Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Yes, I Do

What is Marriage?
Some say it is the start of a brand new life.
Some say it is the graveyard of a sweet relationship.
At the age of 17, i really don't know what is marriage. I have so many questions and doubts about marriage. Neither will i be ready to accept someone into my life & tell myself that 'yes, he is the one all this while & yes, i wanna spend the rest of my life with him'
All the dramas, all the soap operas on tv, they picture relationships, picture love, picture marriage into something that is way too sweet and dreamy, way too romantic; but we often forgotten the pain, fear, discomfort and sorrows behind all these sweet sweet image.
'Will you, Groom/Bride, take ___ as your lawful wedded wife/husband, protecting her/him, and tending to her/his needs through illness and disappointment? Will you strive to understand her/him, giving her/him comfort when she/he seeks it from you? Will you try never to say in anger that which you wouldn't say in friendship? And when each night comes, will you got to sleep with thanks for her/his presence at your side and renewed love for her/him in your heart?'
^ yes, i copied this from somewhere & but actually, i am still very touched by all the words. they are the very standard ones but i always feel so much whenever i see them.
I witnessed a declaration and pronouncement of marriage today. Honestly, i didn't want to be there, but now i guess it was worth to wake up early from bed for it. There was no decorations, the venue was a simple one, and there was no great or romantic ambiance or extraordinary ceremonies, but just a very simple reading the declaration & saying 'Yes, I Do'. (Omg, that couple even forget to bring their wedding rings oh dear god) Maybe, it was just a simple reciting whatever that was printed on the book, but at that moment, i realised, no matter how long a couple has been in a relationship, watched how much the other party had changed all these years of spending time together, when you said 'I Do', you are ready, and you know that, he/she is the one that you are going to spend the rest of your life with. There are still ten thousands chances and opportunities left out there in the world, but you ain't going to look around anymore, because you are certain, you are very sure that, the one that is right in front of you, the one that you are reciting to is the one and only you need in your life.
And when all these happen, after going through all the hassle of the preparation for marriage, after being so certain and telling yourself that 'no, i am not going to regret anymore', why is there still divorce? Why are people screaming their heads off over real trivial matters, things that should have been resolved or already be made known to each other before you decide to sign your marriage certificate?
Yes, you can say i am only 17 and way too naive to know about the outside world, to know about the adults' world. I am not going to doubt that. My life experiences are still very limited too, no doubt. I just feel that since the both of you have decided to come together, you should know that without any pain, you can't gain anything. No sacrifices, no rewards. You can't always get things your way and neither should you always be the one comprising. It is all about striking a balance, finding your own voice and understanding your partner's needs as well. I am honestly disgusted with couples that swore to love each other until their next life, and even want to have each other as their spouse once again, and i am just like 'seriously, are you kidding me? you have yet to have enough of your unacceptable ways of your husband/wife?' i don't want, i just feel that fate brought us together this life, so let's just cherish all the good times and moments together and make sure, we are able to leave without regrets, knowing that you and your partner have been really good to each other and thankful for each other for the journey together. In your next life, i am willing to let you go and allow you to find a new one. And similarly, for yourself too! You are also now free to find another partner whom you know that 'yes, it is possible to another one that i know i can spend the rest of my life with'.
But, i am actually touched with the words found in the declaration today. Yes, there is still hope in the world, yes there is. I am willing to believe that my future partner will be there for me after we have swore our love for each other. It may not be easy, but since i have made this decision, i am willing to have that courage and make sure my marriage will work out. There is only one chance in this life, so make sure we grab hold of it really really really well.
Yes, marriage didn't ask for a couple to live together for the next thousands of years, but it was clear that we must always be there for each other through thick and thin, rich or poor. It doesn't matter how things turned out in the end, it is the process and the time that spent together that make your marriage life worthy. You can be the most envious couple by the world, but you are probably nothing when you are unhappy in your marriage. To me, the happiest couple doesn't have to be the richest couple or the couple with the greatest fame and glory. The happiest couple is both partners know that, no matter what happens, no matter what they are facing or whatever obstacles in their way, either one will not let go the other partner's hand. They will hold on tightly onto each other and brace through all life challenges together.

Today, i am touched. Really touched, because i know this couple is going to go far and go long, because they have watched each other grew all these times, but they know, they still want each other for the rest of their life. (:

'Find the most suitable one, not the best one.'


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