end of the holiday, it will probably be one of the most fruitful holiday i ever had becasue i had fun and did my shit as well awww.... teehee :3

Thurs: official first family meeting & we had it at airport. thankful because most than half were there. though there were some absent, but it was a good meeting because we got everyone to open up and able to talk and share about themselves and etc :) it was rather awkward at the start, but eventually everyone got a chance to open up and speak. we self-intro, got them to put in some ideas for the family names, and played some games as well. they laughed and joked much more during the games. it was rather nice to see all of them willingly coming together and joining the fun. no one was excluded and everyone was really inclusive :) though the segregation of guys and girls are already there but oh well :) towards the end, we became rather noisy when they played heads'up and we started screaming really really loudly oh dear. thank god we were at the basement where they weren't many people or else... omg, public embarrassment please hahah
but thankful for these bunch of people and can't wait to start doing real shit with them yay for family 2 !! (purple hearts friends)
bonus: joel recognized me becasue both of us went for ltc, and i accidentally sat on his leg and kind of injured him... but the point is, this offender have no single bit piece of idea and memory that i ever met him before, let alone knowing that i injured him... he remembered me but i don't even know he went for ltc la... and then now, we are all in the same group smh.... i felt so bad towards him omg because i seriously have zero memories about him lah.. this is so so sad like omg.....
^ okay i am sorry, i promised to be a better family master so that i can actually repent my mistake towards him omg.. not only i injured him, i don't even know his existence i cry a pool of blood now please....
& in the night, we wrote the family name proposal out & yes, we got everything settled and pending for submission only.. it was rather funny because we wrote so mant stupid bullshit for the rationale & had fun reading up all about the greek gods and mythology lol... and we were rather efficient because we got the proposal written out rather quickly & yes, i finally caught up with my drama too oh yay man friends !!

Fri: another ordinary day, except for an emergency meeting that diana called for only last night. it was just mainly communications and when dissipating information in and out of council... nothing much actually but just doesn't like the fact that she held it against the exco, because i believe disappointing information ain't just the exco so why blame only them please urgh.. don't be rude okay, i tell you tsk.
moving on, i didn't do much during the afternoon too & fell asleep, woke up and stone more, and yes they gave us a new task. getting the songs that we want to perform for family walk-in & dance. deadline is this coming tues, aka 2dec.
it is papa birthday, prom day, DELPHINE TAN AND HER STUPID AND REDUNDANT ECONS LESSONS, econs homework due, mama award ceremony, my most favourite family- starship planet and now even the songs deadline... i mean why that date, and why is the love for that date omg....
^ everything is alrghit, because i can rush her homework just before that day, watch the replay of mama awards, listen to my new release of starship planet when i come home and submit the proposal before i sleep the night before.. but papa birthday la omg.. T^T this is the one that got me the most upsetting de ):
^ oh, and i still have to buy rongxuan birthday balloon & jeevan doesn't want to do that job :-)

Tmr is guitar restrung concert and a day closer to the australia. i really can't wait because i am really really excited of all the things that i really wanna do during the trip teehee ^O^
Countdown to Australia: less than two weeks, exactly 12 days left /scream happiness/

'everything happens for a reason, be it happy or sad, embrace them all. this is what life is all about' :)


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Living the dream...

Okay, this may sound really weird and embarrassing, but yes, we were living a dream. A dream that cheryl had designed for us, specially designed for us. Basically, cheryl wrote a story out of us two & it was set at ikea. And yes, the both of us were at ikea together on monday :)
^ in case you are wondering, it was me and chuken on that day.
Okay, how should i put it? The trip happened because i needed to get weiran her birthday present & idk why, i wasn't feeling comfortable with anyone else so i just told him to go ikea with me. Now, i realise that he was the only one, among all my friends that were free. Rose is in her love country, Japan; Steph is in Cambodia, Limin in camp, Ming is working & obviously you can't ask ran the birthday girl. Oh, and zhonghng pissed me off recently so yeah, nope nope nope.
I didn't realise camden and jacquelina until that day, i think when i was travelling to meet him. It then dawned on me that we are unknowingly doing something that everyone were excited for, like so so excited for..
Anyway, we met at 1030 & oh well, i was late.. But it was okay, because we waited long enough for the shuttle bus, we started immediately talking about life. Chuken started ranting about some stuff (not saying because it is his private) on the way and when we reached ikea, we couldn't decide what do we want to do first. We settled on eating first & we only ordered 3 food, compared to the day that i came with weiran & we ordered one whole table of food lmao HAHAH. We were rather afraid that we might meet people that we know & because all the explanations we need to make omg... but thank god, we didn't the whole day!! Spent even more time on talking and eating and i think we even went on to countries & terrorists attacks & religious issues, hahah. When we talked, you never understand where the convo is going because we just linked from one issue to another just like that.. Sometimes, we even lost ourselves in the things we said and we sidetrack a lot a lot from the main topic but oh well, i guess this is what brought us even closer because of the many many things we said :)
After lunch, we went to take a walk around the house and furniture area to help with the digestion. It was so good because i grabbed one shark plushie to hug it along & oh dear, it was so comfy, so huggable and so adorable! And while walking, jieai made a really stupid mistake.. She dropped the bag of shoe that she was carrying and was supposed to cheryl during evening.... i went a good 10-15mins going round and round the area, and even looking into drawers and closets in case i was literally blur and dumb enough to left them inside. I went to all areas that i have left my footprints and i was in a panic mood because i couldn't imagine myself losing it just when i thought i want to pass to cheryl omg ): it was so terrifying urgh. chuken came up and we went through one whole round once again, and when we finally found it. it was so tiring and i felt all my energy was so tiring and i just that my soul left me...
^ the shoes was found at the most ridiculous place, it was found on the floor between the beds. If you didn't look properly on the ground, you probably won't realise it and of course, you won't be able to see it as well.
After one good round of exercising and walking up and down, we finally went down to the bottom level to get our stuff. When we tried to get a trolley, the wheels of the trolley went over my toes & i can't screamed as well but i was just jumping up and there omg.. it was so painful T^T & here, we marked our ikea adventures. We started from the cups area, and got ourselves a bottle of swedish festive drink and have no idea what is it...and friends, it was 1.80... And i found the bowls that weiran wanted & the complementary wooden spoon, but it is rather big so i had to look for another one somewhere else oh well. Got a photo frame for ming as well, planning to design her present, a homemade one. I also got some design tags for my decor purposes & art and craft box lmao.
When you are with jieai, it is hard not to be embarrassing, hahaha, -quoted from weiran. I guess no one can run away from this curse?? We were being idiots going from here to there, trying out different things, commenting on how some things worked and fascinated by the designs as well. I suggested following the entire trail but ended up, a more excited and hyped up chuken going 'omg omg omg' at almost everything. Snapchat story got deleted halfway & after resting at the boxes area aka my ootd area, we went back to where we started and started on my snapchat story again hahah. We have china boy, hari raya vs christmas, and then a wild pear, lights being 'brighter than my future', me being an asshole and shinning the light in his face, a super huggable plushie and his so-done face, him being all excited over a hanging life where you can changed the shape just by tugging onto the strings. Conclusion of the day, chuken was a kid the whole time la, not forgetting he was spazzing over the shark plushie too oh well.
Bonus: chuken embarrassed himself big time by a sudden burst of rage and shouted so loudly and the people around us turned to look at us omg.. What was worse, there was this wheel-bounded lady in front of us and we were kind of afraid that she thought we were referring to us so we just quickly left omg.. it was just way too embarrassing omg hahah.

After ikea, saizeriya for dinner & we walked back to tampines again because we needed to pass cheryl the shoes. Bought a new bottle of body mist but they decide to change the packaging like omg?? i needed to replace one because i wanted to act like nothing happened and most importantly, they changed the packaging omg smh... i was so done okay, but i was desperate so i needed to replace one.. Finally, cheryl came and we spent some time talking about life and wayne was being rude (don't worry, the friendly kind of rude) and we were established as friends i guess?? xD it was so impromptu but i guess things always happened at the most unexpected situation :)
And the day ended just like that :)

It was a great day because i get my things settled and had many any fun as well. ikea trip was a big success yay!

'Happiness means sharing the great feeling you have with someone else and double the feeling altogether'


Saturday, November 21, 2015

And now, it is finally the start :)

And yes, it is here. It is finally here. Today marks the official beginning of Orientation 2016. 
So many many things happened, both happy and sad and anguish. And I had so many to say because I had the same amount of fun and shit. It was really a fruitful week J

Mon: went back to school for gp lesson which is honeslty rather redundant and boring because the teacher was being relaly annoying by constantly picking on people about them not copying their work and coming in late etc. She spent ¾ of the time going on and on about it and it is just plain urgh. And then we have another gp teacher coming and she just starts rattling on and on about whatever that was printed on the book given and quoted from han, ‘she was just plain excited that she got the mic and get to speak???’ Basically, a plain waste of 3 hours because everything is self-explanatory and you honestly do need much help omg. Oh, I fell asleep at the right timing because I gain some rest instead of listening to some rattling on and on about stuffs that it is already made known to us lmao.

Tues: econs lesson and as usual, delphine tan was being a bitch. It was to the point that being a bitch is something that she does everyday or else she might just die from it lmao. It was rather okay but when going through the exam papers was slightly bad when one teacher was taking her time. And the second half was agnes chan, which was just exicitedly talking about her family and her life stories lol. But okay, thank god it was all over because I was fighting so hard with the sleeping bugs omg.
And that night also marked the first night that chuken and I talked for really really long yay. It was the most random talk and we just said everything we had in mind, there wasn’t really a main topic but it was just small talks that we had & we continue to laugh at how ridiculous and retarded each other was. It was one of those nights that I genuinely cherish because I guess best friends are able to talk about anything and everything under the sky. And I guess that’s what that made my night too :’)
Oh, and here is my top 5 qualities of my ideal guy:
1.    Tall
2.    Smart idiot (or actually just be smarter than me can already)
3.    Financial stable
5.    Sense of security & I feel protected when I am with him

Wed: round two of econs lesson & geo lesson. Econs was just pure lame and that delphine tan asked for our golden book AND SHE PLANTED HER BIG SIGAUTRE ON MY NAME??????? like excuse you, did I ever ask for it?? And I didn’t work all that hardwork for you, you little piece of shit omg. It was so disturbing and gross that I wanted to tear apart my golden book omg. My hardwork for ¾ of a year omg, all ruined by her damn name smh.
And yeap, it was the last lesson for both mr yeo and ms wu. Sigh, I will really miss them though ): like both are really nice teachers and they don’t give up on me despite me falling sleep everywhere??? HAHA. I feel so thankful and apologetic towards them but haha, I tried so hard to stay awake but oh well, and they never work, like never.
dear mr yeo & ms wu, thanks for your guidance for a good half a year. it has really been wonderful being your students and both of you will be dearly missed yay J
AND YES! This marks the official end to all my lessons in 2015 woohoo!!
& our second skype talk. Initially, it was me worrying about my welfare comm and orientation but I don’t really know how the convo actually went, but it all ended up we created the ultimate burden chan lmao. HAHAHA. I was laughing so hard that I started hyperventilating & I could relate it so so well because it was exactly my situation and I couldn’t stress how relatable and relevant to me. chuken was ranting so much about the issue and we actually concluded that people that are single since birth are actually better omg. And we realise that some people are of the same kind and some stuff just can’t be helped. I couldn’t help but feel sad for them all, like omg there are actually things they need to learn if they really want to get into an r/s lmao. But sigh, it was so fun omg, like so so fun teehee :3
Oh, and Jeevan is really pissed off with Felicia though, like he lost his trust in her and he was raging so so much to so many people omg. But oh well, you can’t blame Jeevan for being so angry because it is rather irresponsible on Felicia’s part. There was a council meeting but Felicia didn’t turn up. So Jeevan tried reaching her but after calling for a few times, she kind of just rejected the call. And it was honestly rather late in the day then she replied, saying she overslept and phone spoiled and etc. It does sound a bit stupid so I kind of speak for her but Jeevan just somewhat shot everything down and yeah, he asked me to go and find out about that girl. Honestly, I heard so much about her already but oh well, we don’t know how true. Okay, for me. I honestly still have so many doubts towards everything though. But it is not possible that Joachim, Jeevan made up stories or the prom comm be lying because there is way too many instances already. Maybe, somehow from this orientation, I am able to see some things for myself. I don’t want to say much yet, because she is still my comm member oh well. I see how it goes oh well?? But I genuinely pray everything will turn out alright /pray pray pray/

Thurs: didn’t had to come in the morning but guess who had photoshoot in the afternoon. Basically it is a corporate photoshoot for the school branding and marketing purposes.
Okay, this may sound really vain but it was really unexpected when they picked me for the photoshoot because I wasn’t someone that is rather outstanding though haha. But, I was also happy because it was for once, I get to rep the school this way lmao. Like who would ever thought the really blur and lost jieai has a chance to look intellectual and be part of the school branding?? Haha, but I had fun because of the people there + make-up session. But sigh, photo-taking is rather tiring and time-consuming too omg. And guys, I am the proud photographer for a few shots omg, like guys I AM HELPING THE SCHOOL TO TAKE PHOTOS HAHA. Okay, I sound really retarded here but I am so happy I was both the model and the photographer woohoo \^O^/
After photoshoot, went back to council room & more bitching about queen b, aka Felicia hahah. But yay, highlight of the day: tampkangnied reunion woohoo !!! eighteen chef once again and we start our famous moment, bitching session and we decided to buy the identities for the council briefing the next day. We went to the swing and we were laughing and screaming our lungs away, okay throwing more image away. It was rather funny because dora was trying to go high but was unable to do so, so I gave a little push and then she started screaming because she said it was too high for her hahah. And we were also saying the different surnames that we are not going to get married to & family backgrounds and ancestors and etc. it was just pure lameness and retarded moments but I guess this is tampkangnied for you ;) We walked back to tmall and we couldn’t get bandanas because there isn’t many and they are way too ex too omg. So, we had to find substitutes. We found shoelaces in the end & yes, dora changed for me. I am now in purple house, changing from blue to purple because I am number 1 purple fan woohoo (inserts ten purple hearts please friends)
And we went h&m but dora dragged me to her fav crop sweater but she was worried because it was a crop top but when she tried it, it fits her perfectly and the length was just nice. Okay, it is no more a crop basically. Chuken and I were just at the side laughing so hard but we couldn’t really laugh out loud too. And after much debate, yes dora got it. It was slightly ex but we had a happy dora at the end of the day J
And yes, this marks the end of a long thurs!

Before I start, guys I am officially a family master. This also means I am incharge of one family, one legion and I have like 25 councillors, including myself in the group. This news came during the weekend so I didn’t had time to put it up.
I was declared as the aic for welfare comm on fri & family master the very next day, aka sat. it were two rewards given to me and i am just so so thankful and surprised :’)
Chuken even told me that the exco actually had so much confidence and trust in me which really touched me so so much because sigh, I found so so many comfort and warmth in council J council see so much potential in me and put me in so much responsibility and I know I don’t want to disappoint any people at all :’)

Fri: came to school today early in the morning to help chuken with admin. Then, went out with dora to get more shoelaces for the councillors, had some bonding time with that girl too teehee. Came back school for round two of photoshoot and today was much more efficient and effective compared to the day before. Partly was due to the time limit given and we are more familiarise with the things we had to do and portray. And of course, not forgetting the good photographer here. HAHAHA
After photoshoot, council briefing. It was the very first time that all ogls since recruitment and promos results gathered together. I am family master of family 2 and also the purple family master. That family master that loves purple with her life and is so excited because she got purple for her family hahah. Admin stuff at the start and then briefing starts. Icebreakers next & my family started to open up to one another and teehee, I could see by the end of the day, they were actually interacting with one another and having their small convos here and there J
It was honestly really heartwarming to see them all together & I am glad that we are able to start to have fun with each other already J
Homework was given and finally it was saying goodbye. But, this goodbye actually marks the very first family meeting that we are going to have that is upcoming soon. There are really many many things to be done, family name, cheer, banner design and walk-in. the deadlines are rather tight so I genuinely hope that I able to reach all of them and that everything will run out smoothly and yes, I am here sacrificing all my holidays for this orientation. Honestly, I don’t really know if I am able to study much though but I still have to try and make an effort right? Yeap, I can. Yes, I can. J
When everything was over, idk how it really happens as well. Nic, Jeevan, Sean and Joachim gathered together again. I wanted to pop in but I thought it was weird so I wanted to get lost but they opened up a space for me xD it was so funny because our dear Felicia broke down. She was being told off by dianna that prom briefing happened when there were things not finalised yet, oh well. I actually wanted to talk to her after the whole thing today but I saw her walking out so so sad, I felt bad so I think I would save it for another day sigh…
^ btw friends, she is in my family lmao.
And I think over these few days, I somehow was able to join the convo for that four dudes and hahah, I actually sat down with them today and we were all just talking about Felicia the whole time. And ‘don’t be rude’ is now my new phrase because it applies in all context and all situations, especially today I was saying it to all of them today so so much hahah. And yeap, they called me for dinner woohoo. And they also called a few more too. Dinner was okay, until I ordered the wrong food, killed myself with how spicy the soup was, got dizzy, and dropped my water bottle cover into the soup and got it splashed all over my bag, face turned so so red and was sneezing so hard as well. And worst of the worst, I dropped and broke my favourite body mist… yes friends, I dropped and broke it. The whole bottle spilled and all the liquid just came out just like that, and I lost ¾ of a bottle of my favourite body mist. I was so affected by it okay friends. It was so so depressing and everyone on the table was so afraid of me now. I needed an extra pair of eyes in all the things I do & yes, I am labelled as the ‘walking hazard’ once again. It was so stupid I cannot omg, what was I thinking urgh. And then when we were walking back, they were saying how I will keep on falling so I needed bodyguards to guide my way through. So I had like two of them walking in front of me and two at the back. And I guess I was too sad, I kept on tripping over myself and yes, I was going to fall again okay friends. We part ways, so Melissa, afrina and ms emma went another way, chuken and Joachim went opposite side and yes, me nic and jeevan went the mrt side. But it was only me and nic because jeevan went to the opposite of the mrt. And everyone, for the very first time, i went home with nic and it was just the two of us from tampines to paya. We sat at the corner seats because it was just a random statement I made and it was for the very first time I realised how close the seats were?? I couldn’t sit sideway because I would end up kicking him a lot but we wanted to talk so we kind of had to tilt our bodies a bit and we ended up sitting so up close to each other. Guys, it was so close that I actually got a shock omg. I kept on leaning back because we were sitting too close together already?? But don’t worry friends, I remembered what I said okay. I know where I stand okay.
^ but seriously, please give me an award now friends. Please give me an award because we went home together and we even sat together and talk about life hahah.
And nic is becoming so council please, like he is so much more positive than before and he is also much warmer than before alre. And omg jeevan also texted asking me, am I alright omg.. and Joachim was such a sweetheart because he said I did such a great job for farewell, so family master is nothing. And he even said I will definitely be one of the best and he was so sure about it omg. I was so touched that I told him we can do this together because we are not in this together and yes, he said we are now one big family!! we are now one ohana omg !!
It was such a random convo and then he started saying I am really nice omg!! Guys, this is the very first time Joachim ever said such nice things to me omg!! I think I am going to cry because I am so touched omg!! Omg, yay so much love for Joachim now woohoo!! Oh, and Brandon texted the family masters group too!! He said that one of my ogl told him that the councillors in family 2 were doing a great job in leading and getting them together!! omg, that is way too much of a compliment or affirmation to me because it was unexpected coming from my ogl and it was from Brandon as well!! Omg, why are everyone so sweet towards me omg!! And not forgetting chuken, all his real comforting words about my results and how much faith the exco had in me !! guys, thank you for telling me all these time I spent on my patience were more than worth it and thanks for telling me that I am capable of doing more things I can !! I couldn’t ask for anymore and I will do and give my very best to this orientation and make sure family 2 will shine so much like never before!!
Thank you all so so much!! (deep bow 90 degree)
Can’t wait to get into this and awaken the burst in me now !!

‘never underestimate yourself because you’re more capable than you know’


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Bittersweet :')

Okay, I don't even know how to start because it is honestly mixed feelings right now. Today was a rather good day but it ended on a rather sad note.... Though i expected some of the situations but when it was really in my face, i am just not ready to accept it yet.....
I am thankful that my entire clique is promoted and that all of us did rather well as well this time.
Thanks for working so hard and thanks for being together in this with me, i couldn't ask for anything else already. From the bottom of my heart, i thank you all so so much :')

Mon: Collected my results and it was all alright and i am just glad that i am promoted and that i am going to be part of orientation team 2016. I am not going to be complacent but i am just going to be thankful that i am now together in this with them :')

Tues: deepavali, and spent quality time with da lim family and times like this, i am thankful and felt so blessed to have them for the rest of my life *^_^*

Wed: no school day because guess who has no lesson woohoo.

Thurs: went to school for half an hour to check results, and yes i really got 61.25 for rank points wow. And i went shopping with mama and bought new clothes too yay. So happy omg, collection for Australia trip increased and expanded and yes, i can plan for my fashion show already omg. SO EXCITED OMG FINALLY IT IS COMING NOW \^O^/

And yes, highlight of the week is today. For this week, the entire week, i heard so much about promotion and retention. Honestly, i was so worried about all this promotion and retention and all, like i had this fear that i am unable to make it but thankfully, i didn't disappoint anyone and i was able to go up with the rest and yes, go onto orientation together and graduate in 2016 :)
So many people i know, so many people i had confident in didn't make it and it shocked me so much. especially those that worked extremely harder and so much more harder than me actually didn't make it. I am genuinely thankful for all the people around me that actually believed in me and supported me in this journey. Yes, jieai thank you all so so much :)
And then, it then dawned on me that my class, A02 is unable to promote as 17. Though it was kind of expected, but when it is really in my face, i was thrown off guard so much, sigh so so much :(
And then the other clique, each and everyone of them posted a clique photo and left a really long dedications for them. And then, i felt all the sadness and mixed feelings in me. Though we are so different and that A02 didn't started out well, but i just wanted A02 is able to go up as one together sigh ): i never knew it was more than a dream, and i just realised that promoting as a class is no more an individual effort but it is one whole class efforts, oh dear.... And especially, kerie she worked so much harder for econs compared to me, yes hardwork paid off she got a B but i guess she didn't do rather well for her other subjects which resulted in her current state. sigh i felt bad for her and i felt so sorry too... There are so many people honestly working much harder than me but oh dear, when i see all of them crying omg.. so not ready omg..
And council also had farewell party and general meeting today. It was the very last time we are able to gather as 33. I felt so sad omg like i always thought councillors can all study very well and that if i don't make an effort or up my game, i will always be that one person dragging all of us down. But, i never knew about all these, like actually not us all can make it, and yes i admit it pains me a little to see people leaving, like i love council so much like so so much. Especially during the sharing today, when i watched everyone share and one council coming together, i never felt so thankful and blessed to be part of this family. Time after time, i worked hard and want to contribute myself for council because i genuinely love this group of people so much that i know i am more than willing to dedicate my time and efforts to them.
And yes, i felt bad for Melvin too ... Like the fact that he is really going to leave i guess it hurts me a little especially when i watched how the excos were crying at the end of today, our poor dora and zhinning. And most importantly, i think it hit jeevan the most because he has 2 people leaving council, both melvin and melissa. Honestly, i forgotten about melissa and then when he told me, i was just so speechless. He was so upset that all his close ones in council are all leaving ): omg, it pains me so much because i guess we all overestimated jeevan so so much ): he is really a devil with a very soft heart omg... Like his no chill, and can't be bothered with life attitude, actually lies above the super sweet, super thoughtful and super super heartwarming jeevan )';
I just hope that he will get better and that he will cheer up too! He is someone that i know i will be really thankful in council after next year because of his unspoken love for his comm members teehee :3
And finally, i am reaching here.
Today, I am officially appointed as the A I/C for Welfare Comm.
Jeevan officially announced it to the council during general meeting.
He literally threw a bomb and threw me so off guard that i was left all embarrassed.
Like when he was going to announce, okay i admit my heart was beating damn fast and i secretly want that position also...... BUT I ALSO KNOW THAT shuihan is also capable enough to take up that role too. So if shuihan got it, i won't deny and will congratulate her so much becasue i know she will make a great aic too :)
But what makes me hard to believe and still in a state of shock was jeevan actually saw the leadership skills in me and he saw my efforts in council and he recognized all of them and made me the aic.
The best four words to describe me: 受宠若惊
I am so thankful and totally didn't expect this at all. What truly touch me was i felt appreciated in council. Sigh i think i am being really shitty here but i guess i want compliments too?? I admit i was rather disappointed at mum's reaction because i kind of expected more. I guess i wasn't expecting much praises or anything but the fact that she said whatever i scored was nothing and that it's actually rather bad hurt me so much because i am in tampines and that i am still not putting any efforts into academics kind of get on me i guess?? And also ms koh didn't say anything about my results so it also bugs me too?? Like she didn't comment much (i should be thankful right) but at the same time sigh, i think it was still not much of vast improvement just yet?? sigh ): i guess i really needed some affirmations?? I felt so sad at myself though like idk why either.. i think all the criticisms received recently were really too much, to the extent that i needed some form of comfort so desperately.
Honestly, when jeevan announced to everyone that i was the aic, i wanted to break down at the point of time because everyday i am just receiving rather harsh comments about my studies, character and personality and everything basically?? It has honestly been a while that i felt appreciated and someone took notice my efforts...  I can't believe i became such a loser omg (i am sorry friends)
The aic came so sudden and it is probably the best present, gift, reward and most importantly an affirmation and recognition that i could ever receive this week, apart from the fact that i am promoted. And also the appreciation cards omg.... i felt so much from the real simple messages from everyone and i realised how desperately that i needed someone to tell me that 'hey jieai you are actually better than you think, stop looking down about yourself' And this is why i say i am always thankful in council, becasue whatever can't be achieve elsewhere, council will give it to me. At home, i can't seemed to live up to mama's expectations and also in class, i can't seemed to click with the people from the other side. Council saw my efforts and give me the credits and i love all the council people so so much. I am able to be part of them and yes, i feel belonged :) & also, i am always shadowed back at chung cheng, but council gave my so many chances and opportunities to shine, to grow, and to become who i am today :')
It was all simple actions but they touched me so so much sigh ....
And though i try to make improvements at home, but i guess drama is really taking over me so much though, not admitting that fact that i am using the laptop so much everyday for my entertainment purposes. But the thing is, i find comfort in all the dramas, and i find warmth in all the love stores i am reading. It is a breakaway from everything that is happening around me so i somehow got so caught up in them that i didn't realise it myself too??
But i know i also need to get my shit together too. After the current drama, kill me heal me, i will plan my life properly together. Yes, i will. But it has been a good and really recharged one month and 1-2 weeks more of fun and just being, me :) I am ready to work hard again, and quote from ms koh, get my engine started again, and balance my life between council, aka orientation and ogl camp, and my entertainment and social life :)
Can't wait for everything to get started and leaving my footprints in them all teehee :3
You can do it jieai! love you loads!

'You are braver than you know, smarter than you think and stronger than you seemed'


Monday, November 9, 2015

I DID IT !!!


GP: 54/100 Grade: D
Maths: 50/60 Grade: A
Econs: 45/80 Grade: C
Chi: 111.5/200 Grade: C
Geo: 57/100 Grade: C

Conclusion: A total of 61.25 rank points are recorded and yes, I AM GOING TO PROMOTE OMG YES I AM
I am so so so happy now omg!!

'hard work doesn't betrays' :')


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Countdown to death

Yeap, like my title, i am counting to my death and my graveyard. I am left with two more days, before i know i am dead or survived. Mama said she is going to kill me so much if i can't make it and yes, i am scared to death now urgh. I thought today i was going to know if my chinese was able to make it or not but turn out, it was just a lesson and nothing else.

Mon: the very last op consult before the real day. omg, and we had a mini drama before our consult and meeting wtf. omg, i am so pissed off with raghul wtf urgh. So apparently, my group tied our props to the council window railings because this noob councillor can't open the door and we left it there since last wed. The bag was there until that morning, and when i wanted to take or actually just to make sure that it was still there. HOLY MOTHER GOD IT WENT GONE GUYS IT IS G O N E
And when i couldn't see it, i thought i was going to die and i genuinely hope my eyes were just playing tricks with me and that the bag was just placed somewhere inside the room because someone was just afriad that it will be gone easily. I have ten thousand thoughts running through my mind at that point of time and i was so scared that someone actually threw it away omg. I was so scared that it was actually gone last week when we were all not in school. I was so scared becasue if it was really gone, it will really be my fault becasue i didn't want to learn to open the door which resulted in us tying at the railings there. I would be responsible for 5 people op score. I was so so cared omg. I called so many people that day. I called jeevan, but i was so scared i will wake him up, when it is still in the morning. The first time i said after hi was 'omg i am so sorry for waking you up so early in the morning' and GUYS HIS REPLY: 'nvm , it is okay. i also just woke up.' and with the most soft volume and tune omg i was this close to crying i swear. And then i asked him for help and like the entire situation, and he patiently told me what to do omg T-T so so touched sigh ): and i called so many people that day, ran up and down the school too sigh... i was so scared urgh and the fear spread just like how an ink spread on a piece of paper, so rapid and efficient. Denise was so anxious and that she couldn't stop cursing urgh ): And then, yishan replied in the group and told me the bag is with raghul, and so bascially the situation was raghul was late for school and he don't have the time to go the council room to take his props so his group asked help from the other councillor, and yishan happened to be there so she went into the room and just grabbed something that looked like a prop bag, and yes you got it, she grabbed my bag. And when they realised it is the wrong one, they took theirs and had no time so they didn't return ours. And when they were having their op, guess who came back to school and went to check for the props bag. What makes me really annoyed and pissed off was raghul still claimed it wasn't his fault and he shouted out loud at the cafe 'eh it is not my fault!' EXCUSE ME HOW IS IT NOT YOUR FAULT you were late for school and you couldn't make it on time to collect your stuffs so you took a wrong one caused that group to panic for nothing and we thought we were going to die becasue we lost all our hardwork just one day before the real thing. Are you saying that it is nothing major and becasue it wasn't your group that is why you can't be bothered? Can you put yourself in other people's shoes and think for them as well? No wonder no one want to hang out with you and you question why you are unable to make friends in council. Please, GRC is in everyone's face but no man, you plain dumb shit don't even know the existence about it??!! Are you dumb or idiot urgh??? Omg, i am so angry urgh. If you actually bothered to explain the situation to me, i am more than willing to put everything aside and say 'yeah, it is okay, nevermind' BUT NO U DID NO SHIT. Now, i finally understand the meaning of 'even the existence disgust and annoy you so much' good job to yourself, you just made yourself an enemy and from today onwards, i am going to be really mean and maybe all my comments and actions are going to be personal attack to you. Don't worry, it may have a second meaning, but it will eventually come back to you. Good job raghul, i officially have issues against you now.
And yeah, when i finally got back my stuff, i quickly text jeevan and told him i found my stuff. Even though it wasn't any of his responsibility, he helped me and told me what to do. he also kept on checking on me to ask if i got my stuff back or not, and when i thanked him, he said it was nothing and urgh, i felt so warmed inside and so touched omg. I love jeevan so much guys, so thankful he is in welfare with me, so thankful he is the comm head, so thankful he is my ma partner too, becasue we actually gotten rather comfortable with each other through the amount of time we spent together omg. wtf both indians, two diverse SO DIVERSE personalities wtf. so done with one and so thankful for the other one.

Thurs: submitted I&R and GPP, and yes I HEREBY OFFICIALLY DECLARE AM SO DONE AND OVER WITH PROJECT WORK 2015 !!!!!!!!!!!! I am so thankful and happy omg, like finally, after a good eight months worth of hardship, it is all over & all we have to do now is to wait for the arrival of march 2016 and then we will know whether all the shit we went through were they worth it or not. Honestly, and i genuinely hope that tp119, everyone will get an A and then we can call each other a really great family in pw because i really feel all of us, all of us put in the same amount of hardwork and i can safely tell you that no one slack in this journey. Though it was a full girls team, it was a team that are so independent and worked so diligently and relentlessly. And i am so proud of each and everyone of them. :') when we signed our document, i couldn't be more thankful & i just can't believe that, AHAHAHA. I survived it so so well teehee :)
& yes, when pw is done, TIME TO PARTYYYYY \^O^/ clique outing finally happened, but only 5/7 of attendance smh. But it is okay, the people that didn't come happened to be the upcoming birthday stars so we ended up buying their presents instead yeap. And it was rather fun and i am glad that i decided to go instead :) it was a rather simple outing of eating, walking around and looking for gifts and looking at retarded stuffs and whatnot, but it was unexpectedly enjoyable :) bonus: bought new clothes too woohoo!! i guess, i really do need to make the efforts to step out of myself and just try to become one of them so that i will be able to improve and change for the better. I should be more courageous and actually just try to include myself more, glad i did that :)
(oh, and at fish & co, we paid 10 bucks worth of coins from hidayah wallet & also exchange some with the waiter hahaha)

Fri: lessons officially commence and today is day 1, chinese lesson. Went back to school for chi lesson and as usual, can't stay awake and slept through the second half of the lesson omg. ^ some things can't be helped right?? Afternoon, went to join chuken's clique for kbbq lunch. Lunch was rather alright and we went for bingsu too yay. Nunsarang is my fourth brand and yes, it is good omg. Okay, i still think ohma spoon and nunsaram are better but it is okay, this is near the school and bingsu craving can be satisfied even more now. smh i have all the bingsu shops near my areas but i am not eating them all?? Like i have two near my house, and one near my school and my bingsu experience is so slow fml. And yes, the highlight of the day (to me) OUR TIMES OMG ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 徐太宇 is so worth dying for teehee. Watched it the second time but it was beyond worth it omg??? Let me tell you why i love our times so much, yes it is better than na xie nian, like ten thousand times better?? Our times has a better story plot, and the flow of story is much much more smoother, and na xie nian just cut them all which makes it very abrupt. Transition of story and the scenes make more sense and logical compared to na xie nian and i genuinely appreciate how the director allow the story to process slowly and allow the audience to slowly get into the story and mood. Selection of characters are excellent especially for the grown up version and the teachers and friends as well. The grown up version matched the younger version character and personality and yes, i can then draw the links and it does not seemed awkward as well. But what i love love love most is the little details that the director and production team did not overlook and choose it to show them to their audience. All the little things yes, honestly we as audience can overlook, they told it all to us. The scene that he was beaten up just as to protect the standee and her touched me so much and when i was watching for the first time, i teared at that scene. And the scene when he turned away after pushing her to her admired guy, urgh i felt his sadness and yes, the production team can easily just choose to look away, they told us (: and all the little things of why he did it to her or for her, i can feel his little love and affection for her as well (: it was just a simple thing of waiting for her at the shops outside but they actually told us how he felt so i am like omg. To me, the main plot is important, but what drives people crazy are the little things. the little details that may seemed insignificant but when you add them all up, they create an impact that last forever. And because they are so little and small, they can be easily forgotten just as well. And o the flip coin, the characters will only remembered these little things just as well. And when all these little things came together, they form the amazing puzzle call 'memories/affections'. I am really fascinated by the details in this movie which makes me give so much love for it. And the ending was great as well :) Normally, especially this kind of movie the ending is very hard to put it together because you want to keep the sweet sweet thoughts of the memories but you can't really put the main characters together, or else it will lose the original feeling of it. But, our times :) they close the movie really well :) it was a very simple ending and that he promised to fulfill his promise to her. it was a perfect ending.
Our times is really a great movie and i genuinely recommend everyone to go watch it and feel the love for yourself. Bonus: the cinema reactions HAHAHA. I had so much fun hearing the reactions.



Tuesday, November 3, 2015

PW Status : 95% completed :')

Just like my title, pw is ending, &  yes, we are this close to the official closure and end of pw :")
Mixed feelings right now because i am not ready, and it doesn't feel real that it is all going to be over so so so soon oh dear. We are done with OP today, the other component that weighs 40% for the grade and honestly, i can say that my group did really & exceptionally well because we put in our heart and soul, know our lines so well that we actually got disgusted with it. Presentation and performances were great as well because we did just as practiced & we slayed it so so hard :') teehee. i can't put my feelings into words now because i am feeling so relieved and a sense of surreal and disbelief in me now. All the hours i spent on pw, all the brain juices i spent on pw, all the researching and typing i did for pw, all the interaction we as groupmates, all the love satisfaction and hatred i have for pw and him,urgh all these memories are running madly around my mind now. sigh, pw i hate and love you so much now ): you gave me so much trouble, disagreements, conflicts, and unwanted and unnecessary pain and discomfort, but i only learnt to look on the nice side of you when everything is going to an end. All these painstaking moments i went through, they have become something that i know i am going to remember and hold on for a very very long time :')
At the start, i couldn't even write or even craft a proper document, and actually have issues expressing myself and didn't really understand your instructions given. I even don't know how to do research. PI was beyond speechless. I am never going to deny the fact that it was utter rubbish and yes, if i am given one more chance, can i ask for a brand new submission?? (dream on, right?) & he even asked me if i was able to balance the workload of both a student and a councillor urgh, and i did a total of 7 drafts just for a PI, just for a 5% for pw.
GPP came along, and my poor group had so much trouble coming up with along ideas & our ideas were rejected three times, until he gave us a list of choices and asked us to take our pick. In the end, we settled with Qr Code Scanner, a fridge scan that are used to keep track of the freshness of the food in the refrigerator. Food wastage and foodborne illnesses that decided to come along, and this become our project aim. We wanted to hep our target group, the common household to come up with a solution to curb food wastage and foodborne illnesses with new food storage methods, and hence expiry dates came into the picture. All the research work started and the crafting our WR officially commence. Language was bad tragic and unable to comprehend. Content was vague and all over the place. Whatever written does not demonstrate any logic or any intelligence. It was just smoking my way through and nothing makes any sense. I suffered the same issue, week after week. Every week, it was the same painful process of editing and changing the content, improving the language etc. When GPP was finally done, Scandenza was created. Scandenza IS probably our group greatest creation :') something that we are so so proud of.
And then, it was EoM. A research paper that was done very last minute actually got accepted and approved by him, which threw me off guard so much. I worked hard for EoM but because of PI, I was so paranoid and had so much fear when it comes to individual component. Submitted first draft and the feedback was rather peaceful and encouraging. It was the very first time that i felt appreciated and relieved in pw. I was this close to break down when he told me it was definitely a much better piece of work compared to PI. I never felt so touched and happy for pw before. And this was the first, for pw. :') That was maybe my confidence boost for pw, and from then, i was able to write better english and actually seemed to understand and act accordingly for my other parts of pw. :) I forgotten when all the citations work came in, probably during EoM stage as well?? Whatever it is, citation was another painful process, because it was the begin of another round of research and finding webpage to certify and prove the content i am writing. Especially for my chapter, it was about the current measures and the limitations. I was researching so much about food wastage & expiry dates to the point that all my related searches and few top searches became all about them ._. and i did chapter 5 and bibliography. Rather proud of myself because all the pain i had for chapter 2, chapter 5 was more of a breeze and i understand his expectations better. teehee yay for jieai improvements guys woohoo.
And when he started commenting lesser and lesser on our WR and told us that 'we're okay', i guess it was the best compliment you can ever receive from him hahah. And by then, our WR was more or less done. YAY FOR WR (THEN)
Pw came to a halt during promos period and condensing for WR commence after that. This was known as stage 2 of WR. And because of the word limit, i had to remove 3/5 of what i have written for And when condensing was more or less done, it was OOOOPPPP
OOOOOPPPPPP started out fine??? Slides were put up for the first time, scripts were written as well. Of course, i went through rounds and rounds again of editing and perfecting my script. But it was alright, because at the end, whatever i presented today was the number 1 perfect one teehee :) Week after week, for a month and slightly a bit more, we were just editing slides, editing scripts, coming up with ideas to improve our performances, and here and there, making changes for our WR. At the, it wasn't that stressful or tiring for pw, or maybe for my group because what we had to do were mainly done and all we had to do was just to focus on op. Farewell came in as well so it was just pw and council that kept me busy. We went through rounds of op practice, and showcase to honestly many many people already. I genuinely believe many have seen us present and many have heard of the scandenza tablet and family tp119 hahah.
We were panicky when WR deadline was drawing close and just when we thought we are able to submit our WR already, no man we were through rounds of reediting, reprinting, and running up and down the school and the tampines area so much. It was so rushed and so anxious and urgh, that day was just a bad day as well. (not going to mention anymore about that day so stupid omg)
Props making were along the process of op practice and op preparation, and as the days went by, we came up with even more crazy ideas for our presentation and make the entire thing a greater part of our op. family tp119 was developed because we were focusing on the common household. each of us took up a role of this family and form the happiest family teehee. and finally today is the day. d-day. all the hardwork that we endured before is finally going to be over. today was crazy. watched all presentations and was dying for first two because dying of anxiety and nervousness. last group was still okay, got somewhat bored but still caught myself on and didn't died lmao. okay, not bragging or being biased here but family tp119 is the best out of all four groups presentation omg. we were honestly the most prepared out of all, and we are the group with the most creation becasue we had the best transition and we had the best package teehee :3 family tp119 pride yay and then we had our photoshoot, with him and without him. marina called him a burden and annoying hahah & with this, the day ended &  i finished my korean shows for the day teehee.
I&R is also fine and going to submit soon on this coming thursday, except for a small episode of him insulting my I&R when he asked me if the work was done by me myself because the language was too sophisticated for a jieai (wah rude kid seriously) and of course when he said that, it was obvious that this piece of individual work was the best out of all my 3 pieces of individual components yay. & this coming thurs will mark the official end to the entire journey of pw & official put a seal to this bittersweet journey. we faced many many like literally so many ups and downs, went on i-lost-counts times of rollar coaster, so many moments that we suffered internally, when he said he was disappointed with our work, and asked why was it incompleted and there is five of us, why the work like that; and celebrated the crazy and unbelievable moments, for example when he commented 'nice sketch' on your tablet sketch and really many many more. we didn't stay back until 7/8, but we had to sacrifice our weekends without fail for pw. we didn't had to rush through any components, but no one does pw as much as his class. maybe we didn't went through as much as others on the surface, but we actually had to communicate with him every single week without fail and he was someone that didn't accept any nonsense and each draft that was submitted had to show some improvements compared to the previous one. he didn't allow any late submissions and he outright critisise your work, and at times give really sarcastic remarks. anyone caught not following his instructions will be sen tout of class or he will ignored him/her and not entertain his/her work as well. but then, he remembered our simple requests, such as baking malay cookies for us when it was just out of random complains. he continued to try to be really patient with us. he continued to give us certain compliments as and when as well. friends, his remarks such as 'good job, i see an improvement. not bad, i like.' these are proably some of his greatest compliments he can showered on you, and when he gives you such comments, you can be happy for the rest of the day because he is genuinely pleased with your work :) he also used really friendly terms and called us 'aunty in our email when he replied us. he wore his baju to class during hari raya and we had so much fun laughing at him teehee. he talked about his son to us and friends, i might end up babysitting hi son this coming holidays, and i am going to get paid for it okay. (not confirmed though, but still it will happen omg)
hazrin & his family tp119 
I genuinely felt that i really went through a lot for pw & it has been a crazy journey with all my wonderful and amazing groupmates and him. everything has now become a part of my jc memories and i know i am going to hold on very closely and dearly to them :)  pw is painful, but i guess i learnt to toughen up during this process and i learnt that things generally don't go your way, but if work hard & you can definitely see the sun rising :)
food wasting is going to continue on my part because there are times when i just can't finish my food or i just don't feel like eating oops. but whatever it is, it is not about food wastage, i think the friendship i forged during the process & the lifelong skills that i picked up, such as writing documents & dealing with unexpected situations, there are going to be in me from now onwards :)

Thank you family tp119, it was more than just a journey together. it has become something that i don't want to exchange or trade it for. (: love you all so much
jessa (leader) - grandma
jieai - mum
denise - dad
charmaine - first daughter
marina - second daughter

 'family, means standing by with you no matter what happens in life'
